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Who needs to use top tier to place?

I literally spent 3 day making a guide explaining how good Kitana is. I'm not going through that again.

I would love to see why you think she's bad tho. Trust me, I will prove you wrong .
Okay and? You spent three days talking about ROYAL STORM, a variation that SonicFox could easily tell you is her better variation. Whoop de doo! The stuff she gets in Royal Storm is nice but outside of air control, good damage and space, She is nothing but a zoner character. You need to control the pace of the match with her and if your opponent gets through her fans, it's a done deal. Start up frames are horrendously slow, a 12F uppercut which even Kano can hit his uppercut before her. In your guide you claim that a big tool for her was her X-Ray, but why would you WANT to waste 3 bars of meter for something that can easily be backdashed and blocked? And since it is -12 frames, it's going to be blocked which guarantees a free combo punish.

She can't deal too well with rushdown characters, specifically characters like D'vorah, Cassie, Liu Kang, Predator (HQT). Like Quan Chi, she has a weak wake-up game that is slow as heck on active frames. While she's known to be more of a zoner character, her zoning is meh compared to other characters (Quan Chi, Jacqui, Cutthroat Kano).
He is at least on par with KJ, Jax and Sonya IMO. I don't think your downplaying however (gotta save that for Quan Chi :p)

You kinda open yourself up to posts like that when you make statements like this:

while at the same time making posts about Jacqui not being low because of her gunshots. That being said, I agree, Kitana is a good character but NOT top tier, upper mid at best.
Unless Kitana get buff the next patch, I'll still believe in what I'm writing. But I'll make this the last post about Kitana. I'm tired of talking about her.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Kung Lao to Erron Black sounds about right. Kitana? Oh stop trying to troll me here lol.
I... Don't know if YOU are trolling right now. How in everything even conceivable as possible, is Jacqui better than Kitana? And Liu Kang as you are implying, but let's just stick to Kitana lol.

You are a typical case of someone who needs to up their game knowledge and skill a little before trying to contribute.... I'm sorry but just because you are losing to Jacqui doesn't mean Jacquis a good character, it means your opponent is better than you, game balance is all pretty good up to the higher levels of play, and characters like Jacqui are a lot stronger in the lower levels.

If anything, that list could also be extended with Ermac, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kotal, Cage and Kenshi 100% safely, and then after that we are dipping into the crappier tier, where FerraTorr, Jason and Kano still got her feeling a little green with envy.

I'm sorry but there's no way to say it - if it has to be explained why Jacqui ain't approaching the top 10, then you are well behind. And it's not something people haven't considered either, a lot of people were complaining about Jacqui in the first month of the game, the entire community has levelled up and realised how badly she needs those gunshots and just how gimmicky she is, and where she actually sits.
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Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Unless Kitana get buff the next patch, I'll still believe in what I'm writing. But I'll make this the last post about Kitana. I'm tired of talking about her.
Well, that's convenient considering I wasn't talking about Kitana to you at all? And the only thing I mentioned about her was agreeing that she isn't top tier? I will say now, you are right but for the wrong reasons for the most part, your argument for her tiering really sucks.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Okay and? You spent three days talking about ROYAL STORM, a variation that SonicFox could easily tell you is her better variation. Whoop de doo! The stuff she gets in Royal Storm is nice but outside of air control, good damage and space, She is nothing but a zoner character. You need to control the pace of the match with her and if your opponent gets through her fans, it's a done deal. Start up frames are horrendously slow, a 12F uppercut which even Kano can hit his uppercut before her. In your guide you claim that a big tool for her was her X-Ray, but why would you WANT to waste 3 bars of meter for something that can easily be backdashed and blocked? And since it is -12 frames, it's going to be blocked which guarantees a free combo punish.

She can't deal too well with rushdown characters, specifically characters like D'vorah, Cassie, Liu Kang, Predator (HQT). Like Quan Chi, she has a weak wake-up game that is slow as heck on active frames. While she's known to be more of a zoner character, her zoning is meh compared to other characters (Quan Chi, Jacqui, Cutthroat Kano).
Yes...8,9,10,11,12 frames are very horrendous startups lolololol. You even compared her MANY wakeups to Quan's ONE and ONLY wakeup lololol

10,11,12 and 13 frame wakeups are very horrendous as well lololol

Easily block and back dash a 9 FRAME xray that ADVANCES, hits OVERHEAD 3 TIMES and can be done on both ground and air LOLOLOLOL.

I was gonna make an argument but your post just proved me to that you don't know how to use her or know anything about her. I'm not even gonna waste my time.

Like I said, it's posts like yours that makes the community think we are downplayers. If you wanna think Kitana is this bad character, fine. You're on your own on that one.
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Aspiring scrub
He is at least on par with KJ, Jax and Sonya IMO. I don't think your downplaying however (gotta save that for Quan Chi :p)

You kinda open yourself up to posts like that when you make statements like this:

while at the same time making posts about Jacqui not being low because of her gunshots. That being said, I agree, Kitana is a good character but NOT top tier, upper mid at best.
Regarding your Kenshi post, I disagree. Kenshi can't really zone effectively in this game as in balanced im sure you realize teleflurry is a high and -53 on whiff. Regarding possessed, all I really know is from watching pig play and I believe its his best variation, but I don't really see anything that'll put it on sonya or even Kung Jin's level. Kenjustsu is too meter reliant and unsafe on his mixups so one right guess usually means a full combo punish.

Okay and? You spent three days talking about ROYAL STORM, a variation that SonicFox could easily tell you is her better variation. Whoop de doo! The stuff she gets in Royal Storm is nice but outside of air control, good damage and space, She is nothing but a zoner character. You need to control the pace of the match with her and if your opponent gets through her fans, it's a done deal. Start up frames are horrendously slow, a 12F uppercut which even Kano can hit his uppercut before her. In your guide you claim that a big tool for her was her X-Ray, but why would you WANT to waste 3 bars of meter for something that can easily be backdashed and blocked? And since it is -12 frames, it's going to be blocked which guarantees a free combo punish.

She can't deal too well with rushdown characters, specifically characters like D'vorah, Cassie, Liu Kang, Predator (HQT). Like Quan Chi, she has a weak wake-up game that is slow as heck on active frames. While she's known to be more of a zoner character, her zoning is meh compared to other characters (Quan Chi, Jacqui, Cutthroat Kano).
Regarding the xray, if you've ever seen a high level kitana playing, you'll realize she builds meter like nobodies business. Just as well, if you're gonna throw out an xray you don't do it when its going to be obvious you're going for it so unless you obviously telegraph it, its not easily blocked or backdashed.
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It's true they did call him that. But that was before I stepped into the picture with my Harley. Then I became the best with her.
Also I do appreciate you guys realizing that I don't need some OP character to show off my skill & get results :).

It would however make things a lot easier for me if I played Top Tier but I only really play characters that I actually enjoy. Now if they happen to end up Top Tier then that's a whole other story. I had Cassie at 1st but I wasn't having fun with the game. Mileena makes MKX fun for me & that's why I play her.
I said your name lol. You have a mean mileena and you inspired me to try out ravenous.


The world's least hype player
I'm honestly starting to think you don't know how to use Kitana, which is why you think she's so bad. Is she top 10? That's up for debate. I personally don't think she is, but she is DEFINITELY good enough to be in the conversation.

It's post like yours why the community sees us a downplayers. I get that certain people have opinions and whatnots, but opinions can be wrong. You just happen to have that wrong opinion.
Than it's not an opinion.


King of the Jobbers 2015
Well, I get that this is meant to be dry humour, but it's funny because they ARE actually good candidates for this thread considering two of them haven't placed at all using low tiers. So that makes them actually a pretty valid answer to the question "who needs top tiers to place"
I used to place with Green Arrow does that count?
Jacqui's low tier? Bish what? Okay I'll give you Hi-Tech but Full Auto? Are you crazy? Jacqui is just outside of top 10, 11 to be exact and if you think otherwise, I don't know what to tell you. Other than her short range, she is a BEAST midscreen.

I think people KNOW I hate these memes and for whatever reason, they post them to agitate me for some reason I don't know. Please explain why you think Full Auto and Shotgun Jacqui deserves to be low tier? (I really can't wait for this explanation).


Regina George of discord
Bro, I never said that Shotgun and Full Auto deserve to be low tier. But I can easily think of 11 characters that are better than Jacqui.
I can think of at least 20.

Jacqui's low tier? Bish what? Okay I'll give you Hi-Tech but Full Auto? Are you crazy? Jacqui is just outside of top 10, 11 to be exact and if you think otherwise, I don't know what to tell you. Other than her short range, she is a BEAST midscreen.


Regina George of discord
jacqui, has horrible range, her frame data is not the best, she has a HORRIBLE neutral game, horrible wake-ups(bad armor in general) and lacks good anti airs.
In Full-Auto the only good thing she has is her damage, her gunshot is ok but a good, patient player should never fear a tool like that. At least I agree that her gunshot gives her fullscrceen presence and makes her horrible neutra game a bit more playable, but she is a bad character. Full-Auto is unarguably her best variation and still, she's a low tier character because of all her flaws, unless they fix her horrible neutral game and T-rex arms in general, I don't see her being better than bottom 10, and yes. I PLAY HER.

Kitana on the other side, has very good zoning, a good neutral game, a good wake-up game, good armored options, great damage, and a good up-close game.


Regina George of discord
Did you not read what I wrote a few pages back? KITANA IS MY SECONDARY! FOR CHRIST'S SAKES get that through your skull! I PLAY KITANA ON A REGULAR and I just DON'T see where's she's top tier or even good in the discussion for it either.
Well, I'm sorry... But that's more like a "you" thing haha.


And Milky of course?
I see everyone underestimating Reptile. EVERYONE!
Reptile is freaking good, freaking fast and 50/50 based. He's no where close to being low tier. And people was surprised after Reptile made top 8 at EVO just because everyone believed Reptile sucked after seeing all of the reptilian mains crying so much on how bad he was....

I'm just waiting on people to start crying not cause how bad he supposedly is but cause how stupid good he can be. I'll keep waiting.
top players can get around down 3 down down 3 into back 2. Reptile is low mid he does NO damage. For a bar you get around 30% for 2 bars your getting 35-37% hes low mid.