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The Newest Mortal Kombat (9) Tier List

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Am I supposed to take any of this bickering seriously? I still stand by what I said. If you don't have the resources to convince us, then too bad.


Deus Fulminatus
Someone putting REO in Check. Now that is something to watch folks, and I thought him getting blown up by CDJr was rich. I feel the same about Sindel too my friend. I'm trying to wonder how she still sucks even after the patch. they said the patch save her. Sindel is at least C or B tier at best. She ain't not funking F tier.


Zoning Master
Ninj said:
It's like making a tier list where Kabal has no bad matchups, and then Reo's Kabal gets wrecked by CD jr's Jax.
So REO loses to the best Jax player on the planet and all of a sudden he has no more credibility? What an absurd argument.

Aside from the Skarlet forum, which is the most ignorant forum on TYM, and not surprisingly Europe, I know of no one who believes that Skarlet is a top tier character. I have addressed various points time and time again, which have yet to be refuted.


So REO loses to the best Jax player on the planet and all of a sudden he has no more credibility? What an absurd argument.
Apparently. Even though most of the people who make such statements would have lost dramatically worse and barely have any credibility to begin with.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I want to see a Skarlet player actually take the character to the level CDjr took Rain and Jax and prove the character is good instead of all this theoretical shits.


This guy knows his shit. Sheeva can combo off of anything and sindel has the best frametraps in the game. Yep.
Not to mention, Ermac has excellent frametrapping ability and Quan has one of the best teleports in the game ::bs:

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Umm... Have you seen how far the push back is on skarlets daggers? They are also very hard to jump over when you read your opponent.

From my experience, the "flashy" combos are easier than cyrax resets.....
I speak for dave on this one

NO her has never seen this!!!

I mean come on what kind of question is that?!?! Dude be gone

Why are these Skarlet players not attending majors to prove their claims? All talk, barely any action. It's very easy to make a character look good on paper with words, it's a different story via actual game play. Many of these Skarlet players can't even properly state why their character is better than depicted. It's all general nonsense and abstract fluff, like m2dave has mentioned.
They've been to tourneys REO, problem is they didnt make it out of pools so you never saw them :)


It's like making a tier list where Kabal has no bad matchups, and then Reo's Kabal gets wrecked by CD jr's Jax.

You do realize tier list are based on two people of the same skill right? Therefore if player ABC who outplays player XYZ with a lower tier character doesn't make that character higher tier.


Aside from the Skarlet forum, which is the most ignorant forum on TYM, and not surprisingly Europe, I know of no one who believes that Skarlet is a top tier character. I have addressed various points time and time again, which have yet to be refuted.
Good troll, otherwise you are no better than anybody you criticize.


So REO loses to the best Jax player on the planet and all of a sudden he has no more credibility? What an absurd argument.

Aside from the Skarlet forum, which is the most ignorant forum on TYM, and not surprisingly Europe, I know of no one who believes that Skarlet is a top tier character. I have addressed various points time and time again, which have yet to be refuted.
Grouping all the people in the skarlet forums together and labeling them based off one persons opinion is more ignorant. I'm well aware that skarlet is not top tier but I don't believe she's F tier either.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Says the guy who can play with tournament-level players all the time, has the disposable income to blow on travel to a game tournament as well as the time available to do so. That sounds like a lot of my time and money to try to change some very determined minds away from their notion that Skarlet sucks.

Of course, now that your opinions have been challenged, you're putting up your backs and are unwilling to even entertain the idea of trying to prove yourself wrong.

It's like making a tier list where Kabal has no bad matchups, and then Reo's Kabal gets wrecked by CD jr's Jax.

If I had the ability to come sit down with the top tournament players of MK9, I would gladly so do and prove to you Skarlet can hold her own with the greats. And you all are very skilled, don't get me wrong. I respect your abilities as players. However, I completely disagree with Skarlet being F tier, and I won't concede that point.
Id bet $50 cd jr would "wreck" you too

Know your place man and show some respect


Cock Master!!
You are just ranting again. You have said absolutely nothing of value. I will tell you why REO, Tom, and I ranked Skarlet very low.

1. Dagger cancels have been toned down by 10 frames. In other words, one of Skarlet's best tools has been severely crippled. Who respects a slowed down projectile that does chip damage on hit?

2. What does Skarlet's offensive game revolve around? She has no special frame traps or mix ups.

3. The combos you speak of make for flashy combo videos, but they are impractical for high level gameplay. Please tell me which strings set up these "45% combos".

Edit: Address these issues in detail, and stop talking generalities for once.
OMFuckingG skarlet is thebest character in the game, how do you not see this???

1 ~ her boobs are huge and bounce, how is this not top tier status stuff??
2 ~ she drinks blood, OMG how can this not be awesome and great?
3 ~ her hair is RED, every red head is instantly top tier. HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED MKDeception's KIRA?? strongest mk character ever created, she was so broke.

ok so happy now?? DAVEEEEEEE


Scarlet is, as of right now useless in my opinion for what it's worth.

Her pressure is awful, her normals are slow and even her daggers, the one thing that pre-patch made her extremely scary, they're now shitty. Even her mixups aren't that great and on top of that, they're very slow as well. It's great guys to theory craft, but it only becomes valid when you prove your point somewhere.

Example: I've been lucky enough to be able to give Rain advice to alot of people but I've never proven I can do well in an offline setting, the only reason anyone takes my advice is because only 3 people on Earth really play Rain, me, CDJR and some guy who messes around with him occasionally. They should never ever, NOT ONCE take my advice over CDJR who has proven he is a tournament level player, consistently. He's just too busy most of the time.

Now KEEPING THAT IN MIND, of course people are going to listen to Reo and M2Dave etc when it comes to this particular character, and THEY SHOULD because he has proven time and time again that he knows what he is talking about, they *both* have. If you want to be taken seriously ABOVE someone who has proven themselves, then you need to do the same.

Now we should all stop flaming before we all die due to Tim Static or Rob.

(Or Dontay)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
3 ~ her hair is RED, every red head is instantly top tier. HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED MKDeception's KIRA?? strongest mk character ever created, she was so broke.
Omg I died of laughter the minute I saw this.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
Very much so.
Can I get some reasons? I still strongly disagree with her tier placement.\

About skarlet: When I saw her daggers got nerf. I'm like," Yeah this bitch is done. Her main option is in heaven now.".

*Sees Dan argee with the dude that said Sindel sucks*

Dan...no backing up a Sidnel second? Where's the love bro? We know she is good. Don't hide it.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Grouping all the people in the skarlet forums together and labeling them based off one persons opinion is more ignorant. I'm well aware that skarlet is not top tier but I don't believe she's F tier either.

Not once have I said Skarlet is top tier. I have said that I completely disagree with her being F tier.

The simple fact that Skarlet can EX Dash right through your Acid Ball, EX Freeze, Parry/EX Parry, JaxFlyingPunch, TKS, TKThrow, EX Nomad Dash/other Kabal specials, Kitana fans/other wakeups, etc, etc, etc into a 37-40% no meter combo is enough to take her out of F tier in my opinion.

Like I said, I'm making some videos to show you what I'm referring to, but they're part of a larger project, and so it will be out when it's out.

And for the record, when I said
It's like making a tier list where Kabal has no bad matchups, and then Reo's Kabal gets wrecked by CD jr's Jax.
I thought that Kabal was listed as one of Jax's "bad matchups".

I also think it's pretty reasonable to assume that no top-level player has undertaken Skarlet as a main character, which is the real reason she hasn't risen to the top of the list. For quite awhile she was banned from every tournament (including this past Evo if I'm not mistaken), so it's rather unfair to call her out on not being in top 8 yet. She was even banned in the recent Newegg Wanfest tournament. Rain wasn't banned, but she was, post patch. In reality it appears Skarlet has only been allowed to even enter tournaments for a very short period of time, and everything depends on who's playing the character, as we all know.


My blades will find your heart
Can I get some reasons? I still strongly disagree with her tier placement.\

About skarlet: When I saw her daggers got nerf. I'm like," Yeah this bitch is done. Her main option is in heaven now.".

*Sees Dan argee with the dude that said Sindel sucks*

Dan...no backing up a Sidnel second? Where's the love bro? We know she is good. Don't hide it.
She has no armor moves, which post patch REALLY hurts a character. She has basically no mixups, her damage output is better but not great. Her zoning is really strong, but with people having armor moves that doesnt win you games. Im sure Dancock could co into much more detail, but those are her basic weaknesses from my experience.

M2Dave was a pre-patch Skarlet player.
This sort of stuff being known beforehand would save a whole lot of grief lol


Skarlet was considered within the top 10 characters of the game pre-patch. Top players like yours truly, m2dave, Chris G, and a few others used her exclusively at one point. Really, where have you been?

There's a reason why most of us dropped her this patch. Anyone who has focused on her before can easily see there are better characters worth investing the time into now.


Zoning Master
CJF said:
Can some one tell me why KL vs Cage is in Cages favor? I never understood that one.
Kung Lao can no longer effectively zone Cage due to more recovery on the low hat. For instance, d+4 xx low hat was an excellent mid range zoning tool pre-patch.

In my opinion, Cage is by far the most dominant up close character in the game, especially in the hands of a master who can consistently hit-confirm strings into nut punches. If you fight Cage with a character who cannot zone well, the fight is a very difficult one.

MasterHavik said:
*Sees Dan argee with the dude that said Sindel sucks*

Dan...no backing up a Sidnel second? Where's the love bro? We know she is good. Don't hide it.
Sindel's fireballs are good, but they are not that good. I am sure Dan would agree. Unless your character has something completely crazy like Kabal's iaGBs or Skarlet's pre-patch dagger cancels, I would say that most fireballs in this game are overrated. MK fireballs are unlike SF fireballs, which tend to recover quicker, have a lot of pushback on block, cannot be neutral crouched, EX versions contain multiple hits, etc. Besides, what is armor-less Sindel going to do in a game with so many anti-fireball tools?

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
Ahh...shoutouts to the guy responding to my post. I understand why you guys got her down there. Still going to play her though.


My blades will find your heart
She is fun as hell to play as online, Dont get me wrong. But at an offline tournament she will probably struggle. Props to Dancock for sticking with her, and all the others on the sindel forums.
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