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Match-Up Discussion - Jax Is mileena just a bad matchup for JAX or EVERYONE?

Everyone needs to take a chill pill and help this guy learn to play his character/the matchup instead of filling the thread with this elitist nonsense and assuming everything should be obvious. Good grief!
Finally a sensible person on here. Sheesh. It felt like someone threw me into a den of wolves.

Let her hang herself because she has to take risks in many instances to open you up. Jax takes far less risks by design. Jax also puts you in the corner quickly. The only way Mileena ruins your day is if you aren't patient and take unneeded risks.

She blows up careless play.
Yeah after playing against mileena a little bit more i found that if i consistently whiff punish her jumps and rolls and keep her out she cant do anything but unsafe teleports.
Omg I'm so sorry you have to deal with a character who's 50/50s are pretty unsafe, has slow normals, and god forbid you get hit by a 33 frame overhead. I'm glad there aren't any characters who have longer reach that opens up to mixups, have mixups that are safe on block, and who do not need meter for true mixups.
Such wit there ol' chap! Love your stream by the way.


Yeah after playing against mileena a little bit more i found that if i consistently whiff punish her jumps and rolls and keep her out she cant do anything but unsafe teleports.
Happy that you are improving in the match up so quickly :). Be sure to abuse her weak low pokes and general slowness as well. Check out as much of her frame data as possible too, see what your options are in various common situations.

Her overhead is very slow around 30 frames I believe and her low starter is minus nine I think.If she cancels into ex roll or regular roll she's full combo punishable. So either way at worst you're getting pressure in that scenario if you block her low starter and she doesn't cancel into roll.

And without meter she can't throw out those mix ups so watch her meter to help gauge the likelihood she'll go for overhead enhanced roll.

AK Harold

Basically do not allow her the positioning to do the 50/50s for most of the match. As others have stated, Jax's normals will stuff her options up close. The low is a non issue if she has no time to do it. You basically force her to armor and block high. I do not know the match up, but that is how to deal with it.
Happy that you are improving in the match up so quickly :). Be sure to abuse her weak low pokes and general slowness as well. Check out as much of her frame data as possible too, see what your options are in various common situations.

Her overhead is very slow around 30 frames I believe and her low starter is minus nine I think.If she cancels into ex roll or regular roll she's full combo punishable. So either way at worst you're getting pressure in that scenario if you block her low starter and she doesn't cancel into roll.

And without meter she can't throw out those mix ups so watch her meter to help gauge the likelihood she'll go for overhead enhanced roll.
Yeah i had a long session with a decent mileena, and i've learned a lot more footsies wise to keep her out. I appreciate the advice.

Basically do not allow her the positioning to do the 50/50s for most of the match. As others have stated, Jax's normals will stuff her options up close. The low is a non issue if she has no time to do it. You basically force her to armor and block high. I do not know the match up, but that is how to deal with it.
Yeah keeping her out is the main game. In my opinion letting an opponent(mileena) get in is failure.

I also want to thank everyone else for their witty advice. I think i like this site.


I am like the blue rose
Mileena forces you to play differently as Jax, in that you cannot do your standard zone out/rushdown strategy, but once you figure her out and adapt to a more defensive style of play, she is not too bad. She definitely takes some adjustment compared to the rest of the cast, but once that adjustment has taken place, Jax has more tools in the MU.


The saltiest
Work on your spacing and know the range of her overhead and low so you only block a certain way at certain distance.

From point blank range feel free to throw out safe armor(if available) or just gamble high or low block for a high risk high reward (fair trade).


Scrub God Lord
PUNISHING is not a relevant problem in this topic.... I'm talking about defense. Her FIRST hit is a true 50/50 so if you get knocked down you either have to waste a bar of meter(worst case scenario) or roll, and if you block you can't fuzzy it. Plus her low sai and teleport makes projectiles useless so you're forced to creep up and try to whiff punish her roll on reaction which is nearly impossible because of its recovery.
idk if you realize that she has to take a huge risks.
lets say that the they are keeping you out with fireballs, you use teleport and they bock it. gg mate
I gave up on Mileena a while back, her roll does more harm than good, you think its good but it isn't.
the recovery is fucking insane,you can always punish, every fucking time
Omg I'm so sorry you have to deal with a character who's 50/50s are pretty unsafe, has slow normals, and god forbid you get hit by a 33 frame overhead. I'm glad there aren't any characters who have longer reach that opens up to mixups, have mixups that are safe on block, and who do not need meter for true mixups.
Asshole ^ lmao


Bug of tater's
Learn what moves do what and wait to punish her. The character is based on taking risks to get anything going really. it's easier to sit around and punish rather than focus on going offensive against her.

She could zone you, but try to get the player feeling 'worried or scared' of you being in close and inevitably they'll try doing a risk I'm sure.

This is not coming from a Jax player but someone who has alright knowledge of fighting mileena
As a final tip if you already aren't, you pretty much can't jump on Mileena when it's neutral UNLESS it's on reaction to a low Sai. Her antiair game is pretty strong in this game because of the way her roll works. Her other antiair options are not bad at all either.

Against ~bad Mileena players (and almost any ~bad online player), it's easy to win them by just letting them hang themselves. If she's teleport or roll happy, just take your 30% punish. Same deal with online scorpions and many others.
Finally a sensible person on here. Sheesh. It felt like someone threw me into a den of wolves.

Yeah after playing against mileena a little bit more i found that if i consistently whiff punish her jumps and rolls and keep her out she cant do anything but unsafe teleports.

Such wit there ol' chap! Love your stream by the way.
Get use to the trolling and unnecessary insolent remarks brother. It seems imperative for the MK community. They did me the same way before I got to where I am now. Jax is my secondary, so if you ever want to go over tech or mu knowledge shoot me a message.


You picked a bad time to get lost friend
Mileena army outta nowhere. Gotta love us.

If you're struggling to block an Ex Roll, go into the lab and practise it. In game look for if Mileena has meter, then just be weary, but with Jaxs buttons you really shouldn't have a problem.

Fuckin h8 the Jax MU personally.

RM slacked

Shinnok trash from Canada.
Play on PC, it's a dice roll between Mileena, Sub, Scorpion and Ermac. You'll have the matchup down in no time ;)


"You think you bad? Pffft, You ain't bad.."
As a heavy weapons jax main myself, I would say #1 thing to master in this matchup is your punish. If you're not getting max damage for her mistakes, you're letting her get away with murder. You have to let Milena hang herself, then make her hurt for taking those risks. One mistake from Milena, you can full combo punish her for 35%+ and you're sitting pretty in the corner (where jax is an absolute monster). Also on wakeup, just stand block. Milena players love to roll and ex roll on wakeup. Block it once and punish hard and I promise you, you will make them rethink waking up ever again. Especially in the corner where they will eat 50%. Then, once they're shared to wake up, 50/50 or pressure the shit out of her. If you're being out zoned, just block everything patiently. Let her have her little chip damage, what is she gonna do once you've made your way in? Jump at you? D2 or ex grab. Up close jax dismantles her. Patience is a big key point in this matchup. Also, practice punishes for things like her teleport. You can block teleport and neutral duck and wait for the sai (if she chooses to throw it to throw you off) then punish with something like standing 1, 11, run cancle 11, f212, d3+4. Last thing lol, if you play heavy weapons jax, then trade bazooka with sai all day long, the trade is heavily in your favor (but be careful for yolo teleports after they catch on). You'll be fine dude, all matchups no matter how good or bad just need practice.


Publicly Educated
I have a question: Anyone here has trouble following combos after ex overhead dash punch after hitting Mileena and Kitana midscreen? My friend said their small hitbox makes combos harder to hit