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Actual Glossary of TYM MKX Terms.


This mean you don't like me?
Those new to the site may not realize what certain people mean when they use certain terms that may or may not exist in other fighting games. I have translated the terms in question for your convenience.

When a player who lost previously by accruing damage in 50/50 situations guesses right more times during a corresponding match in the same 50/50 situations and wins.

Half life:
When a combo takes any where from 38% to 43% of your opponent's health bar, but rarely ever more than that.

No options:
When you have one or more options in any given situation.

Unseeable 50/50s:
50/50s than can be seen by select persons.

I'm done with this game:
Phrase used to describe a person who will continue to play MKX.

No options whatsoever.
When you have one or more options in any given situation, but are not pleased with them.

Term used by stream commentators to describe when they see a player walk forward a few steps followed by walking back the same number of steps.

Term used to describe two players incessantly low poking one another.

Term used to describe a player who lost an extremely close set, sometimes even at pixel point, but got brutalitied.

Mid tier:
Bottom tier.

Button check:
Miraculous phenomenon where two players receive amnesia at the exact same time and forget how to use their respective characters during tournament. Furthering this incredible series of events, both players learn the mysterious characters' combos within seconds of their tournament match commencement.

Like the word 'Rosebud' in the film Citizen Cane, this term is open to interpretation.

Money Match:
Like intercourse, a money match is a phrase used to express a thing that excites a lot of users, gets them to talk dirty to and about each other and cause a lot of intimacy within the community; the hype is usually bookended by dissatisfaction. Like intercourse, very few people ever actually done a money match.

I literally have no options:
When you have 1 or more options, but probably less than 5.

Reasonable buffs:
Buffs for a character than are unreasonable.

Reasonable nerfs:
Nerfs for a character a person dislikes furtively hidden under sparse lines of text meant to insinuate an absence of bias.

'YOLO' special move:
When a player uses a perfectly viable, considered option in a situation that the stream commentator has tried to use haphazardly but without the same success.

Learning a match up:
Phrase that describes knowing which of your opponents moves are punishable.

"Actually he/she gets 44% for a bar":
Phrase used to describe jump in punch combos.