What I never want to hear on stream like this or in comments bellow is that: BS is top 1, top 5 (it is pretty obvious he is top 10 but everything else is just speculation at this point in games life), that dark beam is plus on block (Lol), or that it is -3,that f4 is 6 frames, or Scepter Slam is 14 (
@Pig Of The Hut f4 is 7, Scepter slam is 15 and dark beam is -4, you were just a frame off on those all but it is a big deal when it comes to poking out after dark beam or counter poking with f4), and most of all that BS is the new MK9 Kenshi, WTF?! How do you know that?!?
Oh! The funny one is when
@MF SLAYER thought that Ex Shoulder that DJT did cost 2 bars)))) No! The spark he does after his shoulder hits comes out everytime you do the EX Shoulder, you don't burn the second bar for it)
And yes people he is only plus when he burns meter (dark blast or MB Hell Sparks) everywhere else you can poke out.
His standing reset after f22 1+3xxdark beam isn't the best vortex in the game, Hell it isn't even a vortex. Shinnok is at + 8 after dark beam on hit that means only the immediate 7 frame low follow up is guaranteed. Overhead, throw, delayed low are all armorable/backdashable. You can just block low for 8 frames and than immediately mash armor or backdash!!