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Who do you think is Bottom 5?

Your bottom 5

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my opinion, this whole tier list is a bunch of booty. I've gone into player vs player and encountered people who whooped me with every character vice-versa. Characters in fighting games are kinda like a man's genitalia, it's not the size that matters, it's how you use it.


Top 5 Best Projectiles: (From Least to greatest)

5) Johnny Cage Forceballs (A-List and Fisticuffs)
4) Kitana Fans
3) Cutthroat and Commando Kano Knives
2) Hish Qu-Ten Predator Laz0rs
1) Cybernetic Kano Knives


ADM Riddles
my opinion, this whole tier list is a bunch of booty. I've gone into player vs player and encountered people who whooped me with every character vice-versa. Characters in fighting games are kinda like a man's genitalia, it's not the size that matters, it's how you use it.
^some just gotta work harder to get the desired effect ;)


ADM Riddles
Top 5 Best Projectiles: (From Least to greatest)

5) Johnny Cage Forceballs (A-List and Fisticuffs)
4) Kitana Fans
3) Cutthroat and Commando Kano Knives
2) Hish Qu-Ten Predator Laz0rs
1) Cybernetic Kano Knives
You think cyber knives are better then HQT lasers? How so? I'm not denying those fast mid hitting knives are great but idk about best projectile


Online Punching Bag
Goro definiely, hes slow clunky, big hitbox and his damage is only on par with much faster characters with more options.

Ferra Torr probably as well for some of the same reasons. Only thing Ferra and Goro have over some other characters is reach.

Jason, hard to say he does stupidly high damage for really easy set ups and his advancing moves are faster than Goro and Ferra plus with the super armor special going he has a meterless option that gives him less to worry about with armor breaking pressure or characters with better frame data.

So many Kenshi players say hes trash, hes certainly not nearly as good as other characters like Shinnok with pushback and zoning he\s not the Kenshi of MK9 but I really dont see him as bottom 5 overall.

Kano is probably only on the list because of the hotfix and Kano players lol
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Yea that's true I won't lie to you. But at the end of it all I feel because of my hard work & effort I have a better understanding of the game than so many other people because to win I'm forced to break the game down in such a way that I know how to counter any option thrown at me.
Your posts have made me a fan of you, and I don't even like Mileena. The description you provide above is what every good player will EVENTUALLY arrive at with their respective characters; that's why tier lists evolve over time. Due to the high volume of characters in this game (variations are individuals to me, and should be to everyone), the process will take longer. The surface game of 50/50s et al. will take a backseat to the priorities you list above. Once that is done, tiers change. I think you have arrived at Mileena's proper standing sooner than everyone else, but don't worry, they'll join you in time.


Injustice: mained Harley and insisted she was viable until bad matchups started piling up, then conveniently picked up Doomsday.
MKX: so far has mained Mileena but has desperately switched variations at least twice in the last month as NRS keeps taking things away from her. Already needed Cassie to bail him out not even 6 months into the game's life.
Not meaning to come across as some sort of Saltface fanboy, (and I'm not), but let's be fair about this.
From what I've seen, he hasn't used Cassie since fully committing to maining Mileena. And switching variations... that's exactly WHY the variation system is in here to begin with. So you can cover bad matchups WITHOUT changing character. Mileena is, imo, one of the best examples for how to work the variation system.

That being said, she might be bottom 5~7 based solely on "process of elimination". The REAL issue is people taking such offense to a label. (I mean really? we're debating whether she's bottom 5 or bottom 12?). I'll admit there's some anti-Mileena that isn't being taken advantage of fully so far. As it's clear people are still very uncomfortable fighting vs her. But she has good tools in spite of the risk.

You can be Low Tier and still be solid.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
The real joke is how some Kenshi players keep insisting on using Balanced as a benchmark of what the character is capable of, even after acknowledging that Balanced is the weakest variation.

You don't see Lao players claiming that Lao sucks because Hat Trick sucks. Why do these Kenshi players keep insisting that Balanced be the "standard" when discussing the strength of the character?
All variations for kenshi very poor

Overall he is a bottom 5 character sum of all parts


Anyone who's mentioning Goro care to explain why? I was thinking about purchasing him.... haven't gotten around to it yet.


Kitana, Scorpion
Bottom 5 or Top 5 or Top 10 or Top 15, or any other convenient bracketing of characters in 5's, is completely arbitrary. Whether or not a character is viable or not, or Top Tier or Lower Tier, is not hinged upon which bracket of 5's they fall into. This mode of thinking and classifying is severely game limiting and mind numbing. If every single character in a game is competitively viable, than falling into the so-called "bottom 5" becomes a meaningless splitting of hairs - the bracket becomes a safe haven for scrubs to align themselves and their characters to justify what is realistically their personal lack of competitive viability, not their characters.

Hypothetically, if there are only say 1-4 characters that are in fact uncompetitive, intentionally seeking out 5 characters to place in the "Bottom 5" suddenly lumps characters that are competitive with characters that aren't competitive. It doesn't make sense to create a category that has no bearing on the actual meta of the game you play - the only thing this conversation serves is bored idle internet chit-chat where useful time is wasted on useless debate.


Bottom 5 or Top 5 or Top 10 or Top 15, or any other convenient bracketing of characters in 5's, is completely arbitrary. Whether or not a character is viable or not, or Top Tier or Lower Tier, is not hinged upon which bracket of 5's they fall into. This mode of thinking and classifying is severely game limiting and mind numbing. If every single character in a game is competitively viable, than falling into the so-called "bottom 5" becomes a meaningless splitting of hairs - the bracket becomes a safe haven for scrubs to align themselves and their characters to justify what is realistically their personal lack of competitive viability, not their characters.

Hypothetically, if there are only say 1-4 characters that are in fact uncompetitive, intentionally seeking out 5 characters to place in the "Bottom 5" suddenly lumps characters that are competitive with characters that aren't competitive. It doesn't make sense to create a category that has no bearing on the actual meta of the game you play - the only thing this conversation serves is bored idle internet chit-chat where useful time is wasted on useless debate.
You must be fun at parties...:)


Online Punching Bag
Anyone who's mentioning Goro care to explain why? I was thinking about purchasing him.... haven't gotten around to it yet.
Slow strings, bad projectile, huge hitbox, all his specials are punishable. He does have great pokes and a really fast command grab plus multi hit armor on punchwalk is nice . its not impossible to win with him by any means, but its an uphill battle in almost every fight. He is below average overall. But pretty fun to play.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Jason, Mileena, Kenshi, F/T, and Goro.

I think Jason is the only character in this game who isn't viable. I think even goro can still win things.


PSN: Windude008
Damn, it hurts to see everyone lump your main in the bottom tiers. I think because F/T doesn't have super flashy, crazy damage (45%+) combos, a well known professional player who mains them (not to take away from those players who do, but it's not like SonicFox or the YOMI team ever use them) or really interesting tools like say Warlock's f3, they get put down. But I have mopped up plenty of high tier characters with nothing more than matchup knowledge and good reads (it's obviously gone the other way plenty of times, but I digress). F/T is a heavily underplayed character. They are the bane of Grandmaster, have one of the trolliest strings out there (4,2+4 needs to be full screen again goddammit!!), I argue the best god damn projectile in the game, and they are consistently disregarded in patch updates.

I'll just slum it out in the low tiers....


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
I think this game just has a bottom 2

Goro and Jason.

But even then they may be better than in thinking.