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Do Street fighter Games usually have a Balanced Cast?


Always Training
I'm wondering because if street fighter 5 has a Balanced Roster and Good NetCode Im probably Buying Sf5.

If any of you played Street Fighter 4 can you tell me how the online experience was and how balanced the roster was... Thanks in Advance.
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Lol no. Capcom games usually end up having dominant top tiers. The community is also less receptive to quick balance changes and hotfixes.

SF4 has horrible netcode that's still a step ahead of MKX. Wait for SFV since it has much better netcode.


Always Training
Better NetCode awesome

Hey can someone please tell me now the beta works.

Could I Put 5 dollars on Amazon to preorder street fighter 5 would that get me the code to play?

Or do I have pay full price?

Is the beta over?


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
Idk why people believe there are real balance issues in this game. "Dropping MKX" due to balance issues? The top 3 characters are Lao, Tanya and Quan...only one has won a major recently. I don't want to be that guy but adapt. Learn the ins and outs of the game better before you start claiming that it is unbalanced and looking for other games to play because of "balance issues" and "lack of fundamentals". Do you even know what fighting game fundamentals are? Can you apply them? If you aren't good with MKX fundamentals you will be shit in a footsie heavy game like SF. The truth is the truth.


SF4 ended up being pretty well balanced, though it took them a long time to reach that point.

Seriously, they spent years fine-tuning SF4 - MKX, by comparison, has had 6 months. All things considered, the balance in MKX isn't all that bad, even if it's maybe not (yet) as good as SF4.

As for online, it's... OK. Better than MKX, for sure.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Idk why people believe there are real balance issues in this game. "Dropping MKX" due to balance issues? The top 3 characters are Lao, Tanya and Quan...only one has won a major recently. I don't want to be that guy but adapt. Learn the ins and outs of the game better before you start claiming that it is unbalanced and looking for other games to play because of "balance issues" and "lack of fundamentals". Do you even know what fighting game fundamentals are? Can you apply them? If you aren't good with MKX fundamentals you will be shit in a footsie heavy game like SF. The truth is the truth.
This is so true lol.

I Play MK, SF, and Tekken, and i'm pretty good at each.


Good fight fundamentals? Lol. The only reason to switch to SF is the gameplay, since SF is a more footsie based game, while MK is more rush-down and some zoning, more aggressive. But if fundamentals are your problem, SF is gonna be worse.


Always Training
@Killa CoRzz

Dude I can do the toughest execution combos in this game and IAFB consistently.

I'm Actually really good at this Mkx.
I Never said this game had balance issues.

And I'm not comparing this game to street fighter.

All I Basically asked was basically for a review.

I mOstly play Online my area South Carolina has like No TOurnaments and I can't afford to travel.

I wanted to know if the game usually has good Netcode and characters that are not to much better than each other.Thats it geez.


Always Training
Good fight fundamentals? Lol. The only reason to switch to SF is the gameplay, since SF is a more footsie based game, while MK is more rush-down and some zoning, more aggressive. But if fundamentals are your problem, SF is gonna be worse.
I meant to say Good fight Mechanics I miss used the word "Fundamentals". I BODY people on MKX.


I meant to say Good fight Mechanics I miss used the word "Fundamentals". I BODY people on MKX.
SF has a different playstyle, it's more deffensive. SF5 seems to have run so don't know how that'd turn out. Btw, go to some tournaments, win some cash if you're that good.


It's all so very confusing.
SF balance is great. SF netcode is solid. It's not the be-all end-all, but its very solid. I have zero issues with SF online, even randoms. Sure some games are crap, but that's gonna happen.

SF is different than MKX, but neither is better or worse (except.netcode, MKX is worse) .

SF has excellent balance at this point. In the upper-most crust of competition, no, the low tiers aren't gonna win a major against Daigo on E-Ryu, but outside of that level of competition, low tiers in SF can dominate in the hands of someone who knows how to play them. If you are a better player, you will win regardless of.character.


A Hitbox Pirate - YARRR -
It looks like character imbalances in SF4 aren't quite a big a deal as in MKX, because the game is more footsie based and there's less damage overall.

I'm really looking forward to SF5 in a big way.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
It took 5 years for a friend of mine figure it out that in SF4 if you're knocked down, you're fucked, ahaha. He hates Ibuki so much lol


Ultra is well balanced, but Capcom tries to not buff the bottom tiers too much. I kind of like the idea taking some time between balance changes and updates, unless something is broken. SFV felt good in the beta. The netcode (Steam) was solid for around 90 percent of the matches for me.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
@Killa CoRzz

Dude I can do the toughest execution combos in this game and IAFB consistently.

I'm Actually really good at this Mkx.
I Never said this game had balance issues.

And I'm not comparing this game to street fighter.

All I Basically asked was basically for a review.

I mOstly play Online my area South Carolina has like No TOurnaments and I can't afford to travel.

I wanted to know if the game usually has good Netcode and characters that are not to much better than each other.Thats it geez.
Landing high execution combos does not mean you are a good player or even decent.