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General/Other - Kobu Jutsu Guys I think Tanya is still good


The Ignore Button Is Free
Ever since the stream earlier today, I've been seeing people everyone is saying "Tanya is dead...blah". But why tho? From my understanding, she only got some simple nerfs, nothing too damaging.

Yes I know she lost ex rekka, but she still has TWO armored reversals that she can still use. Not to mention, her reversal game is a 50/50, with one of the options being a launcher. Isn't that just as good? It's not safe like ex rekka but it being a 50/50 makes up for it, does it not? It's still something the opponent has to be wary about when upclose against her.

B1 being slower doesn't mean much. It's still a mid/OH that sets up the same rekka mindgame. It just can't be machine gunned anymore.

Ex tonfa toss being neutral just means she has to use it to set up a mindgame instead of using it braindead-like. Throw it out and either continue the pressure or wait for the opponent to do something and counter it (if you can).

The universal chip damage/meter gain nerf hurts but Tanya was never really about damage in the first place. She's a pure rushdown character and DAMAGE ADDS UP.

Idk, it just seems like you have to think with Tanya now, that's it. I could be wrong tho. We'll see March 1st.
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Aspiring scrub
Its best to remember they said not all changes were spoken about. Theres still the rumored b1 being a high now nerf, which I think is where a lot of the "tanya is dead" talk is coming from.


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
Its best to remember they said not all changes were spoken about. Theres still the rumored b1 being a high now nerf, which I think is where a lot of the "tanya is dead" talk is coming from.
I don't think b1 being a high kills her. The second hit lands OH anyway, it was never about the mid but about the OH.

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
I was more concerned with the buffs to Pyro. They did a shit job of trying to explain things and skimmed through too much.

I'm 100% sure there's way more than what they said about Kobu but as a Pyro main I don't care honestly. You know it's bad for your variation when the patch note stream only mentions her fireballs have less recovery. Meaning they probably didn't address most of the other problems that variation had.

Kobu will still be alright you're right. Eh


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Naginata got a damage buff, Pyro got better zoning, and the only thing that was nerfed was excessive plus frames on her tonfa toss and armor on a recka.. Confirmed still top 5.


PS4/EU Ermac main
EX Rekka confirmed 100% useless
EX Tonfa Toss confirmed.. 100% useless (seriously, what the hell, Pig made an hour long video how to punish this on reaction with nearly every character)
Teleport-cancel pressure even less threatening now

Wrong nerfs if you ask me... Why remove all these options with already so many holes in her pressure when variations like Ronin, A-list and Dragons Fire not giving a fudge about your counterpokes with meterless +10 situations and gapless strings...
Yeah, let's start with her other variations, as if they weren't nerfed to fun-tier 6 months ago..

Whiners win, winners lose.

edit: EX rekka is for chip% now, EX Tonfa for zoning and whiff punishes. Still a massive downgrade to her overall tools.
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PS4/EU Ermac main
We look at ronin, DF and A-List.
Let the downplaying/upplaying, BEGIN!
I don't speak for the entire Tanya community.. I'd say I know every option she has but only play her casually on a high level.
This is just the one thing I don't like about the patch changes.. Those specific 3 variations are way too strong when it comes to pressure but Tanya - because she's such a hated character - gets the worst of them all. I analyzed these changes before they were announced so this isn't some uneducated rant, she already dealt with risk during her offense and the real top pressure variations still won't have to.

She's still top
She might've been top when she had an armored teleport that she could convert into a true block string, that's long been gone, her other pressure extending options have now also been taken away. I don't see how she's even a threat to anybody now that most have gotten faster pokes.

Magnum Magpie

I don't speak for the entire Tanya community.. I'd say I know every option she has but only play her casually on a high level.
This is just the one thing I don't like about the patch changes.. Those specific 3 variations are way too strong when it comes to pressure but Tanya - because she's such a hated character - gets the worst of them all. I analyzed these changes before they were announced so this isn't some uneducated rant, she already dealt with risk during her offense and the real top pressure variations still won't have to.

She might've been top when she had an armoured teleport that she could convert into a true block string, that's long been gone, her other pressure extending options have now also been taken away. I don't see how she's even a threat to anybody now that most have gotten faster pokes.
Not really, her B1 being 1 frame slower doesn't really bother any Tanya in any way. She has still got 50.50 armoured wake ups which leads to combos on one and more damage on the other, armour breaking normals. I main Tanya, and I'm happy with the changes she received than what people wanted.
her mobility and movement is still one of the best in the game, you'll still see her a lot.
her tonfa toss being 0 on block just mean she either has to counter your counter or risk it and pressure more. she isn't bad at all. she was brain-dead crazy stupidly godlike good before, she's normal now..

shes as much of a threat as the majority of the cast now

play her because you like the character not just because she is good.
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PS4/EU Ermac main
not really, her b1 being 1 frames slower doesn't bother any Tanya in any way. shes still got 50.50 armoured wake up which leads to combos, armour breaking normals. i main kobu, and im happy with the changes rather than what people wanted.
her mobility and movement is still one of the best in the game, you'll still see her a lot.
her tonfa toss being 0 on block just mean she either has to counter your counter or risk it and pressure more. she isn't bad at all. she was braindead crazy stupidly godlike pre patch, shes normal now.
B1 is 11 frames now iirc? That means whenever she's in a +2 situation (ie Telecancels), any <9 frame normal will beat it, while some characters could already jump out (Kung Lao) or low-poke (Liu Kang) 100% safely. I think it's a fair nerf, but it should've come with a 1-2 frame extra advantage buff on tele-cancels.

50/50 armored is meh.. You can neutral or backjump all of her wake-up options and punish from there.

Tonfa toss being 0 means if your opponent can't do the punish tech they'll have a guaranteed option to get out of a situation you just wasted a bar on, I know I'll never use this ever again (I'd rather just full non-delay rekka into last EX rekka, which is gonna make her look even more one-dimensional), best alternative is to EX Teleport on block, which has counter options out the ass.

Her armor breaking potential is close to none, she could break with b1 (which takes around... 15-17 frames?) as much as any other character.
EX Rekka is only used to break armor if she's capable of trading (think on an armored read, or during Quan's Dark Curse), she can't trade without armor. The smarter approach would have been to make her armored Rekkas and the ones after that more minus, instead it's nerfed to input-error status.

Movement and mobility is ok... no invincibility on her teleports so she's at risk closing gaps or general air-game, having f2 to whiff punish is nice but then again, it's baited the same way you bait her armor. She may be controlling the space but that doesn't mean she's strong everywhere.

Also man, braindead crazy stupidly godlike? Sounds like someone's holding a gun to your head.
She's definitely not a top 3 pressure character, definitely not top 10 either, exclusively pre-KP2 netcode and on release she was.

edit: it's good offense is being toned down, I simply would've preferred if it was applied to other variations as well, it's like the skilled players are getting punished for playing their character well while the lesser skilled player gets rewarded when they can't get the best results in tournaments
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Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
be interested to see the pyro fireball changes, used it before it got changed and didnt like the other two variations as thought kobu was boring as shit and pogo wasnt for me