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Breakthrough - Goro Goro Lives 2.0

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat

As most of would agree with the lastest patch (08/31/2015) Goro got some pretty good buffs and GORO is finally in there.


Full Goro patch details below.

  • Goro - B12U2 has increased range
  • Goro - U1/U2 now has 9 startup frames (down from 14)
  • Goro - Reduced the recovery on Stomp miss by 16 frames
  • Goro - Adjusted the reaction to F214 and it can now be 2in1 canceled out of
  • Goro - Removed 5 recovery frames from Shokan Bolt
  • Goro - You can now meter burn regular Punch Walk on hit
  • Goro - Removed 2 startup frames from Stomp
  • Goro (Kuatan Warrior) - Chest Lunge & Chest Charge now hit mid
  • Goro (Dragon Fangs) - Removed the DB1 command attack
  • Goro (Dragon Fangs) - Added Fang Low as a new special move (BF1)
  • Goro (Tigrar Fury) - Removed 5 recovery frames from Flame Ball
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Your sacrifice honors me!
That added (repurposed) low special in dragon fangs is interesting - fangs might be really good now

Chest bump being a mid is nice, now if I read someone is going to poke the ex will net me 17(?)%

And, obviously, the ability to burn regular punchwalk is huge

Optimistic he is viable now!
the b12u2 change was good (AT LAST)
the punchwalk confirm was VERY nice.

not feelin the DF change though... will have to experiment or just see what the rest of the notes look like

the Stomp change is ultimately pointless, as was the green fireball change. The fireball change for TF is probably godlike. We'll see though


I wanna see the full list of changes first, but I gotta say that the improved telestomp, being able to MB punchwalk is big, faster Tigrar Fury fireball and fixes to back 1,2 ,up 2 all seems promising to me so far.

I'm very excited to see/use Dragon Fangs honestly.

I need to see the full listings and play around, but these quality of life adjustments make me happy.


Scrub Extraordinaire
It will be interesting to see all the character loyalists come out of the woodwork and make people learn the match up.
reading those notes im actually quite excited to play Goro now...... gonna spend some serious lab time on the new low and 213 string


The Fang low is huge and probably makes Dragon Fangs the best. I wish they would have given us a better advancing move universal tho but all in all I'm excited to test him out.


Vertebral Subluxationist
These changes are overall unimpressive IMO.

Being able to EX punch walk at the end is cool, but it just encourages cancelling into PW more, which I don't think is a viable strategy against people that are actually good at the game. For one, PW doesn't combo when cancelled off most of his pokes. And it isn't a true blockstring and can be armored through on many of them (D1, D4, D3) as well. Where I think it's good is for no longer having to commit to using meter on his 50/50 if you want big damage.

I honestly don't think chest lunge being a mid matters all that much outside of a few more solid punishes.

Slightly better recovery on fireballs is w/e. It's more to check ppl from jumping and counterzoning rather than actual zoning, which these changes don't make it any better at. EDT: Actually, recovering faster should help him slightly in fireball wars, which can make the difference when it's you having to approach the opponent versus the opposite.

Stomp changes are w/e. It's still very punishable so once people figure out the new timing, it won't be any different than before.

U1/U2 being 9 frames is really cool. Coupled with the change to jump in hurtboxes and maybe Goro finally has a meterless AA.

B12U2 having better range is awesome. I don't think B2 actually has more range, which is disappointing since they didn't speed up F2, but having it actually connect all (most?) of the time is a godsend. Now we should be able to get more meterless damage from jump ins.

Maybe with F213 being cancellable, he'll have a bit higher damage on his combos (probably only in the corner). Other than that, F213 being cancellable doesn't benefit Goro much at all.

Shokan trip being a special in Fangs now is pretty cool. I'm excited to play around with that as I mostly used Fangs anyway for the AA on EX spin. Hopefully it's a true blockstring.
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GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Goro is still shit, guys...lol. They needed to do something like what they did for Sub Zero to make Goro viable. Goro needs a new move or some shit because #punchwalk is complete garbage. "This character sucks dick! Here's some minuscule 50/50 option! Yeah! From F- tier to F tier!"


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Dragon fang low may be legit. It will need to be tested.

Don't understand the f21 change. I think it means less pushback?


Vertebral Subluxationist
It used to have nearly the same input as Fangs spin, which made it nearly unusable. Now that it's a special move you can do a 50/50 with 11 into 2 (overhead) /shokan trip (low) or 2 into 1 (overhead) /shokan trip (low)
Can someone please tell me what the purpose of the new DF special is?
End a string into +6 (I think that's what it is in current patch) on block lol. It has the potential to be really good if you can cancel a string into it.

A D1 would almost be guaranteed, then you can go cancel it into command grab or punch walk and continue your pressure.


Vertebral Subluxationist
I think the normal version may not be + on block as they specifically mentioned that as a property of the EX version. Hopefully it isn't punishable tho.