Yeah, she's a lot of fun. Well... After light bolt charge on hit she can command grab, st. Lk xx ligh bolt charge, st. Lp xx light bolt charge (or just st. Lk/st. Lp into frame traps), HP bolt charge (for people trying to jump out of command grab) or regular grab, it's a good mindgame (Personally I go for command grab all day until they start disrespecting it) also she can tick throw after st. Lk and st. Lp, jump lk (try using the light version of command grab since it's the one with the most range in these scenarios) and on oki.
My favorite oki tick throw is... After command grab on hit you can instantly do st. HK (this will beat any move that's not invincible or has armor on the first frame or Cammy's backdash) and if it hits as a counter hit you can combo into MP bolt charge, if they delay their wake-up you can react and after the st. HK whiffs you can whiff a st. Mk (this whiff is just to fill up the space and not mess up your timing) then go for a meaty st. Mp (which will beat anything other than invincible and armor on the first frame moves) and if it hit as a counter hit you can combo into cr. Mp xx MP bolt charge, if they respect the last st. Mp you can go for a command grab.