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Breakthrough - Tanya Tanya Buff thread


TYM White Knight
Honestly, dragon naganata has dirt, it just suffers from general lack of safety. Outside of instant air Pogo she has no options with Pogo stance. Anytime she goes to that option and you block it she is totally checked by njp's. She can play footsies, but even those options are just fair at best. She has one true wakeup and it's extremely predictable and majorly punishable. She relies on whiff punishing but the variation has nothing unique to whiff punish with other than bf2 and that doesn't lead to any combo damage.

You can tell this character was designed with the recovery of the old teleports in mind because as it stands she is negative on anything from that Pogo, and even a jump back teleport is not a guarantee for safety.


It has begun
I'm not gonna argue for or against the buffs, just gonna point out that this thread is making very clear who was getting carried by the character, lol


I'm not gonna argue for or against the buffs, just gonna point out that this thread is making very clear who was getting carried by the character, lol
The recent discussion has been about buffs for Pyromancer and Dragon Naginata, variations that haven't carried anyone since the invincible teleports were nerfed.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I'm not gonna argue for or against the buffs, just gonna point out that this thread is making very clear who was getting carried by the character, lol
When were Pyro/DN users carried by the character???

Have you actually read this thread or are you just a straggler of the Tanya hate crew? (That is sooooo Feb 2016 :p )

The character genuinely has issues which are worthy of discussion... my suggestion is familiarizing yourself with her variations prior to making patronising comments...

Matador Fiend

Kinda bs they took this chars best tool and nerfed it then gave it to a new character. Im not sure what NRS' mindset is sometimes. I dont think its $$ because casuals dont get involved tok much in the meta

Dragons Rule!!!

"I enjoy these encounters."
Lol this thread is pretty much the explanation as to why most Tanya players would pick kobu. The nerfs kept hitting her and kobu was the only good thing left. Actually, was she the only character who was nerfed every patch? (since her release of course) Im starting to think the teleport is the real problem with everything. Why give someone an amazing teleport when you know everyone was going to have a problem with it? Come on NRS!!!! And then you nerf it!?!?!?!? If you intended on making a character with a get out of jail free card, then keep them. Besides, she was still pretty beatable with the teleport, you just had to respect it.......a lot.......I bet she's also the only character with a thread like this one too!!!! Lol.

P.S. To all you Tanya haters! Tanya has weakness' too just like every other character !


Lol this thread is pretty much the explanation as to why most Tanya players would pick kobu. The nerfs kept hitting her and kobu was the only good thing left. Actually, was she the only character who was nerfed every patch? (since her release of course) Im starting to think the teleport is the real problem with everything. Why give someone an amazing teleport when you know everyone was going to have a problem with it? Come on NRS!!!! And then you nerf it!?!?!?!? If you intended on making a character with a get out of jail free card, then keep them. Besides, she was still pretty beatable with the teleport, you just had to respect it.......a lot.......I bet she's also the only character with a thread like this one too!!!! Lol.

P.S. To all you Tanya haters! Tanya has weakness' too just like every other character !
She didn't even need that in her moveset to begin with.

Dragons Rule!!!

"I enjoy these encounters."
She didn't even need that in her moveset to begin with.

I'm 50/50 with the teleport. I love it! A lot! But it does sometimes seem like it wasn't nesscesary. It's useful, but in kobu I don't think she would really need it. Pyromancer....meh, (just need to give this hoe some fire strings) and Draginata....dependent on it!!! Or at least to some degree. (My opinion) I mean I still like to dance around the screen from time to time but it's just a fun gimmick gone wrong to me. I'm not even sure anymore. I'll just blame the teleport for everything.



I'm 50/50 with the teleport. I love it! A lot! But it does sometimes seem like it wasn't nesscesary. It's useful, but in kobu I don't think she would really need it. Pyromancer....meh, (just need to give this hoe some fire strings) and Draginata....dependent on it!!! Or at least to some degree. (My opinion) I mean I still like to dance around the screen from time to time but it's just a fun gimmick gone wrong to me. I'm not even sure anymore. I'll just blame the teleport for everything.

They could've replaced it with an acrobatic air flip move that's a good anti air, or an air back flip move. Both could combo. She would only need one and either one is good.
Here's what I'm thinking... (Just my opinion)

•Bring her original damage back, or at least decrease the scaling a bit. (You shouldn't have to spend a bar just to get 30%.)
• Keep gaps and other strings how they are right now.
• Change 34 back to how it used to be.
•Pyro definitely needs more fireball strings that ignite the shroud.
•Dragon Naginata should be more reminiscent of Sonya's Covert Ops stance. I.E. Having more combo opportunities from staff dance.


The First Element
You all ways find a Tanya hater on each page of a thread, it's ironic ;) Possible explanation for this malarkey is that these guy's are pretty much afraid she'll be buffed back to what she was. We're not asking for that...we just want answers to why this character is now incomplete. A character with so much potential.


The Ignore Button Is Free
The only thing I don't get is why they nerfed her damage. She didn't even hit hard and a majority of the damage came thru chip. They nerfed the chip (which was respectable), but nerfed her damage as well? Why? Ex tonfa toss SUPER DUPER scaled her damage on hit and she barely got over 40% in the corner while some characters do more than that with ease (some even doing it meterlessly). This, of course, is my view on it as a Kobu player. I can't speak on DN at all since I never touched it. Pyro could use some help tho.

O. I don't get the 34 nerf either. Like....who cried about 34 tho lol

Dragons Rule!!!

"I enjoy these encounters."
:pAs much as I love the teleport I wouldn't mind if it was replaced it with her old invisibility move. I think it was called "find me"? Lol she'll really fuck some people over then.

Random/Dumb/awesome ideas 101


:pAs much as I love the teleport I wouldn't mind if it was replaced it with her old invisibility move. I think it was called "find me"? Lol she'll really fuck some people over then.

Random/Dumb/awesome ideas 101
Yes..... Put it in pyromancer and she's covered in flames when she goes invisible.
She can move a lot faster when she's invisible which makes up for any lost mobility gained with the teleports. Perfect! Then give Kobu and Naginata another special each along with the buffs each variation needs and perfect, she's amazing again.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I really like the teleport, and I want it to stay but they could make it different for each variation

Revert DN's to the old tele
Keep the current one for Kobu
And a damaging flame one that does fire damage on hit for Pyro for extra offense

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
You can still buffer an input in through the animation. My corner dragon nag blockstring looks like this.
B32xxex f Tele jikxx b Tele jikxx overhead spin or low drop. It's pretty dirty stuff.


Publicly Educated
What do you guy's usually do for pressure in the corner with Pyro?
d1/d1 dust "mixup"
B31, stop to bait armor
B312 into throw or d1 dust
dust into ex dust
F43: best mid she has. Watch out for the gap. F4 is only -7 on block, you can stop their to bait armor.
34 dust. Because of the new cancel window of 34, this string has a very deceiving delay.
That's what I can think of. Pyro has bad rush down. Just keep running away and throw fireballs
There's a big problem though: after B312, sometimes your opponents are pushed too far away from her, your d1 can't reach. It's character and position specific. Be careful, if they read a whiff d1 they can full combo punish you, even when you're +2 after B312


I really like the teleport, and I want it to stay but they could make it different for each variation

Revert DN's to the old tele
Keep the current one for Kobu
And a damaging flame one that does fire damage on hit for Pyro for extra offense
I'd rather have a new move for each variant.