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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info


Plus on block.
You guys ever have those characters that you're actually pretty good with/use often but you never really considered them a main?

I used the fuck out of Steve and Leo in T6 and TTT2 but for some reason they're both always in the back of my mind when listing who I use.

BTW, Leo have any girl clothes in T7 yet? I always used her with the camo bikini TTT2 and a girlish cut. Be a shame if I can only rock the reverse-trap look this game.


True that the games just build upon themselves but it seems like they don't build upon themselves right. That T3 and T5 were the "most tekken" tekkens and T6 and T7 took some steps backwards or sideways. Of course this is all personal preference but if the older tekken have flaws that outweigh the pros that's fine. I'm still enjoying new tekken so it's all good. Just sometimes the outlook doesn't look too good.
It's more that Tekken 3 and 5 are considered more impressive based on the standards of when they were released. So, for instance, Tekken 3 was considered a lot more impressive compared to other games made in 1997-1998 when viewed in line with how Tekken 6 was considered compared to other games from 2007-2009. Don't forget that Tekken 3 was also one of the first 3D fighting games to feature universal and more importantly fluid 3-dimensional movement (other 3D fighting games with sidesteps tended to be very clunky in this regard)

And tbh, I don't think there's too much to worry about in terms of Tekken 7's future. Honestly, my biggest worry is that training mode will end up being lacklustre again. There really is no good reason not to include frame data in-game, as multiple other fighting games do it these days, and Tekken is the sort of game where you really need to know that stuff ultra well to have any chance of getting good.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
It's more that Tekken 3 and 5 are considered more impressive based on the standards of when they were released. So, for instance, Tekken 3 was considered a lot more impressive compared to other games made in 1997-1998 when viewed in line with how Tekken 6 was considered compared to other games from 2007-2009. Don't forget that Tekken 3 was also one of the first 3D fighting games to feature universal and more importantly fluid 3-dimensional movement (other 3D fighting games with sidesteps tended to be very clunky in this regard)

And tbh, I don't think there's too much to worry about in terms of Tekken 7's future. Honestly, my biggest worry is that training mode will end up being lacklustre again. There really is no good reason not to include frame data in-game, as multiple other fighting games do it these days, and Tekken is the sort of game where you really need to know that stuff ultra well to have any chance of getting good.
The Attack Data system paints off characters who are in freezing state(Cannot attack) its a feature that comes and goes in Tekken training modes, pretty sure the TTT2 training mode is very fluid and there are some things i prefer over MKX, including this one, it doesn't tell you how negative a move is, but you can see it, if you know the punishes in tekken are mostly universal, they vary from 10f to 18, everyone can punish from 10f, 12, 13, 14 to up are launches, you test your punishes against the freezing state and when it connects the game tells you that you Punished the move, so you will know exactly how minus it is. without the needing to tell you in numbers.

For instance, the record mode allows you to record multiple setups and them play them randomly at the same speed, no other game as been able to replicate this.


In Zoning We Trust
Any answers to my other questions?
From my knowledge-

Would the tekken community Ever do a smash and start playing tekken 3 (or 5, whichever all the nostalgic OGs think is cooler)?
Very doubtful. The difference with Tekken is that every game is similar to the last. It's more of an upgrade than a brand new game. So where something like Tekken 5 DR may be the GOAT level game, it'll never get a revival.

Was there ever a point america (or a not japan/korea country), was thought to be up there in highest level of play?
At that time U.S was pretty legit. The gap wasn't as big because time between games were smaller since the arcade scene was active here. I played T5 in the arcade daily pre release and attended tournaments. Those same opportunities aren't there anymore. Nowadays they play for two years before we touch it. Big difference.

Odd set of questions.

How do you break King's floor grab where he grabs your feet?
Somebody said 2 but I'm pretty sure it's S1 to break the Giant Swing. He does it by doing a 180 degree motion and Left Punch, and you break by pushing LP within the escape window.

Can you break the wall grab?

How do you break Law's ff3+4 knee lift grab? Is there a follow up to it?
Break with 1+2 or get bodied.

Anyone know all of LC's option out of her forward roll? All of her options out of the 1! 2! 3! low kick dance stance thing? That last looks to just be punishable on block but then I saw Jeondding(First LC player I happen to see on taktak channel that I'm now following) immediately cancel it into a mid kick before the counting.
Not sure. She was one of about three characters that we didn't dive deep into when we had it. We both hated her too much lol.

Does every character have a non rage art no animation having armor move?
You mean the "focus attack"? Yea everyone has one, a couple of characters have two.


PSN: Skkra
Very doubtful. The difference with Tekken is that every game is similar to the last. It's more of an upgrade than a brand new game. So where something like Tekken 5 DR may be the GOAT level game, it'll never get a revival
Its funny, I actually dont think that the games have been upgrades haha. More like we've been getting slightly worse versions of DR for a while now. Outside of Zafina, I havent enjoyed a single character that has come after DR... I hate playing both as and against them.

It would be sick if people started playing DR again. I know it was a lot of people's favorite game. It'd definitely get me playing again! Sadly it'll never happen.


Plus on block.
Very doubtful. The difference with Tekken is that every game is similar to the last. It's more of an upgrade than a brand new game.
And honestly this is how it should be.

I love the pureness of Tekken and i'd hate to see them go too crazy between iterations. If I want something different i'll play a different series. I hate how most other fighters try to rewrite the book often. It's much better to build on and refine a system and a set of characters whilst adding or at least trying a handful of new things with every iteration.

I hope the same goes for MK after MKX. NRS wanting to make things super new gameplay wise from release-to-release is a big reason as to why their initial balancing is so wonky(which forces them to waste time and resources on balancing and such instead of creating more content, makes us have to pray that our favorites release good or get buffed fast). They don't refine, they redo or start from scratch.


Aghhh I was reading a lot of pages and thought the Anna confirmation was true... no Anna no Tekken for me. Still enjoying MKX anyway.


Normalize grab immunity.
Thanks for all the helpful info! Whenever Tekken 7 comes out I really want to take it seriously this time.

Not sure. She was one of about three characters that we didn't dive deep into when we had it. We both hated her too much lol.
Spent all that time bragging about how much fun you were having. Promised a write up. And barely touched one of the characters I want to play. I'm going to love destroying with my pop idol!:mad:

Anyways skip to 9:38 for some good ole oki. (Someone mind explaining what the other options asuka has? Want to fully appreciate this)


Plus on block.
Thanks for all the helpful info! Whenever Tekken 7 comes out I really want to take it seriously this time.

Spent all that time bragging about how much fun you were having. Promised a write up. And barely touched one of the characters I want to play. I'm going to love destroying with my pop idol!:mad:

Anyways skip to 9:38 for some good ole oki. (Someone mind explaining what the other options asuka has? Want to fully appreciate this)
4:38 - 4:53


I see so many comparisons to the Capos for her but I swear she reminds me of Bob more than any other character gameplay wise.


Normalize grab immunity.
You mean the "focus attack"? Yea everyone has one, a couple of characters have two.
Are they all safe?

4:38 - 4:53


I see so many comparisons to the Capos for her but I swear she reminds me of Bob more than any other character gameplay wise.
I've seen so many rounds end in one quick sequence I get MKx flashbacks.

What do you see from her that reminds you of bob? I know they both roll but I mean gameplay wise.


Plus on block.
Are they all safe?

I've seen so many rounds end in one quick sequence I get MKx flashbacks.

What do you see from her that reminds you of bob? I know they both roll but I mean gameplay wise.
Just the way some of her strings look, I haven't played her so I can't say anything about her feel.


Normalize grab immunity.
not sure but you can hopkick on reaction
I've seen a bunch of supers blocked low then punished ws3or4 for full combo.

Why do so many players just whip out super? It's like tekken dudes ain't used to them lol. Dash, dash, dash, side step, rage art, whiff or blocked, punish, lose.


Loud and Klear~
Holy shit, that vid was the first time I've seen Chloe in action.
Did this bitch just do bootleg ass electrics/dark uppercuts? Lmao, fuckin tight.
Then i see her do fuckin Buzzsaw Lao's EX spin, just plowing through shit then get a combo after..
She also seems to have a better Miguel b+3, Anna's booty bomb, Anna's ff343 looking move but WS then goes to Seth EX shoryuken and shit.. hella stances and wonky looking normals and strings, Zafina style.I can dig it.
Lastly the slow-mo kill around 27:30 was fuckin dank! first time I've seen that feature's benefits, I approve :D
Not to mention she got a hopkick! it's been forever since I used a character with a proper hopkick lol.

...Ok you win, I'm interested. Seeing as none of my mains (Zafina, Anna) are gonna make it and they kept a few aspects of my mains in a new character covered in a japanese fetish get-up. I'm in but the whole paws and ears shit has got to go. First thing I'm customizing for sure lol.
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Normalize grab immunity.
Holy shit, that vid was the first time I've seen Chloe in action.
Did this bitch just do bootleg ass electrics/dark uppercuts? Lmao, fuckin tight.
Then i see her do fuckin Buzzsaw Lao's EX spin, just plowing through shit then get a combo after..
She also seems to have a better Miguel b+3, Anna's booty bomb, Anna's ff343 looking move but WS then goes to Seth EX shoryuken and shit.. hella stances and wonky looking normals and strings, Zafina style.I can dig it.
Lastly the slow-mo kill around 27:30 was fuckin dank! first time I've seen that feature's benefits, I approve :D
Not to mention she got a hopkick! it's been forever since I used a character with a proper hopkick lol.

...Ok you win, I'm interested. Seeing as none of my mains (Zafina, Anna) are gonna make it and they kept a few aspects of my mains in a new character covered in a japanese fetish get-up. I'm in but the whole paws and ears shit has got to go. First thing I'm customizing for sure lol.
Yeah the more I've been watching, the more I'm looking her. She seems to have nice pressure with a couple tricks to make you second guess buttons then capitalize with great damage. I'm loving the move that reminds if the capos bounce kick move. I think it was ff3+4. Seth ex shoryuken lol never thought about that but I see it.

Yes! Join the kpop revolution. Are you ready? 1! 2! 3!


Believe in the hop kick
Damn, should visit TYM more often. 54 pages is too much. Anyway I am super salty about Bruce being replaced by Josie. Without bf4 and b2 I am extremely skeptical about her being able to deliver what I want. If I am not mistaken b1+2 aka "World star hip hop backhand" was also removed? Last hit of b1-series was also removed I think and db3+4 as well.


Normalize grab immunity.
Damn, should visit TYM more often. 54 pages is too much. Anyway I am super salty about Bruce being replaced by Josie. Without bf4 and b2 I am extremely skeptical about her being able to deliver what I want. If I am not mistaken b1+2 aka "World star hip hop backhand" was also removed? Last hit of b1-series was also removed I think and db3+4 as well.
Why do I keep mixing up bruce and bryan?

Anyways @SaltShaker has been seemingly in love with Josie.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Who are the top 5 scariest characters at the wall?

Here is my top 5 picks.

#5 Paul
Come on, if you don't have Paul on your top 5 deadliest characters at the wall in the game, you must be nuts, Paul has a death fist that deals clean damage, AND wallsplats, besides being a good W! move, its also the most stupid ender ever on any situation including WALLS. This is just the beginning you so don't want to get hit by death fist that which will conditions you to stand block against him in order to avoid it.

Guess what, paul has a throw which also wallsplat when you're blocking standing, and a d4,2 also will wall splat on on counter only, although besides all this, he has very few tracking moves so you can sidestep while you can, just be carefull with his magic 4.

4# Kazuya
Kazuya wall game wasn't much of a scarier before in TTT2, but in T7 he got some decent buffs to cop-out his lack of wall damage, he got Devil Jin's B4 move which hits mid, on counter hit it causes crumple stun, but against he wall, it will splat.
That move is stupid good because is safe and puts you under some serious pressure since you don't want to duck to not get hit by it, it will constantly put you under pressure with F4 which also hits mid but causes knockdown.

The problem is, F4 on block will frame trap you, which leave Kazuya to try out some interesting offense with his other tools, even though is 112 doesn't wallsplats anymore, i dare you press a button after you block F4, just press and find out what happens.
Scrub though: "maybe i should take the hit"
Suuuure! Just be mindful that on counter hit will knockdown and guarantees a free B4 luckly doesn't wallsplat, but the guaranteed damage of this two moves is insane which btw is also part of his consistent wall combo.

Any BnB into df14 then F4, B4 when they hit the wall and do some stupid damage.
Don't forget he still has hellsweep which will surely wall splat, so will you block a hellsweep on reaction you will take the hit?

3# Devil Jin
Saltshaker nows what's up, if you haven't seen the last tekken video i've shared among a few pages ago, where Devil Jin is doing ridiculous stuff at the wall, his wall game is so dumb that you will cry for the person taking the hit.
He has a stone head that wall splats, Laser cannon mixups which can be delayed, last hits wall splats, he can delay for a stone head, B4 or Hellsweep, he has so many fast attacks that are so impredictable to react to them on point

On situations like this one, usually it feels like devil jin is saying, "pick a winner" either you risk your entire life and dare to press a button, or die in the wall.

2# King
I put king on my number two list for several reasons first up, King has a good chunk of mid moves , attacks that crushes other attacks those will keep anyone honest on the wall willing to not press to many buttons, and this leads to my personal favorite, he has throws that wall splat.
U+1+2~b will change the direction of the throw and reverse positions with king, and he earns a wallsplat in the process when he is against the wall, its a 1+2 break so it should be easier right? Well, now picture for a second that king has another throw called Giant Swing, which cannot be teched on the same window than regular throws, if you miss the window you're done, if you guess the wrong break, your done. You're getting wallsplated bruh.

And as if it wasn't worse, he has a wall throw which will make you cry, because when it finishes, he gets to do things you never imagine, like throw you on a wakeup, or if he reads a techroll he can pick you up to not let you reposition on the wall or his new Netsu setup is also scarier.

1# Jin Kazama
One of the reasons why Jin has always managed to hold it on his own, it was because how ridiculous he is at the wall, if any Jin masters his wall game, every time you do a corner carry your likely to win the round.

In Tekken 7 his wall game is even better, considering he has very consistent wall enders, his half of his fillers, strings and a few normals are designed to wallsplat, if you think death fist is dumb, wait until you find out that Jin has a 50-50 mixup at the wall.

He has tracking moves that wallsplat, so sidestep mindlessly is out of the question, his low starters got a bit nerfed since there is no bound, but that is the whole point, you will want to block those lows at the wall since the constant knockdown into d2 will do very good damage, so you will be risking to duck, even if it is just for a brief moment.
Problem is that he has a bunch of safe a 13f mid which can lead to wallsplat with tracking, and is safe, a ff2 that is safe and wallsplats, a B4 that wall splat and is safe, ff3 that frame traps, EWHF and now recently a sidestep attack that crumple stun on counter hit, which guarantes a "median line destruction aka 1+2" which will wallsplat afterwards and he still has parry.

Half of the games of Jin i've seen either Korea or Japan, hell, even my games, were all done once Jin got their opponent cornered against the wall, there isn't much you can do about it other than guess right on a low or mid and block it, if you side step you die, before you could counter, but now you can't even do counters because uf2 is the new "scrub" move as some dude on the Tekken community said "just spam that move to win" lol

F'ing Jin in Tekken 7 man.
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Believe in the hop kick
Fishing for ch b2's is just tip of the iceberg. I'd say I use bf4 a lot more against seasoned players. Standing 3 on block, d4 on hit and most of Bruce's pokes don't allow you to implement an effective sidestepping game, due to too much of a frame disadvantage, however there are multiple situations that allow you to poke into backdash and then just see if your opponent sticks out jabs, df1's or other pokes and you can just use the negative edge from the bb input to just input f4 if you see a whiff to get a bf4 to come out or just hold the 2nd back input then punish with b1+2. If the opponent chooses a longer range mid poke that is going to get blocked if you backdash-block correctly, generic d4's and a bunch of other quick lows won't even reach and get whiff punished as well. Most 15-19 frame ranged mid pokes are -5 to -11 on block, which means Bruce's 13 frame d4 can no longer be crushed with hop kicks at -5. Most people won't try to fuzzy or twitch duck and will commit to crouch blocking if they are greedy for the -16 ws punish, thus opening them up once again to eat a bf4. MTS mind games are gone as well... I could go on an on but out of all the characters that lack a generic 13 frame, -1 on block, +4 on hit df1, Bruce has the best poking game for a character that can't do the usual jab/df1/low poke/sidestep flowchart offence... and that doesn't really matter because you can just commit to a random running 3 through frame disadvantage to chase people down and force some offence once you establish that they can't just stick out autopilot jabs, df1's and d4's for counterpokes and expect to get away with it... And now all this glorious meta is gone.