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General/Other - Kobu Jutsu Tanya Kobu Jutsu Discussion Thread


My blades will find your heart
Also there is literally NOTHING Tanya can do against Predator's zoning variant.
Yes there is lol.

Just duck the projectiles and when he does the low one you get a free run in.

Also once you knock him down as Kobu Tanya he is pretty much dead.


Positive Poster!
I don't know if I'll ever learn Kobu. I just can't connect the third.
I'm getting owned by a scrubby scorpion online and can't do anything and it actually makes me slightly annoyed.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
Hi All

I am learning Tanya at the moment and I am really confused about how to play Kobu. It seems that Pyro is much more simple for me to understand as it is a zoning / set up dust variation and I find it quite forgiving. Most people say that Kobu is her strongest and I would really like to learn this variation. I spent ages last night practicing and I had difficulty developing an effective game plan. I realize that she is mainly rush down, but this has never been my strong point (I usually go for zoners/anti zoners). Does anyone have a general game plan for this variation? I have learnt ok combos, but was having a hard time getting in and kept being zoned out. What tools should I be using and what should I not doing? Some of it is just nerves of getting up in someones face effectively but I do not know how to use her in general.

Yes... I know, some smart arse is inevitably going to say it is simple or just criticize / insult me (it seems the cool thing to do in TYM at the moment). It would be great if someone could be constructive.

Thanks for your help! :D

Evil Canadian

Elder God
Hi All

I am learning Tanya at the moment and I am really confused about how to play Kobu. It seems that Pyro is much more simple for me to understand as it is a zoning / set up dust variation and I find it quite forgiving. Most people say that Kobu is her strongest and I would really like to learn this variation. I spent ages last night practicing and I had difficulty developing an effective game plan. I realize that she is mainly rush down, but this has never been my strong point (I usually go for zoners/anti zoners). Does anyone have a general game plan for this variation? I have learnt ok combos, but was having a hard time getting in and kept being zoned out. What tools should I be using and what should I not doing? Some of it is just nerves of getting up in someones face effectively but I do not know how to use her in general.

Yes... I know, some smart arse is inevitably going to say it is simple or just criticize / insult me (it seems the cool thing to do in TYM at the moment). It would be great if someone could be constructive.

Thanks for your help! :D

Well this is going to be a bit blind leading the blind as I only picked Tanya up the other day but for what its worth here is what I gotta say on the basics.

- b1 is straight up one of the best normals in the game, its fast, hits twice, can overhead if they are sleeping and leads into her main form of pressure(the rekkas). When it range unless trying to be tricky this should be your go-to move.
- Tonfa toss is surprisingly decent as a projectile despite the fact this variation isn't really about that. Does above average damage, the projectile itself eats a bit more real estate than the usual and she can toss them at a decent rate. EX tonfa toss is decent in block strings because you can just fish with it to see if it connects and get a combo, and if not its completely safe on block. That said from about 50% screen if you connect with ex toss you can run in and go for full combo.
- Unless you are willing to spend bar and go for max damage, you should generally end all combos on the second hit of rekka. At that point she is +10 and you can just toss out another b1 or get gimmicky, keeping up the pressure, keeping up the chip, and gaining bar while they block(or maybe they don't and you get more damage).
-f2 is a great footsies normal, and I say that as a Kotal Kahn main so it takes a solid move to impress me. Great tool to poke around with. I personally like to use it as the vehicle for EX tonfa toss fishing, if you get it and the toss, then you can convert into b1 2+4, 2 hits of rekka for 26% damage, and +10 advantage.

If I am going to burn bar, here are my BnB's, although theres prob better out there than what I got?

b1 2+4, rekka chain ending with ex rekka, njp, jip1, run, b1 2+4, rekka chain - 38% with good corner carry.
in corner: b1 2+4, rekka chain ending in ex, 4, 4, 112, rekka chain - 42%
Some of this info might be old news but I figured I'll share anyway:

- Using alternate controls gives you access to her b3, f3 and f2 after tp cancels. She's the only character that I actually change my control scheme for.

- b2 after tp cancel is a great way to break armor moves during her pressure string. You can cancel into rekka or ex tonfa for pressure or combos.

- b1 xx ex tonfa makes the tonfa unduckable when it is coming back. Pretty much if the first part of the ex tonfa gets blocked standing you cannot duck the second part. Abuse her ex tonfa in pressure strings since she builds a lot of meter with tp cancels and you can get crazy chip with her pressure.

Edit: Actually b1 xx ex tonfa is duckable if you block the ex tonfa ducking. However b2 into ex tonfa is still pretty good since people will expect the overhead ender.
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My blades will find your heart
Hi All

I am learning Tanya at the moment and I am really confused about how to play Kobu. It seems that Pyro is much more simple for me to understand as it is a zoning / set up dust variation and I find it quite forgiving. Most people say that Kobu is her strongest and I would really like to learn this variation. I spent ages last night practicing and I had difficulty developing an effective game plan. I realize that she is mainly rush down, but this has never been my strong point (I usually go for zoners/anti zoners). Does anyone have a general game plan for this variation? I have learnt ok combos, but was having a hard time getting in and kept being zoned out. What tools should I be using and what should I not doing? Some of it is just nerves of getting up in someones face effectively but I do not know how to use her in general.

Yes... I know, some smart arse is inevitably going to say it is simple or just criticize / insult me (it seems the cool thing to do in TYM at the moment). It would be great if someone could be constructive.

Thanks for your help! :D
The main thing you need to know is her pressure and footsie options:

For footsies she mainly relies on F2 and F4. F2 is a bit slower but leads to a full combo on hit. F4 is a little faster but leads to nothing on hit(you are right next to the opponent though). Use backdash to whiff punish with F2 or bait your opponent to do anything that you can whiff punish. If they block the f2 you can go into tele cancel to be plus or you can go into rekka pressure to get more chip damage.

If you land b1 2+4 you can either go into the tele cancel or rekka pressure. If you do tele cancel you can do 112 and they can only armor through the gap(you can go into tele cancel or rekka off of 112 as well).

If you have any more questions feel free to ask here or in the PM.

anyone thats particularly better than the rest?
I dont believe so no. Ill have to test them when I get a chance but I am pretty sure they are all +2

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
So in the Kitana and Kenshi matchup, do I just set Tanya on fire and play Ermac instead? It feels extremely unwinnable.


The main thing you need to know is her pressure and footsie options:

For footsies she mainly relies on F2 and F4. F2 is a bit slower but leads to a full combo on hit. F4 is a little faster but leads to nothing on hit(you are right next to the opponent though). Use backdash to whiff punish with F2 or bait your opponent to do anything that you can whiff punish. If they block the f2 you can go into tele cancel to be plus or you can go into rekka pressure to get more chip damage.

If you land b1 2+4 you can either go into the tele cancel or rekka pressure. If you do tele cancel you can do 112 and they can only armor through the gap(you can go into tele cancel or rekka off of 112 as well).

If you have any more questions feel free to ask here or in the PM.

I dont believe so no. Ill have to test them when I get a chance but I am pretty sure they are all +2
I think that 112, d4, b1, f2 are somethinkg like +4. While others are somewhere near 0..+2 because its way hard to catch people trying to move after others