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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
That was a huge salty rant after getting bodied 3 long sets in a row lol.
Well, you are the salt shaker. ;)

But it's partially true.

For all I know next patch won't be until months from now lol, and who knows if Kano will even get anything.
Yeah I find it pretty annoying that they had a patch coming every other week to string us along to each new dlc and evo hype, then just went MIA. Rumor is that Kano commando is getting buffs,though
EVO is done, DLC is done, they no longer give a shit, the game will be left as such. Colt hasn't responded to anything on here in 3 months, we have absolutely no communication or audience relationship. The most we will get now is 1 more patch. And while it's been said, I'll believe that when I see it.

This has been the last NRS game I buy, mark my words. I play on PC, worst case scenario I do feel the need to play the next one, I'll be pirating it to learn the game for locals, not like online multiplayer matters at all anyway.

I've got a couple of really good players willing to help me learn a couple of characters, so I might mess around with more cast members to see which one fits better for me. I've got a couple people I met at Next Level willing to help me learn Cassie, Lao, and D'Vorah offline, and Dukmunky with Tremor online, so I think I'm going to give them a push and just feel out everyone to see if a character can "stick" for me. I do well with HQT Pred though but I don't "enjoy" playing him.

My Kano days might be over though unless some changes happen unfortunately. I won't knock the character anymore to support the guys sticking with him, but I surely need to make a switch.
Nice man. Yeah, I feel the same way about Predator. Warrior is kinda fun tho, that frantic dash from both sides as soon as you activate the self-destruct :D

If you are still interested in Hat Trick Lao Swag Gang 2015, I can't play with you online because of delay and obviously not local either way, but I got all the time in the world to look over match replays and explain the character in depth if you need it.

Regardless, don't wait for the patch. You can always come back later. Expand your horizons. Diversy your bonds, son. Which DVorah variation you going with? Venemous D'Vorah looking like my new secondary. The ultra defensive footsie based playstyle is perfect.
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In Zoning We Trust
Well, you are the salt shaker. ;)
That explains a lot! Haha!

EVO is done, DLC is done, they no longer give a shit, the game will be left as such. Colt hasn't responded to anything on here in 3 months, we have absolutely no communication or audience relationship. The most we will get now is 1 more patch. And while it's been said, I'll believe that when I see it.

This has been the last NRS game I buy.
Yea I know some may not agree, but I can't help but feel kind of jerked. All those promises of amazing Netcode, and being told that they played near flawlessly online was an outright lie to sell copies. With other fighters either providing amazing online already, or stepping up to make sure they will, I won't buy a copy of the next game until I have proof that online is actually up to par.

I also agree on the patch. I'm pretty sure it's coming, but I'm pretty sure it's the last one. The only way we get an extra patch beyond that is if they have more DLC to sell us, and if they do the last DLC will be the last patch. I prefer pretty much all the other business models over this one so it rubbed me the wrong way. Feels like they got worse towards the fans and consumers instead of better to us.

If you are still interested in Hat Trick Lao Swag Gang 2015, I can't play with you online because of delay and obviously not local either way, but I got all the time in the world to look over match replays and explain the character in depth if you need it.

Regardless, don't wait for the patch. You can always come back later. Expand your horizons. Diversy your bonds, son. Which DVorah variation you going with? Venemous D'Vorah looking like my new secondary. The ultra defensive footsie based playstyle is perfect.
Oh hell yea I'd def appreciate it! I might ask you a few questions again this week about Hat Trick for sure. Likely after Tuesday night. I'm meeting up on Tuesday with a friend I met to play offline and he's gonna help me with Lao but he main's Tempest. Hat Trick is the one I like most so I'm not sure how much the gap of knowledge is with the variations. I'll have to mix and match his Lao exp with your Hat Trick knowledge for the full circle.

I was trying out SQ and Venom D'Vorah. They both seem really good, but I haven't dove too hard into them yet. The cancels in SQ weren't nearly as hard as I heard they were when practicing (well the OH one at least), so I might try that one out first.

You're dead on though. I can't sit around waiting for a Kano patch. It could take forever, or it could be like 2 meaningless buffs and then they're done forever to make Inj2. Best case scenario is significant changes are made where I can come back to the character. Worst case scenario is my knife is permanently store in the closet. -.-


Fabulous Goofball
Incorrect, Tanya also does not have armour on ex teleport and Ermac doesn't have armour on ex lift :p Cutthroat doesn't need tremendous help though, it's already his best variation.
Tanya's EX slide has armor, and I believe Ermac's Teleport also has armor. You can combo after both I believe. Giving EX db1 armor will help Kano deal with other characters midscreen game. He can really punish the opponent's midscreen game with an armored EX db1 instead of knocking down with an EX Ball. 28%+ vs 11%.

I don't want Kano buffed because I think he's bad or anything, it's just that so many other characters have so much dirt & pressure loop nonsense and kano needs a small boost to deal with it.
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Cutthroat Truther
I'm of the belief that Blade slide doesn't need armor. Sure it would be nice, but It's whatever. He has Armor on EX Buff, which leads to huge combos if used correctly


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Oh hell yea I'd def appreciate it! I might ask you a few questions again this week about Hat Trick for sure. Likely after Tuesday night. I'm meeting up on Tuesday with a friend I met to play offline and he's gonna help me with Lao but he main's Tempest. Hat Trick is the one I like most so I'm not sure how much the gap of knowledge is with the variations. I'll have to mix and match his Lao exp with your Hat Trick knowledge for the full circle.
They are different, but that's because there is a little bit more to Hat Trick and he builds on a lot of what Tempest is, so any knowledge you pick up learning Tempest won't be wasted if you ever do decide to play Hat Trick.

I was trying out SQ and Venom D'Vorah. They both seem really good, but I haven't dove too hard into them yet.
I got some local play tonight so I'm gearing up Lao a bit today, but I'm amped to give Venemous a shot after. Combo's are simple as hell as well, shes just super fundamentally based.
The cancels in SQ weren't nearly as hard as I heard they were when practicing (well the OH one at least), so I might try that one out first.
Yeah, that's because everyone loves to pretend their character is so much harder to play than it actually is :p

You're dead on though. I can't sit around waiting for a Kano patch. It could take forever, or it could be like 2 meaningless buffs and then they're done forever to make Inj2. Best case scenario is significant changes are made where I can come back to the character. Worst case scenario is my knife is permanently store in the closet. -.-
Mileena has a knife ;)

Kung Jin is in the closet ;) ;)


RIP Ex Smash
Um I'm pretty sure Ex ball cancel is a launcher

Also @Youphemism if Commando had F212 he would instantly be better than Cybernetic and nearly as good as cutthroat.

Aaaaaand @DougDFC instead of making a video/guide on what can be parried by commando(which we sorta have), make one for which wakeups or normals get blown up by Ex buff into combo.
EDIT- I am blind and cannot read.
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Dojo Trainee
We'll be getting more patches and DLC. Boon himself recently linked to a DLC video made by Maximilian. Why would he bring attention to DLC if he had/has no intention to release more?


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Tanya's EX slide has armor, and I believe Ermac's Teleport also has armor. You can combo after both I believe. Giving EX db1 armor will help Kano deal with other characters midscreen game. He can really punish the opponent's midscreen game with an armored EX db1 instead of knocking down with an EX Ball. 28%+ vs 11%.

I don't want Kano buffed because I think he's bad or anything, it's just that so many other characters have so much dirt & pressure loop nonsense and kano needs a small boost to deal with it.
...and Cutthroat has EX Ball Cancel and EX Buff so he doesn't need DB1EX to have armour. If you're knocking down with EX Ball you're not playing the character properly.

He doesn't "need" it, and even if he did he definitely doesn't need it in Cutthroat.
Also @Youphemism if Commando had F212 he would instantly be better than Cybernetic and nearly as good as cutthroat.
How so?


Cutthroat Truther
F212 is a slow, unsafe string that gets a lot of love because it juggles. It's basically the B2 of Cutthroat. Situational at best.

Also, I more or less only situationally play cutthroat now. You lose arguably his best tool for an overhead that you can't really confirm off pokes or jump ins.


RIP Ex Smash
...and Cutthroat has EX Ball Cancel and EX Buff so he doesn't need DB1EX to have armour. If you're knocking down with EX Ball you're not playing the character properly.

He doesn't "need" it, and even if he did he definitely doesn't need it in Cutthroat.

How so?
You can essentially solve all of his problems.

-His absolutely piss poor meterless damage will be much higher
-He will be able to play footsies much better
-F21 parry will be a pretty good guessing game
-f21 ex knives allow him to get in easily and start his shenanigans.
-I assume f21xxCommand grab would be an actual thing because he REALLY DOES NEED MORE TICK THROWS.

Those are just some things off the top of my head, he'd be an actual viable character. But if you gave Cybernetic f212 then nothing would change at all.


Arms Dealer, including all 4 of Goro's
F212 is a slow, unsafe string that gets a lot of love because it juggles. It's basically the B2 of Cutthroat. Situational at best.

Also, I more or less only situationally play cutthroat now. You lose arguably his best tool for an overhead that you can't really confirm off pokes or jump ins.
F212 is unsafe?


In Zoning We Trust
Yeah, F212 is unsafe. I always try to hit-confirm F21, which is safe, into 2.
Yea pretty much this. When you use it throw out F21 instantly and watch to see if they blocked or not to follow up with the third hitting 2. It's one of the easier hit confirms and F2 is a pretty good 12f footsie tool/whiff punisher.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
You can essentially solve all of his problems.

-His absolutely piss poor meterless damage will be much higher
-He will be able to play footsies much better
-F21 parry will be a pretty good guessing game
-f21 ex knives allow him to get in easily and start his shenanigans.
-I assume f21xxCommand grab would be an actual thing because he REALLY DOES NEED MORE TICK THROWS.

Those are just some things off the top of my head, he'd be an actual viable character. But if you gave Cybernetic f212 then nothing would change at all.
Did you just insinuate Commando Kano of all characters doesn't have good footsie tools? No wonder you think he's so bad...
F21~parry would be pretty mediocre actually since a whiffed parry is like 36 frames.

If you gave Cybernetic F212 then his meterless damage would go up as well since Cybernetic doesn't get a meterless launcher.


Fabulous Goofball
...and Cutthroat has EX Ball Cancel and EX Buff so he doesn't need DB1EX to have armour. If you're knocking down with EX Ball you're not playing the character properly.
I'm talking about Kano having an armored launcher/reversal to fight the opponent's MIDSCREEN and ZONING game.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I'm talking about Kano having an armored launcher/reversal to fight the opponent's MIDSCREEN and ZONING game.
Uh huh, then use ex buff and run in. And for zoning even EX DB1 won't reach full screen so what's the point?


RIP Ex Smash
Did you just insinuate Commando Kano of all characters doesn't have good footsie tools? No wonder you think he's so bad...
F21~parry would be pretty mediocre actually since a whiffed parry is like 36 frames.

If you gave Cybernetic F212 then his meterless damage would go up as well since Cybernetic doesn't get a meterless launcher.
Bro there's a fucking difference between having good footsie tools and not having them mean shit, in cybernetic you can actually use b1/b23, f4 and make your opponent respect it. With Commando you get some terrible offense and if you're lucky, maybe 20%. I've always said Cybernetic and Cutthroat have good footsies so don't pull that shit on me bro.

Anyone thinking Commando is a scary character needs to get their heads checked. At no point ever will you have to fear him, the risk reward is completely out of his favor for nearly everything he does. Also I said f21 parry not f21xxparry
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Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Bro there's a fucking difference between having good footsie tools and not having them mean shit, in cybernetic you can actually use b1/b23, f4 and make your opponent respect it. With Commando you get some terrible offense and if you're lucky, maybe 20%. I've always said Cybernetic and Cutthroat have good footsies so don't pull that shit on me bro.

Anyone thinking Commando is a scary character needs to get their heads checked. At no point ever will you have to fear him, the risk reward is completely out of his favor for nearly everything he does. Also I said f21 parry not f21xxparry
You said "He will be able to play footsies much better" as if he doesn't play footsies well as it is. If you meant he'd get more of a reward then say that, not my fault it came across that way.

Ah yeah F21 parry would be a thing if his ex parries were 1 frame or F21 was -5 but since they're 2 frames (or 4 without meter) they're not going to be as effective against characters with 7 frame moves. Ironically it's good against Kano though.


RIP Ex Smash
You said "He will be able to play footsies much better" as if he doesn't play footsies well as it is. If you meant he'd get more of a reward then say that, not my fault it came across that way.

Ah yeah F21 parry would be a thing if his ex parries were 1 frame or F21 was -5 but since they're 2 frames (or 4 without meter) they're not going to be as effective against characters with 7 frame moves. Ironically it's good against Kano though.
Fair enough, I meant to say his reward would be much higher if he had F212.

Also the list of characters with strong 6-7 frames moves isn't a very long one, he'd still be able to do it to a good 70% of the cast, and for those special characters that do you could always counterpick with Cutthroat or Cybernetic.

Give Commando some actual tick throws and cutthroat's F212
Give Cybernetic better normal frame advantage OR make his zoning better.
Leave Cutthroat the same as he is.

And Kano would be a solid A+ character for all variations.

Also it's pretty hard to play footsies when your opponent doesn't have to fear your options, bish.
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Arms Dealer, including all 4 of Goro's
Fair enough, I meant to say his reward would be much higher if he had F212.

Also the list of characters with strong 6-7 frames moves isn't a very long one, he'd still be able to do it to a good 70% of the cast, and for those special characters that do you could always counterpick with Cutthroat or Cybernetic.

Give Commando some actual tick throws and cutthroat's F212
Give Cybernetic better normal frame advantage OR make his zoning better.
Leave Cutthroat the same as he is.

And Kano would be a solid A+ character for all variations.

Also it's pretty hard to play footsies when your opponent doesn't have to fear your options, bish.
Cutthroat isn't a+. Needs range on b1