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Who Do You Think Is Top 5 In EO Beta?


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Man one of the biggest problems I'm having with Mileeana with the buff that I have not seen anybody talk about, is her tele xx sai on block, it's almost a 59/50as in she can do tele sai or just do tele.
Because what we have found from testing atleast with Cage there is no one non armour option to beat both her options .
Unless you count D1 which if she just does Tele no Sai I'm just punishing her with s poke lol plus she can make D1 whiff with cancelling into tele of certain strings such as jump kick tele and 123 tele .
The tele is super hard to react to and maybe for some peoe like me almost non reactable

Why is it like a 50/50? Because if i go with what I could do before the beta such as S1 it F3 I can eat a Sai to the face which she is now rewarded free pressure/mix up.

I guess in theory that is the point of being to cancel into Sai otherwise it defeats the purpose I understand that, I'm just venting my annoyance :p.

But I do wish she could not cancel Sai of an EX Tele as that's a really fast big chip dmg full screen launcher and she should be punished no matter what for taking that risk.

Edit: Chill folks was just a vent no a genuine complaint in sure there is options.
The Mileana community is in full alert lately :p
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Publicly Educated
Man one of the biggest problems I'm having with Mileeana with the buff that I have not seen anybody talk about, is her tele xx sai on block, it's almost a 59/50as in she can do tele sai or just do tele.
Because what we have found from testing atleast with Cage there is no one non armour option to beat both her options .
Unless you count D1 which if she just does Tele no Sai I'm just punishing her with s poke lol plus she can make D1 whiff with cancelling into tele of certain strings such as jump kick tele and 123 tele .
The tele is super hard to react to and maybe for some peoe like me almost non reactable
Are you kidding me with this....
Top 5
Alist Johnny cage
impostor Shinnok
Rutheless ferra torr
Piercing Mileena
Grandmaster Sub Zero

Best All around Ermac. All three of his variations are ridiculous now

Most annoying to fight now, Balanced Kenshi, Any Kotal Variations.

Getting Nerfed: Tanya.

Hopeful: Unbreakable sub zero. They showed theyve whipped up some stuff to make him a little better

Best out of the new DLC: I feel like people are overlooking the fact that Leatherface has a restand combo for like 30%. That's probably going to be a free 50/50. But I'm still playing smoke for the anti zoning


The anticipation is killing me
Man one of the biggest problems I'm having with Mileeana with the buff that I have not seen anybody talk about, is her tele xx sai on block, it's almost a 59/50as in she can do tele sai or just do tele.
Because what we have found from testing atleast with Cage there is no one non armour option to beat both her options .
Unless you count D1 which if she just does Tele no Sai I'm just punishing her with s poke lol plus she can make D1 whiff with cancelling into tele of certain strings such as jump kick tele and 123 tele .
The tele is super hard to react to and maybe for some peoe like me almost non reactable

Why is it like a 50/50? Because if i go with what I could do before the beta such as S1 it F3 I can eat a Sai to the face which she is now rewarded free pressure/mix up.

I guess in theory that is the point of being to cancel into Sai otherwise it defeats the purpose I understand that, I'm just venting my annoyance :p.

But I do wish she could not cancel Sai of an EX Tele as that's a really fast big chip dmg full screen launcher and she should be punished no matter what for taking that risk.
Can you not just block telekick, neutral duck sai and then go to punish?


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Can you not just block telekick and neutral duck sai and then go to punish?
No I use be able too me and @1man3letters was testing against it last night.

Could be just s Johnny Issue now don't get me wrong I do not want to nerfed I was just venting

I think I should prolly test punishing Sai more though! Still I micro read not a big deal just a personal annoyance :D


The anticipation is killing me
No I use be able too me and @1man3letters was testing against it last night.

Could be just s Johnny Issue now don't get me wrong I do not want to nerfed I was just venting
If i was to guess it is probably a result to the heavily reduced recovery from air sais. If she drops faster as well as improved block advantage on air sai I imagine the window will be tighter to punish with a normal.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
If the changes stick once the patch is released I will lab it with you, see what can be done.
Yeah im sure there is an option, it's the problem of no practice mode I guess.

In training I'm beating both of her options with F3 when she stands if I crouch block the tele so I'll test in the beta later as her standing recovery frames should be the same

Yeah that be sound bro


Well firstly if you'd read the OP, I said CHARACTERS IN THE BETA (NO DLC) and then you start by rattling off 3 DLC characters.

Its okay to have opinions but do not act childish. The reason people follow what REO or AFG say is because they are seasoned veterans in the community.

Look at it like this, Michael Jordan goes to a local park and tells everyone "This is how you shoot", he's proved time and time again he understands basketball by being one of the greatest of all time. Everybody there is like "yeah makes sense, one of the greatest shooters of all time, this has to be right". But then we have 3-4 people being like "GUYS GET OFF OF MJ'S DICK, JUST BECAUSE HE SAID ITS THE PROPER SHOOTING FORM DOESNT MEAN IT IS..." or even better "You should go to the gym more if you think that, Michael Jordan..."...all the while MJ is shooting better than all the people saying that he is wrong.

Because what usually happens is the people who followed MJ's advice end up being better shooters than the ones saying MJ was wrong.

Its not about dickriding, we are all subject to opinion...but in this community, people hate to be wrong. I mean, I didn't even think to mention Mileena and I still don't know about her being top 5 but if people who lab her at the highest level say she is one of the best, who am I to say they are wrong?
You make some fair points... but there's one big problem with this analogy. In TYMs case, it's more like Jordan saying "These are the 5 best teams in the NBA right now" instead of "this is how you shoot". Obviously you'd be foolish to argue "technique" from a master, but no one is teaching "technique" here. Just people giving an opinion on who they think is best. Are they right? Who knows. And that's why these arguments are formed to begin with.

My opinion? Mileena is able to play the neutral now, and because of that, is one of the most well-rounded characters. She's finally walking the line between risk and reward. Nothing actually dirty has been found yet. (or at least hasn't been showcased yet).


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
You make some fair points... but there's one big problem with this analogy. In TYMs case, it's more like Jordan saying "These are the 5 best teams in the NBA right now" instead of "this is how you shoot". Obviously you'd be foolish to argue "technique" from a master, but no one is teaching "technique" here. Just people giving an opinion on who they think is best. Are they right? Who knows. And that's why these arguments are formed to begin with.

My opinion? Mileena is able to play the neutral now, and because of that, is one of the most well-rounded characters. She's finally walking the line between risk and reward. Nothing actually dirty has been found yet. (or at least hasn't been showcased yet).
I disagree, I think its the perfect analogy.

I would compare the top 5 teams to the top 5 players in MKX. And the characters are the roster and each individual in the roster has their own set of skills.

So each team analyzes rosters in their own way...but teams that are historically successful and have proven themselves to be correct on analysis over and over will be able to scout these individual players (characters) better and better.

I feel like Gregg Popovich can tell someone why James Harden is a great player better than someone who coaches high school ball.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
In no order I think Liu, Johnny, Jax, Sub, and Shinnok could be there. But those 5 could easily be swapped for mileena, ferra/torr, ermac, reptile, sonya, with lao, jin, takeda, kano, or scorpion being interchangeable with them as well! MKX is so good right now, SOOO many good characters.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Can you not just block telekick, neutral duck sai and then go to punish?
What he's saying is that it's extremely hard to react to whether she is going to just do the telekick, or if she's going to do tele-kick into Sai. You can wait for the Sai, and d1 into AA combo, but if she did the regular telekick, instead of getting a juggle/punish, you'll just hit her with a poke. You can make a read on regular teleport, but if you're wrong and you start to preemptively punish, you get hit with the sai and she goes ham.

So it's a guessing game all the way around, which is pretty good for a move which gives her that much mobility. For some characters, d1 into pressure or fast mixup is decent; for others it's lackluster.

Anyway, with that said, the most important thing now is still to just give things time/lab and see how they play out.
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EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Serious question to people saying Ferra Torr: are you coming to this decision based on that one wonderchef combo and the fact they have EX overhead and low toss alone or are you saying those 2 things are the straw that broke the camels back? Because if its the latter that would mean you already knew everything they could do before these buffs and Im having a hard time believing even half the people saying Ferra Torr is top 5 knew anything about them beforehand besides "hurr neutral jump punch"

Not saying I disagree on their potential top 5 placement but Im trying to figure out the process people are using to come to this conclusion because 2 weeks ago no one knew shit about them and now suddenly everyone and their momma is a Ferra Torr expert
For the record, the video was to show that I got a pretty far fetched situation in a real match (against Shinnok!), but people took it to assume that it was some new BnB or something. I actually did upload his BnB starting from no stacks of PnG too, but it has less than 1/5 of the views.

I can't believe how many people are like "omg he can do 70% damage now, nerf himmmm!" when he could do like 65% for a bar before for months and they literally never even looked at him.


All too easy...
For the record, the video was to show that I got a pretty far fetched situation in a real match (against Shinnok!), but people took it to assume that it was some new BnB or something. I actually did upload his BnB starting from no stacks of PnG too, but it has less than 1/5 of the views.

I can't believe how many people are like "omg he can do 70% damage now, nerf himmmm!" when he could do like 65% for a bar before for months and they literally never even looked at him.
Yeah its frustrating that people think that that is a given for damage every round. And yeah its barely any more damage than they had before from just ending in EX command grab. Like it probably happens as often as Blood god getting a damage totem combo in the corner... either way the whole Ferra Torr nerf train is in full swing as you can see. I think the EX tosses are unneeded for Ruthless more because of their utility than the ability to extend the combos and I bet they will end up being Vicious only March 1st. Although the new thing now is hating on the shit they had since day 1 lol. Its in NRS's hands now though so Im just gonna let it be at this point, itll all work itself out


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Yeah its frustrating that people think that that is a given for damage every round. And yeah its barely any more damage than they had before from just ending in EX command grab. Like it probably happens as often as Blood god getting a damage totem combo in the corner... either way the whole Ferra Torr nerf train is in full swing as you can see. I think the EX tosses are unneeded for Ruthless more because of their utility than the ability to extend the combos and I bet they will end up being Vicious only March 1st. Although the new thing now is hating on the shit they had since day 1 lol. Its in NRS's hands now though so Im just gonna let it be at this point, itll all work itself out
We'll be fine, I'm sure. After all...
It is our destiny. *hands a cup of Venom*


All too easy...
We'll be fine, I'm sure. After all...
It is our destiny. *hands a cup of Venom*
I wish you luck Doom, Im just gonna sit this one out til March 1st, it is what is is at this point. The people want Ferra and Torrs heads on a pike but NRS will make the final verdict. In the mean time Im just gonna work on my Birdman in SFV.



Trust me, I'm a doctor
I wish you luck Doom, Im just gonna sit this one out til March 1st, it is what is is at this point. The people want Ferra and Torrs heads on a pike but NRS will make the final verdict. In the mean time Im just gonna work on my Birdman in SFV.

Drinkin those cans of venom, throw them down.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
I mean this as a sincere question.

What is stopping Ronin Takada from being Top 5 or Takada in general for that matter?

Like Roning B11 does almost the same as Mileenas B12 plus Ronning has a 3 part of that string that launches and is only -5
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