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TYM Kommunity Project: An Open Letter to NRS Concerning Netplay


Attack pekingese
Not only do we need IGN's, Angry Joe's, and Maximillian's attention, but we also need top players' attention on this issue and sign the petition.
Saddest part is... There are many top players right here on this sight that I watch play online on their streams, and they agree one hundred percent that the netcode/online connectivity/input lag/malfuckingfunctions is a complete joke. But...

"You're not cool" if you support this topic, so... the people who have the power to make the most difference, choose to do absolutely nothing.
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Saddest part is... There are many top players righthere on this sight that I watch play online on their streams, and they agree one hundred percent that the netcode/online connectivity/input lag/malfuckingfunctions. But...

"You're not cool" if you support this topic, so... the people who have the power to make the most difference, choose to do absolutely nothing.
i dunno if its "youre not cool" (i wouldnt know why though) or something else, but yes, it is a, if not THE problem.


Attack pekingese
I wonder if there are actual repercussions for speaking out. Like, would Pig still be able to compete in ESL if he stopped being a fucboi and spoke up?
Pretty sure netplay is not that bad for Pig, and pretty sure that's based on his location. But I know it's horrid for some, if not most. Never hear him really complain about connection so... But there are several top players who's names I won't mention who complain constantly, but still... wouldn't be caught dead in here or any other netcode related topic. It's not "Cool"
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A Hitbox Pirate - YARRR -
I signed last night. At first, I was maining DF Liu Kang in my online matches, so I just thought I couldn't adjust to the lag and get my run cancels close to frame perfect like I can offline 90% of the time. I decided to try Kano instead, and I just feel like there's an invisible monster behind the scenes eating inputs like it's his job. I mean, Run canceling F44 into F44 is one thing. But when you try to hit confirm off 112 into Kano Ball (BF3, how much easier can you get?) and it doesn't come out?

That's just infuriating.

I feel like I've tried almost everything to make online match offline in terms of execution, but it just doesn't work. The best I've come up with is to just play as slow as possible and hope the game "remembers" the inputs. But man does that get old. Offline where I can actually move my hands fast I can sink into the game so much better because I'm not constantly trying to play the sync game with inputs.


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
I'm also going to share this elsewhere. There's so many people who play MKX that I know who are just friends and aren't serious players I just might tag them all.

Because whether you just wanna have fun or get the best matchup experience possible online it is apparent MKX's netcode is unsatisfactory for either.


Attack pekingese
People have been playing SF4 for 7 years, NRS does not want you playing MKX when INJ 2 comes out, Playing MK9 when INJ 1 came out, and so on and so forth. With the lore and popularity alone being enough to gain ten times the amount purchasers than were lost, and the always fake "New and improved netcode" statement by Boon each game.

This is planned obsolescence at it's finest. Their plan is working perfectly, don't believe me... Look at the increase in sales with each title regardless of the blatant disrespect to the online community [95% or more of people who purchased the game].

Broken on purpose, that about sums it up.
Well I'm not buying next MK game under 3-4 years. And its easy to get people used to play one game for very long period of time. DotA2, LoL, Counter Strike, Minecraft, SF4.
Look at KI. Still making content and money. And tons of ppl play it. You just have to make game for it. :p


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
I got almost no motivation to play anymore man, but if you fancied a set sometime I could probably still hold my own...
What happened dude!? Im always down to play with you and all the UK guys. My new GT: KHTC Gazmo .. its not a new account though so i should still be on your friends.


Earth's Mightiest Knucklehead
How vocal were top players during MK9 and Injustice? I posted a sassy comment on Ketchup's stream about how if top players constantly dumped on the game's netplay, there's no way NRS could make Injustice 2 the same way. He responded with (paraphrasing), "Were you around for MK9 and Injustice? What we said and did about them had no effect on next game." I wasn't part of this community back then, and I was wondering what top players actually did about the previous games.


Attack pekingese
How vocal were top players during MK9 and Injustice? I posted a sassy comment on Ketchup's stream about how if top players constantly dumped on the game's netplay, there's no way NRS could make Injustice 2 the same way. He responded with (paraphrasing), "Were you around for MK9 and Injustice? What we said and did about them had no effect on next game." I wasn't part of this community back then, and I was wondering what top players actually did about the previous games.
1. Nothing

2. Complained on here, which does not affect WB's pockets in the slightest.