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Is Kombat Pack 2 imminent at Gamescom 2015!? - NRS announcement history and hint analysis.


Earth's Mightiest Knucklehead
The anti-video game movement and media does not discriminate between those who are ten, and those who have a deformity (or other trait) that renders their physical forms unable to mature past a certain point. The completion of your wish would eventually give ammunition to the anti-vidya gamez agenda.

However, if the other kombatants are incapable of performing Fatalities and Brutalities on your requested character – akin to Ferra – then I guess it'd be fine.
Whatever, man. I just want a little girl character. They're always the best. :[ I'm out of Death Note gifs, so I guess you win this time.


I vote for Tiger Claw as the Guest Character.

Sucks that this is in poor quality for slightly cropped for some reason.

Wouldn't happen in 1,000 years, mostly because he is basically Erron Black.
It's funny how people freaked out when they saw Erron Black's first appearance. Many claimed he'd be a Deathstroke ripoff, which is nothing like it.


This is all fun and games, but i seriously doubt they will do 4 more characters, simply because for production reasons doesnt seem very viable =S, im more iinclined to believe they will do 2 character and 2 stages... And as much as i really REALLY want Smoke and Noob i think we wont see them in this game, i just got that sickening gut feeling that both Smoke and Noob not being "main" ninjas, where put into DLC status for following games, considering they are moving away from having to many ninjas in the story overall... Smoke might have a change, i dont think Noob has for this game... HOPE im wrong tho


NRS would be dumb not to make a full Kombat Pack 2.... hell i would make even a Kombat Pack 3 if i were them, especially if they use the story peep for one. It would sell easy. Same goes for costumes... Really wish they would start making some for the newer characters and not like 10+ for the same 5-6 guys. Also i want an Alien costume for Reptile... :)

I also hope a second Kombat Pack would not have another guest character... we already have 2 and after Predator and Jason... its hard to include someone that is as great of an appearance as them.

Anyways... what characters i want to see in a second pack are
1.Skarlet (cuz shes awesome)
2.Havik (a new old character and i prefer him over Fujin, wouldnt mind Fujin though)
3. A Lin Kuei (Frost, Cyrax, Smoke) or Sareena with a background connecting to the Lin Kuei (Sub needs a buddy... :D)
4. Shang Tsung, Noob, Sindel, Ashrah, Li Mei (one of those or someone mentioned above)

As long as it is Skarlet + any combination of the mentioned i would even pay double the price. If a spot should be taken by someone not mentioned above i hope it is a character that was in MK9 and not someone from Mk4 or beyond. Especially not Bo Rai Cho and Reiko.

Yea... wishful thinking... but you gotta believe lol


This is all fun and games, but i seriously doubt they will do 4 more characters, simply because for production reasons doesnt seem very viable =S, im more iinclined to believe they will do 2 character and 2 stages... And as much as i really REALLY want Smoke and Noob i think we wont see them in this game, i just got that sickening gut feeling that both Smoke and Noob not being "main" ninjas, where put into DLC status for following games, considering they are moving away from having to many ninjas in the story overall... Smoke might have a change, i dont think Noob has for this game... HOPE im wrong tho
With the variation system they could easily do a Noob/Smoke combo character though. Their fanbases are pretty solid. Not that it counts, but still.


With the variation system they could easily do a Noob/Smoke combo character though. Their fanbases are pretty solid. Not that it counts, but still.
They could but il be honest, this coming from a Noob main since MKII, i dont want Noob or Smoke to be thrown into DLC status, that would just mean they have lesser and lesser chances to be main roster material

MK Led

They could but il be honest, this coming from a Noob main since MKII, i dont want Noob or Smoke to be thrown into DLC status, that would just mean they have lesser and lesser chances to be main roster material

In all seriousness, imo it would be a huge wasted opportunity if they didn't do a Noob/Smoke DLC, they could even bundle in klassic costumes for Tanya, Goro and Tremor. I mean it would even fit with the 2in1 characters we already have, like (mournful) Kitana and Cassie.


In all seriousness, imo it would be a huge wasted opportunity if they didn't do a Noob/Smoke DLC, they could even bundle in klassic costumes for Tanya, Goro and Tremor. I mean it would even fit with the 2in1 characters we already have, like (mournful) Kitana and Cassie.
Oh but i agree, dont get me wrong, Noob and Smoke would make them more money than probably all other DLC combined, and iv said before that it does make sense for NoobSmoke combo to appear since they will become relevant in the story moving foward if they intent to follow a similar path but with a diferent outcome, guess we gotta wait and see, im surely pressing for them to be a thing since i love both characters... Kenshi is a poor exemple tho, considering his only in because of ties to takeda but he is in its a fact, so ill have to take that lolol


Skarlet who ?
Exactly. Two incredibly popular characters would almost destroy any other possible dlc sale. No amounts of Baraka's or Fujin's could come close to matching the sales Noob/Smoke would do. And at the end of the day, money is the ultimate goal.

Two solo variations and a dual variation is almost too easy to call. I want to believe that they are geniuses and this was the plan all along. I want to believe. I want to...
And how exactly would you implement duo variation (aka the original MKD version) in this game ? There is no cs button. Some of their duo specials just swapped them into combat, so what's the point of solo variations ? Noob-Smoke won't come back, not to mention Smoke is still not a cyborg.
I dont think we'll see anything at gamescon. Well all know how NRS loves doing announcements of announcements, yet we havent seen any.


No new characters unless they are free and an apology for the net code.

Just finish the actual game. K thanks buh bye.


Likes nerds with big ...
Have to wonder how many they'll manage it with all the voice actors involved. Theyd need to get back all the actors for each region to do the intros. Not sure how they'll swing that.
Quite frankly, everything is planned well ahead in advanced so I'm sure they planned for it with the voice actors.
NRS is currently leasing the rights to Spawn. This tells me two things: 1. Kombat pack 2 is a guarantee 2. Spawn will be the token guest character. So 1 slot down, 3 to go.

PS: As long as Rain or Havik is in, I'm buying it.
If this is true they could just be licensing Spawn for Injustice 2.
If all they care about is making money, it would be Noob, Smoke, a robot and someone else (likely a new female) -

If they did have a new character AND it had to go with the family vibe of MKX, I'd like to see Kenshi's dead wife. Particularly if her character model was inspired by something like Hisako from Killer Instinct... that would be awesome.

Hold up, KI put the Grudge lady in?
I can picture sindel being in the game just fine tho. She'll have a variation that focuses on her levitate and a variation that focuses on her kwan do. I can't think of a 3rd variation tho lol. Her hair?
She needs a variation based on her hair! It's the most hype thing about her. She needs to Wicked Weave that ass up!

forgot about Frost.
As everyone should