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The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
The meter gain off 21122 is so good, does anyone know if SOS3 is interruptible?
It is spacing dependant. Fox found a sweet spot where it's uninterruptible somewhere just outside of sweep range. It's very touchy spacing to find. Anything up close inside of sweep is for sure interruptable.


I could do this all day...
What are the best anti airs besides SOS 2 for gunslinger? Normals or specials
You'll get many different answers to this question but I will give my personal opinion on it. B2 is a pretty good anti-air however its hard to do on reaction so it's more of a read when they jump in. Standing 1 is decent but against characters that have a Mr. Fantastic jump in attack like Kotal Kahn or Kung Lao it can be hard to do it. D2 or uppercut is good as well. I believe it's 8-9 frames and has been the most useful out of anti airs. But for me, I usually don't go for anti airs I space my opponent to whiffing a jump in attack and punish accordingly. I would head to the lab against different characters and see what works best for you!


Ex Phase
I'm sure plenty of you guys know this but sos3 can also break some armor moves if canceled into after the final hit of 21122.

It works on moves like Sub zero's Frost Bomb and Kotal Kahn's armored overhead sword.


Former Divine Power Abuser
How is gunslinger at building meter. Erron is already exceptional at meter building with his 21122 string & cancelled into SOS (low multihitting guns, don't know the input) seems like it would build a crazy amount of meter.


How is gunslinger at building meter. Erron is already exceptional at meter building with his 21122 string & cancelled into SOS (low multihitting guns, don't know the input) seems like it would build a crazy amount of meter.
Im pretty sure he builds half a bar off that and his -6 after that too lol . Also do you guys think that gunslinger is better than marksman?


I could do this all day...
Im pretty sure he builds half a bar off that and his -6 after that too lol . Also do you guys think that gunslinger is better than marksman?
I feel like marksman gets better damage midscreen, gunslinger deals with zoners better imo, but in the corner I feel they get the same amount of damage. It's hard to say.


I feel like marksman gets better damage midscreen, gunslinger deals with zoners better imo, but in the corner I feel they get the same amount of damage. It's hard to say.
Yeah they get almost the same damage but if im correct gunslinger cant break 40% meterless corner? Imo they should buff marksman db1 faster / startup recovery and safer on block , or make it a mid :DOGE and make the ex version have armor :DOGE


Yeah they get almost the same damage but if im correct gunslinger cant break 40% meterless corner? Imo they should buff marksman db1 faster / startup recovery and safer on block , or make it a mid :DOGE and make the ex version have armor :DOGE
Gunslinger can do 40+ meterless in the corner easy


Dojo Trainee
Im pretty sure he builds half a bar off that and his -6 after that too lol . Also do you guys think that gunslinger is better than marksman?
I personally like marksman the best out of all variations just coz of the gun cancels. But starting to really like gunslinger too.

I sometimes get an input error with it though. Like if I do a single SOS2 say, I input db1 then immediately 2 like in one motion and it work. But when I input it like that during a combo, he sometime gets stuck in sos and the shot doesn't come out.

Anyone else find that?


Yeah I get that. I just mash the desired SOS input twice and it works lol.

21122 DB4 B33 SOS2 NJP 21122 tackle. Does 39%.

B33 instead of 21122 probably does like 1 or 2 percent more.

If you do it ontop of caltrops then its like 43-45.


Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
Have people tried using SOS 2 to blow up players wakeups. I find it is pretty effective, especially if you do hard knockdowns like F2 4 into this setup. Yes someone can just wakeup low poke, but if they delay or do nothing, SOS 2 is only -5 on recovery so they have to commit to wakeup low poke to punish it. Of course you can get blown up for doing SOS 2 if you do it too early or too late against the wakeup, but I think with practice, people could get quite a few of the characters wakeup timings down in order to take advantage of this.
Ive already blown up this guys kung lao wakeup spin in the corner online and Mileena's Ex ball roll.

Its no good against low profile wakeups like slide and regular ball roll though.

Groove Heaven

Are gun cancels still weird and hard or did I just not get the hotfix? I can make f13~gc safe but it's really tight. I'm on PS4...


Lawless Victory!
Sos 2 damage scales heavily so it's not really a combo tool as such, nor a relaunched.

However, what it does do is work as a nonbreakable anti air off a 3 way guessing game.

A) Full screen zoning: we now have 5 tools that work in unison for full screen zoning;
1) sand grenade - knock down, low hitting
2) money shot - overhead, can change trajectory up until the last second
3) sos 3 - pressure tool (also now his best meter builder)
4) sos 4 - spin shot to catch neutral jumps (evades both money shot and sand grenade and last shot of sos3)
5) sos 2 - pretty much a 45o angle that will blow up any jump forwards. The new juggle properties allow us extra frame damage to control space even better, in the time it takes for them to land we can drop caltrops (to build meter) and do any of the following; run in for pressure, stay put and continue zoning, close in slightly whilst still remaining in zoning range.

B) blowing up jump forwards attacks. Now that opponents actually have to respect all 3 options, we can start conditioning them to respect lows and therefore jump. Previously we had to meet air to air or d2 or db4 (hard reads), all of which where not always reliable, this is no longer the case - now we blow up any active frame aerial moves clean. And we get combo opportunities. And we can pretty much do it on reaction.

C) corner trapping; our corner control just got a whole lot more devious. Thanks to the buffs, we have just enough reaction time to db1 into so stance and hit 2 (we can do this last part late too allowing us to bait a jump in with so stanve itself) should our opponents try jumping out. This works incredibly well in conjunction with b4, f1 and f2 helping us effectively trap our opponents in the corner and keep the pressure on

Tl;Dr; sos2 isn't a combo replacement tool, use it for corner trapping and reaction AAs instead.
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Backdash distance makes the SOS3 a true block string. So maybe in the corner F24 backdash into SOS3?

Maybe Erron's horrible backdash can be saved* xD?


and @Everyone else
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Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
I found a combo in the corner that ends in a backdash and follows up with SOS 3. The SOS 3 becomes a true blockstring plus the opponent cant do anything about this setup accept wakeup armor or hold it.

The first video is the AI on reversal. The second Video is me attempting to get out of the SOS 3 pressure.



Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
So, did Erron gain all of this from the last patch, or has he had this in Gunslinger the whole time?
Most likely from latest patch. SOS 2 launcher helps with a lot of the combos and SOS did get buffed to make it faster on start-up; which makes a huge difference.


Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
I found a corner caltrop combo setup in SOS 3. it can be armored through and also tech rolled into a jumpin punch to blow it up. So you take a chance going for it but you are going into SOS stance so you could try to read a jump in. If the player doesnt tech roll or armor, it becomes a true blockstring.

Video 1 is AI reversal
Video 2 is me trying to get out of pressure.
I didnt think to show the tech roll blow up sadly.