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General/Other - Kobu Jutsu Guys I think Tanya is still good


I don't like this Tanya but I love Tanya and I'll love her however she ends up. I mean I MAINED Jacqui before Tanya and I can deal with her being so called "bad" or "Low" tier. She just need to commit and work for it like everyone had to before.
I also mained Harley quinn on injustice , and I was incredible with her... hehe I was a boss xD. But she was very low tier, but the difference between Harley and tanya is Harley didn't get changed/nerfed every other month. I can't deal with the constant changing of the 1 I once loved to play with..... the style I've grown accustomed to. It don't feel right anymore. This was the Nerf to do her in. I find Pyro Fun But I miss my kobu, i find My Self inputting kobu attacks on accident. Lol


Then there's characters like quan Ermac etc etc with 40% no bar, crazy vortex with 2 or 3 resets and before you know what's going on or guess high low to get out your whole life bar is basically gone. Yet they dont get nearly as much heat. I'm not one to point out that stuff like that but facts speak lol.:oops:


Hay gurl hay
Then there's characters like quan Ermac etc etc with 40% no bar, crazy vortex with 2 or 3 resets and before you know what's going on or guess high low to get out your whole life bar is basically gone. Yet they dont get nearly as much heat. I'm not one to point out that stuff like that but facts speak lol.:oops:
They fixed Quan he's not as nearly bad and ermac is dumb unsafe he needs to commit if not death.


First, his over head is easily reactable and at max range it's not a 50/50 because no low reaches just as far to a full combo. I play Shaolin so not a single armored launcher... Something Tanya would know nothing about... Oh wait she's down to one like the rest of the cast, oh wait some chars don't have any. Secondly Tanyas whole game plan is b1 rekka pressure and her low starter into rekka pressure. She has what may be the best mobility in the game. And lastly I have to ask why it matters who I play? Is that what this thread is about? Why is it that when I counter your argument about Tanya you bring up who I play and that they're brain dead?
A sub 20 frame overhead is easily reactable when there's the threat of a faster low.

Never change TYM.


They fixed Quan he's not as nearly bad and ermac is dumb unsafe he needs to commit if not death.
Yeah like I said I never really do that"well this guy got so and so shit" just stating facts....but to what u said above about other characters communities thinking were bitches (lol). Like is not there fault we get nerfed every patch though? Not everybody though ofc.


34 db4 change is a weird decision, how was that too good?
Also its weird that b1,2+4 has s gap but b1 jails. F23xbreath comes to mind when everyone just started doing f2xx breath. I wish they reworked Dragon Naginata and give Pyro a new string, maybe a flame kick? Instead they just nerfed the crap out of the best variation.


Hay gurl hay
Yeah like I said I never really do that"well this guy got so and so shit" just stating facts....but to what u said above about other characters communities thinking were bitches (lol). Like is not there fault we get nerfed every patch though? Not everybody though ofc.
You can't say that Tanya wasn't KIND OF cheap. Chip pressure safe ,armored , and armor breaking wake up and sort of mixup game


You can't say that Tanya wasn't KIND OF cheap. Chip pressure safe ,armored , and armor breaking wake up and sort of mixup game
Yeah she was abit, but people exaggerated way to much.... She was most definitely beatable. They butchered her imo, she didn't deserve ALL that..... it's like giving a man a life sentence in jail for petty robbery.

Edit: and it's most definitely annoying when your favorite character is the one getting nerfed every single time. In fact I know a lot of non Tanya mains who even agrees that's not right.


Hay gurl hay
Yeah she was abit, but people exaggerated way to much.... She was most definitely beatable. They butchered her imo, she didn't deserve ALL that..... it's like giving a man a life sentence in jail for petty robbery.

Edit: and it's most definitely annoying when your favorite character is the one getting nerfed every single time. In fact I know a lot of non Tanya mains who even agrees that's not right.
It's not right it's fucked up. Some dtiff they need to undo like damage 34, but imo I feel like she could be mid tier maybe. She's old Tanya who has to think with everyone else.


It's not right it's fucked up. Some dtiff they need to undo like damage 34, but imo I feel like she could be mid tier maybe. She's old Tanya who has to think with everyone else.
They left the other top alone and only dragged down tanya though. Not to mention she's dlc so we paid real money for her and we're constantly getting fucked over, no? That's why I'm probably going to leave this game if I don't find Pyro Fun enough to use.


Wait so she should be better because you payed for her..?

Pay to win boyzzzzz
I never said that. But she shouldn't be nerfed with every single patch to hit mk :p Maybe you should re read what I wrote there. Obviously stated that I don't find her fun because they're always changing her... Why are you always in this thread making the dumbest comments. Smh....:coffee: lmao You don't even play Tanya and your always in here talking nonsense like you know better, you're probably one of those people who cried to get her nerfed every time. :rolleyes:


After playing with her for a while, i'm fine with a few of the changes. The only complaints I have is the amount of damage scaling on her rekkas strings, and her 34,db4 bnb ender. It whiffs on almost every juggle combo now and flipkick it's self does 2% less damage. Nerfing that string was overkill and REALLY hurts her other variations in the process. If they revert 34,db4 back to how it was and maybe reduce the damage scaling on rekkas by 2 or 3%, i'll be fine with Tanya.

In short, please fix the 34 flipkick string back to how it was. It hurts her damage for bnb combos in all variations.
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Make Harley Consistent 2k18
Or maybe they overnerfed her on purpose to see who would stick with Tanya(see the amount of fans she has for MK 11) or to see, even if she wasn't broken who would stay to her. Also, maybe they're testing the waters to see how everyone reacts to this nerf, and make slight adjustments. Ex-43 DB4 Connecting in BNB's& B1 2+4 being slightly more + like -8.


The best mediocre Batman
Some notes on the new Kobu Jutsu Tanya:

B1 2+4 into rekka can be backdashed but not whiff punished. This was tested using reptiles ex slide. You can also choose to continue the rekkas to catch some slower backdashes

B1 2+4 into ex Rekka can be backdashed and punished by Reptile's ex slide only. The timing is also very strict, and if you fail, you get full combo punished.

B1 2+4 into ex Rekka breaks all armored reversals that are 9 frames or slower. It trades with 8 frame armored reversals (still testing) and loses to 7 frame or faster armored reversals.

So Lao, Reptile, and Goro (2 hits on punch walk) can always armor through the gap.

I can't test anything with Goro until tomorrow, but with Tempest you can B1 2+4 cancelled into back teleport to bait an ex spin. From there you can punish with a perfect run cancel into f2, or EX Tonfa toss. Versus Buzzsaw/Hat Trick, you have to teleport forward to avoid ex Spin and you can't punish.

Against Reptile, you can also use b1 2+4 cancelled into teleport to bait an ex slide, although it doesn't appear that he is punishable. However, he can't convert into a full combo.

Please hold off on declarations on character deaths until we do more testing as a community.


From what I've seen just plain B1~rekka not B1 2+4~rekka still jails. I'm no pro nor a Tanya player but I don't see the problem with just doing B1~rekka. Is there something I'm missing here? Also, I tried back dashing B1 2+4~rekka with Johnny Cage and the second rekka would hit me every time if it wasn't delayed.


AUS FGC represent!
From what I've seen just plain B1~rekka not B1 2+4~rekka still jails. I'm no pro nor a Tanya player but I don't see the problem with just doing B1~rekka. Is there something I'm missing here? Also, I tried back dashing B1 2+4~rekka with Johnny Cage and the second rekka would hit me every time if it wasn't delayed.
Less chip, no forward advancing movement


The best mediocre Batman
I would also like to mention that vs Goro's punchwalk, Tanya can B1 2+4 cancel into forward teleport and the armored reversals attempt. There may be a way to teleport backwards and whiff punish the EX punchwalk somehow using the air drill to quickly recover and chase him down.