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Who Do You Think Is Top 5 In EO Beta?


What a day. What a lovely day.
Good lord, the drama in this thread. Let's all just take everything said with a grain of salt. After all, the people claiming Mileena is now top 5 (without even seeing the revised or new patch notes) are some of the same people who said pre-patch Kitana was fine.

Threads like this probably shouldn't even exist until all of the information is accurate and up to date. They lead to nothing but flame baiting and arguments.


Anyone saying Mileena is top 5 is a complete idiot. Did we forgot shinnok Tanya tremor and predator. Along with Shinnok Johnny and Quan who didn't get hit hard or at all. Some people have the nerve to say she top5. Yes she got buffs but not where near the really good characters SUCH AS Shinnok, Johnny, Sonya, Cassie, Takeda and Dvorah. I know the top players like Sonic, Reo and Foxy are your idols and their dicks are sweet and savory but don't lose your brains and think for you fucking self.
The only idiot here is you , for one mileena IS top 5 ( in the beta so far) whether you like it or not and how did quan not get hit hard? Give me valid reasons , also the fact that you said cassie is top 5 shows how actually stupid you are she is no where near top 5 after those nerfs so please grow a fucking brain before typing something again.
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cr. HP Master
First of all I just thought it was funny that someone told one of the biggest lab monsters to lab more, nothing less nothing more. Also you said why not question and get better? Literally a few pages ago I was talking with GabStandard about the post b12 options for my character while I was labbing it.

Oh so this forum isn't here to call out players and money match them and make a big deal about it and then just vanish when it comes time to put up or shut up? Sound familiar?
Oh cool. So you have nothing to add to the conversation, instead stir up old shit? Cool.


The anticipation is killing me
Well honestly, you could see the same thing about being in the corner ("it just comes down to whoever makes the right read") -- but who wants to be put in the corner?
While that is true I said it like that because most people are not aware there is a meta around B12. A person is more likely to lab and learn their options to escape/counter a corner game than a string in the neutral. But the end result is the same once the knowledge is attained.


Regina George of discord
The only idiot here is you , for one mileena IS top 5 ( in the beta so far) weather you like it or not and how did quan not get hit hard? Give me valid reasons , also the fact that you said cassie is top 5 shows how actually stupid you are she is no where near top 5 after those nerfs so please grow a fucking brain before typing something again.
Yeah, because your word is set in stone right? Lol chill out gurl.


The Ignore Button Is Free
The only idiot here is you , for one mileena IS top 5 ( in the beta so far) weather you like it or not and how did quan not get hit hard? Give me valid reasons , also the fact that you said cassie is top 5 shows how actually stupid you are she is no where near top 5 after those nerfs so please grow a fucking brain before typing something again.
Calls people idiot, says grow a brain, yet can't differentiate the difference between weather and whether.

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Srsly? Who do you against? I didn't fight a single good Kitana in the beta, she still lacks any mixups and new sharpen doesn't help at all.
Assassin got Huge buffs and imo her damage is gonna get normalized lol, she now has 44% midscreen bnbs and safe sharpen setups.Which leads to ridiculous damage...

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Anyone saying Mileena is top 5 is a complete idiot. Did we forgot shinnok Tanya tremor and predator. Along with Shinnok Johnny and Quan who didn't get hit hard or at all. Some people have the nerve to say she top5. Yes she got buffs but not where near the really good characters SUCH AS Shinnok, Johnny, Sonya, Cassie, Takeda and Dvorah. I know the top players like Sonic, Reo and Foxy are your idols and their dicks are sweet and savory but don't lose your brains and think for you fucking self.
Let's not forget cyrax, sektor, cyber-sub, smoke, Bo rai cho, leatherface amd alien coming into play too, mileena is far from top 5 imo.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main



Please and thanks.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
Anyone saying Mileena is top 5 is a complete idiot. Did we forgot shinnok Tanya tremor and predator. Along with Shinnok Johnny and Quan who didn't get hit hard or at all. Some people have the nerve to say she top5. Yes she got buffs but not where near the really good characters SUCH AS Shinnok, Johnny, Sonya, Cassie, Takeda and Dvorah. I know the top players like Sonic, Reo and Foxy are your idols and their dicks are sweet and savory but don't lose your brains and think for you fucking self.
Well firstly if you'd read the OP, I said CHARACTERS IN THE BETA (NO DLC) and then you start by rattling off 3 DLC characters.

Its okay to have opinions but do not act childish. The reason people follow what REO or AFG say is because they are seasoned veterans in the community.

Look at it like this, Michael Jordan goes to a local park and tells everyone "This is how you shoot", he's proved time and time again he understands basketball by being one of the greatest of all time. Everybody there is like "yeah makes sense, one of the greatest shooters of all time, this has to be right". But then we have 3-4 people being like "GUYS GET OFF OF MJ'S DICK, JUST BECAUSE HE SAID ITS THE PROPER SHOOTING FORM DOESNT MEAN IT IS..." or even better "You should go to the gym more if you think that, Michael Jordan..."...all the while MJ is shooting better than all the people saying that he is wrong.

Because what usually happens is the people who followed MJ's advice end up being better shooters than the ones saying MJ was wrong.

Its not about dickriding, we are all subject to opinion...but in this community, people hate to be wrong. I mean, I didn't even think to mention Mileena and I still don't know about her being top 5 but if people who lab her at the highest level say she is one of the best, who am I to say they are wrong?


Hay gurl hay
Nope but many of those characters have either been too hyped up, recently nerfed or are going to be nerfed. Whereas mileena got some huge buffs. It might not amount to top 5 but it certainly places her well in contention.
What I've seen and playing a Johnny is that he didn't get changed. Nothing but his D4
Shinnok got foolishness in imposter with his teleport.


Hay gurl hay
How are we going to place Mileena under characters that aren't in the beta? Lol.

Also Quan got hit very hard, do people really believe this? I don't understand.
He did get hit but he still has a vortex for one bar and he has to actually work for his wins instead of "Lol 50/50 vortex 40% Funsies " He is still really good.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
He did get hit but he still has a vortex for one bar and he has to actually work for his wins instead of "Lol 50/50 vortex 40% Funsies " He is still really good.
He can still play his game, just a lot more "fairness" checks implemented lol.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Where is Loop Kang all of a sudden in this list? He still has his dirt.
If he ends up with some of the rumored changes that aren't implemented, he might drop off. Right now he's a lock for beta top 5.


Hay gurl hay
Well firstly if you'd read the OP, I said CHARACTERS IN THE BETA (NO DLC) and then you start by rattling off 3 DLC characters.

Its okay to have opinions but do not act childish. The reason people follow what REO or AFG say is because they are seasoned veterans in the community.

Look at it like this, Michael Jordan goes to a local park and tells everyone "This is how you shoot", he's proved time and time again he understands basketball by being one of the greatest of all time. Everybody there is like "yeah makes sense, one of the greatest shooters of all time, this has to be right". But then we have 3-4 people being like "GUYS GET OFF OF MJ'S DICK, JUST BECAUSE HE SAID ITS THE PROPER SHOOTING FORM DOESNT MEAN IT IS..." or even better "You should go to the gym more if you think that, Michael Jordan..."...all the while MJ is shooting better than all the people saying that he is wrong.

Because what usually happens is the people who followed MJ's advice end up being better shooters than the ones saying MJ was wrong.

Its not about dickriding, we are all subject to opinion...but in this community, people hate to be wrong. I mean, I didn't even think to mention Mileena and I still don't know about her being top 5 but if people who lab her at the highest level say she is one of the best, who am I to say they are wrong?
It's not that I'm saying she's bad, she in fact got a lot better. I'm saying I could easily say 5 characters that are better than her. About the dick riding, It seems like TYM just conforms to whatever their favorite offline player is.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Every time a character gets buffed they were good all along. It was the same with pre-patch Kitana and Shinnok. Where were these people when this character was supposedly already good? Bandwagoning's fun huh?

Mileena's a great character but she's honest. If you get beaten by Mileena you got outplayed, and that's more than you can say for the current top-tiers. People talking about nerfing her already, like what the? Every buffed character = top 5 on Test Your Knee-Jerk Reactions. Wasn't Ninjutsu Scorp supposedly ridiculous in week 1? I'd like to see how each MU plays out before assigning a knee-jerk tier position to a character.

Could she be top 5? Possibly, once we see more in-depth how she now fares against the rest of the cast instead of on an online-beta which doesn't have a training-mode for people to practice dealing with each character's new buffs, a way to learn MUs you didn't feel the need to learn or even a way to practice applying your own buffs more effectively.

Also what happened to Cage, D'Vorah, Jax, Sub, Kang, Shinnok etc... These characters were in the top 10 discussion pre-patch and were barely touched/some were even buffed (rip Erron). Hell, Cage, Sub, Shinnok and Kang were arguably S-tier - I'm seeing an eerie lack of these 4 in people's top 5s. If anyone is a given, it's them.