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General/Other - Tanya Tanya buffs/nerfs for kp2


Burn Fool!
So what if you can backdash after tonya swipes she can easily blow that up with F2.
Great, you can backdash and Tanya is still next to you, backdashing EXtonfa toss isn't game changing.
Cool, you can option select armor out of Delayed tonfa swipes.
I guess Tanya will have to use one of her dozen tools instead and build meter so she can be safe again on her tonfa string because she doesn't have anything else.

What if the opposing character doesn't have a bar of meter, a good backdash or both? They're completely fucked by your character.
Spending a bar of meter to get out of meterless pressure or making risky backdash are her weaknesses?
This is why you think about what you're doing in a match do you know what think means? If you show you can back dash on hit or block you can safely option select armor either tonfa swipe on hit or tonfa toss on block and Tanya gets blown up for trying to chase you down with f2 lol like I've said before the only hard thing about Tanya is remembering all your options against her lol

Jack Ashe

The whole time tanya is ZONING you, you're afraid to counter zone because she can "SAFELY" go full screen with teleport whenever she wants and punish you.
That makes her zoning better by itself. Cassie, Lao and Sonya don't have an option like that
Lol maybe if you're trying to counter zone with Kota's Sunstone or Cassie's Single Shot, everyone else no


Nobody's afraid of Bruce Wayne
Yet no one mentions dvorah bug cancel pressure isn't it just fwd 112 pressure all day? No. No one says that because its not as hard to deal with as tanya for most people but no on mentions that.
pressing B1, 2+4 doesn't take an ounce of skill or stamina, bug cancels do.

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Everyone else doing it so ima jump on the bandwagon. Its time for the women who has made everyone on tym salty as shit for a buff/nerf thread!

ex teleport to actually come out out in 7 frames
f3 now 16 frames, down from 24
b321 have no longer have a gap
both ex fwd/back teleport to have invulnerability on wake up. If forward teleport is blocked it is -20
Ex low drill to launch correctly
stand 2 to become a mid,
flip kick does not randomly switch sides

24(3) to gain fire so shrouded opponents blow up. sends full screen on explosion
tanya's recovery reduced by 3 frames off teleport -fireball
db1 (high fireball) ex version to gain new animation, now shoots upwards and comes out at 8 frames
ex shroud can now restand a juggled opponent

dragon naginata
gains two new staff normals a low hitting staff poke.comes out in 18 frames and a overhead stick poke comes out in 22 frames. cannot be 2 in 1 canceled both do 5 dmg slightly less range then b2. the both will be +1 on hit and -15 on block
b2 is now -15 on block(down from 22)
high poke (db2) comes out in 12 frames(down from 16) the opponent is juggled for a increase amount of time to combo into a staff normal like b2
bf2 Ex verison,(staff pole thingy) if it hits you can teleport for a full combo, db2 ex would cause a good amount of scaling so you only get around 25 percent for it

kobu justu
loses air teleports. can still perform grounded teleports. Can still perform air teleport from a ex verison of teleport
ex tonfa toss is now +6(down from 12)
fully delayed rekka are no longer plus but safe with push back
321 to become a true block string
b1 2+4 active frames cut down to 4 from 7
Sweet dreams,my friend.May the ex tonfa and rekka pressure give you sweet dreams.
Sweet dreams are made of this....
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Stand 4'ing airplanes out of the sky
You can react to it being staggered andgo for your own string or poke or armor or back dash
Maybe it'll become more apparent in the new netcode but I've never been able to react to it as a way to punish. Every time I see a stagger I don't have enough time to properly do a reversal or whatnot because Tanya can follow up with another B1 rather quickly. Again, I only play online so the new netcode should help with that.

On the rekkas being negative, it's kind of the same as Jax's pressure being mostly negative but still very good. The thing with Tanya is that B1 or EX-rekka can armor break pretty reliably so armoring out is often not a great option. Not to mention B12+4 moves forward enough to also catch backdashes. It may be that I'm arse vs Tanya, but her pressure is really good.


Burn Fool!
Maybe it'll become more apparent in the new netcode but I've never been able to react to it as a way to punish. Every time I see a stagger I don't have enough time to properly do a reversal or whatnot because Tanya can follow up with another B1 rather quickly. Again, I only play online so the new netcode should help with that.

On the rekkas being negative, it's kind of the same as Jax's pressure being mostly negative but still very good. The thing with Tanya is that B1 or EX-rekka can armor break pretty reliably so armoring out is often not a great option. Not to mention B12+4 moves forward enough to also catch backdashes. It may be that I'm arse vs Tanya, but her pressure is really good.
online Tanya is the main reason everyone hates her so much offline Tanya is a lot more hopeless. I don't mean to come across as saying she's like bottom tier or that she sucks my overall point is that she's extremely overrated


Stand 4'ing airplanes out of the sky
online Tanya is the main reason everyone hates her so much offline Tanya is a lot more hopeless. I don't mean to come across as saying she's like bottom tier or that she sucks my overall point is that she's extremely overrated
Thing is that Tanya also performs really well in tournaments and may be the most common character besides perhaps Lao.


PS4/EU Ermac main
So what if you can backdash after tonya swipes she can easily blow that up with F2.
Great, you can backdash and Tanya is still next to you, backdashing EXtonfa toss isn't game changing.
Depends on the character, some can backdash and whiff punish, either way you're out of pressure and in neutral/advantage now
Cool, you can option select armor out of Delayed tonfa swipes.
yeah, and it hurts tanya a lot, I've told this in a Tanya thread maybe 6 months ago that if anyone has a bar, THEY choose when to get pressure back, all it requires is knowing when, you get to choose if its either during her gaps or when she's plus
I guess Tanya will have to use one of her dozen tools instead and build meter so she can be safe again on her tonfa string because she doesn't have anything else.
the other options are teleporting (loses pressure), mixup specials (punishable and soon fuzzyable) or tonfa toss (reactable+punishable before the move ends)
What if the opposing character doesn't have a bar of meter, a good backdash or both? They're completely fucked by your character.
Spending a bar of meter to get out of meterless pressure or making risky backdash are her weaknesses?
everyone is "fucked" when they have no bar left, thats the ONLY time in the game where Tanya can do the pressure she's capable of without being in constant risk (unless she's playing vs Quan Chi that is)

not downplaying, just pointing out the counters... I'm amazed how many people hate Tanya yet just.. don't... friggin.. lab her. I've labbed several hours against all my bad MU's and I don't yell nerf unless it's obviously broken, to me Tanya just had the tools to deal with the S tier bullshit, but none of those MU's (imo) were in her favor (except Quan Chi, she wrecks Quan Chi), people relying too much on their offense and with the upcoming patch that's all going to be taken down a notch, so let's all be happy and lab from now on, pls.


the funny thing here is that a lot of the people I have ran into that does all the bitching about Tanya have made no attempt to really Lab her to find out the options you have against her. so as usual I offer to help them out. in the process I have been told multiple times by these people that they have not bought Tanya. so I'm blown at this point. how you going to complain and you didn't buy the character to learn her? HOW SWAY?!

Vak Phoenix

the funny thing here is that a lot of the people I have ran into that does all the bitching about Tanya have made no attempt to really Lab her to find out the options you have against her. so as usual I offer to help them out. in the process I have been told multiple times by these people that they have not bought Tanya. so I'm blown at this point. how you going to complain and you didn't buy the character to learn her? HOW SWAY?!