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AE 2012 Changes


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Didn't see a thread for this, but: http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/ssfiv-ae-2012-character-changes-alpha-beta.144260/


Honestly, the twins got so massacred in this. And I don't think even the people who mained them even realize exactly how badly nerfed they've been. Holy shit. :confused:

Akuma took it kinda hard, too. Same with Fei...no more double rekka really hurts him. On the flip side, I think Hakan just became the best grappler in the game with his single buff to the start of the match.


Dojo Trainee
Hakan was like one of the best character since his release...if he was oiled up permanently rofl. The range, frames, and just everything made him so amazing while oiled up, but the fact that he is also the worst character without oil is also rofl.

If he can maintain his oil better than AE then he'll be easily a solid character.


Aquaman is dead lel
I don't like how the twins got castrated, but Fei is just as good. And why can't Bison get his U2 back from Super? But I guess I can't complain, Cody got some nice stuff.


TYM White Knight
I don't even play this game, because of this wonder twins. Now, I kinda feel sorry for them. Those nerfs look pretty bad! Guy got some buffs tho so I may end up going back into training mode and trying to learn more things with him lol

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I only just started playing AE properly, made a good choice in picking rose it seems. I may pick up hakan too, he seems like a really interesting character.


TYM White Knight
If I start to dabble back into SF, I will try to learn Guy, as well as a grappler...Maybe Gief or Abel.


Plays too much Civ
Since I am thinking of picking up this game and have no idea what these nerfs/buffs have done, how have they affected Guile and Cody?


Dojo Trainee
I don't even play this game, because of this wonder twins. Now, I kinda feel sorry for them. Those nerfs look pretty bad! Guy got some buffs tho so I may end up going back into training mode and trying to learn more things with him lol

the Twins being 2 of the best characters in the game had very little impact on anywhere except Japan. Almost nobody in the U.S or Europe plays a good twin.

I really feel that people are just copping out to the twin argument without really knowing what the twins are about. The twins shouldn't be any deterrent of playing 1) casuals 2) local tourneys 3) majors without international players and 4) online.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Same with Fei...no more double rekka really hurts him.
Aw man, I was actually contemplating getting into AE and picking up Fei. Too many god damn bland shotos in SF4, guess I'll just invest my time into 3SO instead.

Mr. Mileena

Rose needs a medium hit.
Soul satellite was pretty decent in AE, but now its 5 frames, even better.
Glad they fixed the input with her U2, glad to see minor buffs on her. Ill go back to this game :)


Ehh, there's gonna be Cody whores everywhere. I'm already starting to see more of them...

Hakan might make his way up to mid tier now though.


Plays too much Civ
Good enough for me. From what I've read Guile's buffs won't push him too far up but oh well, I am still going to main him. As for Cody, I know someone who will be happy to hear Cody got buffed.


Aquaman is dead lel
Good enough for me. From what I've read Guile's buffs won't push him too far up but oh well, I am still going to main him. As for Cody, I know someone who will be happy to hear Cody got buffed.
I'm very happy about them :D . Not like he needed anything but it's always nice if you're character gets something nice :p .


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
[MENTION=588]Mr. Kitana[/MENTION] I would never want Rose to have an overhead. The bitch already has the most godlike pokes ever. >_>

[MENTION=4562]Jelan[/MENTION] Fei won't be the best, though. Tbh, though, him being arguably the best character would be good for SFIV's sake IMO, since he's far more fundamentals-based than the twins.

[MENTION=1307]Victor[/MENTION] Yeah, Cody will be much better now. Him and Guy. Both characters having improvements in their walkspeed is huge.

Also, I think Viper will be the best in the game lol. They needed to do more to her than just nerf EX seismo. At the highest level of play, this bitch is so wack lol.


Im loving Juris buffs..I can also see her moving up the list a little...Both of her Ultra buffs are getting me hype!..Cant wait for Dec 13!


Dojo Trainee
Also, I think Viper will be the best in the game lol. They needed to do more to her than just nerf EX seismo. At the highest level of play, this bitch is so wack lol.
The problem is there are only a handful vipers at high level. 2 of them being in the US (Latif, and Krone), and like 2-3 in Japan (Uryo and Kindevu). I know im missing some more but its not like viper is running amok in high level play.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Notice how Latif and Krone are really doing a number in the US, though? Not discrediting them at all, though...they're both ridiculously good players and have still put in the work. But Viper's worst matchups were probably just the twins, and the twins were nerfed in ways that will more likely make them not so bad matchups anymore. We'll see, though, because a lot of the cast got really nice buffs or were brought back up from being nerfed in the transition from Super to AE, most notably Honda and Rog, who gave her hell back in Super. Honda getting back LP headbutt's upper-body invincibility is huge, even though he didn't get his damage back.

Also, for some reason, I have a feeling Cammy will be a better character overall. The HK arrow change back to Super is great, and it wouldn't surprise me if spin knuckle's buff actually does something.


Dojo Trainee
Notice how Latif and Krone are really doing a number in the US, though? Not discrediting them at all, though...they're both ridiculously good players and have still put in the work. But Viper's worst matchups were probably just the twins, and the twins were nerfed in ways that will more likely make them not so bad matchups anymore. We'll see, though, because a lot of the cast got really nice buffs or were brought back up from being nerfed in the transition from Super to AE, most notably Honda and Rog, who gave her hell back in Super. Honda getting back LP headbutt's upper-body invincibility is huge, even though he didn't get his damage back.

Also, for some reason, I have a feeling Cammy will be a better character overall. The HK arrow change back to Super is great, and it wouldn't surprise me if spin knuckle's buff actually does something.
Cammy was supposedly considered top 3-5 in either SF4 or SSF4, I forget which one.

Honestly I can't play SF4, the transition from 3s to SF4 was rather difficult. I mean I went from dudley (3s) to Sakura and Adon (SSF4) =/. I like watching the game, and following it, but I can't enjoy it like I enjoy the vs series or 3s.