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Do players know what they actually want in MKX?

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
My original post was only saying they have zoning capabilities and depending on your playstyle you could make it work.

Rather than giving a character one amazing zoning tool and calling him the zoner of the game, players need to work with the tools given.

I play Takeda for Christ's sake and against high level competition I do well. Not saying I'm going to win EVO, but you don't need to be a consistent top 8 placer to be GOOD.

Also. Ronin can zone pretty well, has one of the better reflects in the game. EX projectile eats projectile and is + on plus. Regular fireball is a high which baits opponents to not block. Ex uppercut is great for AA and puts em pretty far away.

Speaking of the air, EX fireball has an extended hit box that's veeeery hard to jump over.
I think the zoners actually have the right tools but the wrong numbers, i think it is a game mechanics thing primarily though, the risk/reward is skewed towards the pressure characters. I don't know much about ronin, but I have to gym so I'll respond later.

So my later response is essentially this, if you're reflecting with ronin a lot you're probably playing someone else who's projectile heavy which isn't that common in MKX. It's not anti-zoning I'm concerned about really which is what essentially reflects and projectile eating is good for. It's he can't rely on it to keep people for a decent amount of time and before any wear and tear they'll get in on you and make you guess and eat high damage conversions. That's basically where some of the problem lies. High risk low reward vs medium risk/high reward.

Tools are basically good soley based on numbers and thus can be valued pretty objectively for the most part. I never liked the ideological mumbo jumpo based "you can make it work with dreams and hard work" because while people can overlook variables, some tools remain shit and never fulfill they're intended niche. The best other case scenario is they fufill some other weird role because of some other property.
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I just wanna play MK.

Yes, I want a reasonably balanced tournament level quality of give and take between the cast.
And I really wouldn't mind if defense was a little more rewarding.
But at the end of the day, I love Mortal Kombat, and I will do whatever I need to to adapt and thrive.
I like that. I've always said "adapt or quit" because that's what makes the game fun to me; the patches do make the game fun. If you can't adapt to the patches and changes, quit or at least stop whining so the rest of us who enjoy it can enjoy it.

Something we don't need is an even more brain dead gameplay in mkx that caters to the mindless whiners who constantly do the same mixup string waiting for you to mess up on defense.

Trust me I know EB's f13 OH/low string and defend against it well... because so many people rely on that thing. Sonyas OH/low string... that's another story. It's not so easy.


Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
I like that. I've always said "adapt or quit" because that's what makes the game fun to me; the patches do make the game fun. If you can't adapt to the patches and changes, quit or at least stop whining so the rest of us who enjoy it can enjoy it.

Something we don't need is an even more brain dead gameplay in mkx that caters to the mindless whiners who constantly do the same mixup string waiting for you to mess up on defense.

Trust me I know EB's f13 OH/low string and defend against it well... because so many people rely on that thing. Sonyas OH/low string... that's another story. It's not so easy.
I rarely use Erron blacks overhead low string. I prefer 11b3. I have way too much experience in the sonya matchup. So I know the pain people feel. Demolition is looking to be better than covert ops. I have gameplay of me and my friend running matches if anyone wants to see the matchup.


I rarely use Erron blacks overhead low string. I prefer 11b3. I have way too much experience in the sonya matchup. So I know the pain people feel. Demolition is looking to be better than covert ops. I have gameplay of me and my friend running matches if anyone wants to see the matchup.
Share away. The more good things people see and how to go into matchups, the better


Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
Share away. The more good things people see and how to go into matchups, the better
We have quite a few dropped inputs, but this is his first runs with his character beyond us practicing in training room. This is also me using gunslinger in matches for the first time

I take that back, I do use F13 more than I though. I guess I always just have a feeling when I think it will work.


Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
Sure thing. Once I get a chance to watch I will.

I'm familiar with Sonyas strings. When I mentioned sonya before about her OH/low string it was mostly due to me not being fast enough to react.
I hear you. I built my reactions up from playing the matchup so much. Whenever I block B1 I always block the 4 even on quick standup knockdowns. Sometimes I can reaction block the 50/50 on initial startup, but I have to be extremely focused to do that which is rare.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I think we all just want a balanced fighting game where every single character can compete. That's what I want at least.


I hear you. I built my reactions up from playing the matchup so much. Whenever I block B1 I always block the 4 even on quick standup knockdowns. Sometimes I can reaction block the 50/50 on initial startup, but I have to be extremely focused to do that which is rare.
Extremely focused is right. My thoughts exactly


I think we all just want a balanced fighting game where every single character can compete. That's what I want at least.
Agreed 100%

I think we are getting there. Let the bandwagoners complain. We will shine in the end for being patient


Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
Man, excellent defense against sonya. Tough to capitalize against her but man loved the reactionary defense! *subscribed*
yeah, demo has some solid pressure with the stun grenades and the ex frags are a pain. he started mixing me up well. I have probably ran upwards of 800 matches so we know each others tendencies. We are working on variations for characters that arent quite on the map yet. I look to record more footage in the next month.

Plus I had quite a few dropped pressure strings and combos that could have changed the end results of quite a few of the matches. It was a good set none the less.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Less 50/50 bullshit but we all know that's only going to increase when predator and tremor make their ways into the game
From what I have been able to make out, Predator's move-set looks a lot like Reptile's.


From what I have been able to make out, Predator's move-set looks a lot like Reptile's.
Hmm that's interesting. I haven't seen much so far. Saw one video and he kept doing his chest stab over and over.

Not a huge Jason/predator guy but tbh I figured predator would have a cyborg type playstyle
Reactions: GAV


Where the hell is Reiko's wheel kick
Ive never had a problem with he meta of the game. Ive always had a problem with the community. So many opinions that are undervalued, just as one's that carry too much value. No one wants a mindless competitive scene, at least I know I dont. We definitely cant please everyone because a lot of what people want is unfair, and in some cases, they already have and dont even know it. Too much of this game is blamed on NRS and not on the growth of the players. I play to be efficient and optimal in my gameplay. I experiment and try to find a use for everything my character has. I hate looking at threads where players suggest tech for a character, just to have it shot down because another person cant find it useful in their gameplan. Later down the road, this tech is showcased in a tournament and what do you know, It's what everyone is copying now. Personally to me its disgusting. It shows a level of shortsightedness, and an inability to look beyond what you already know. Everything is judged before it is completely explored.

Everyone wants the glitches and bugs fixed in the game.
But hey the only way to truly teach someone is to show them and even then, they still might not learn.
"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
(Arthur Schopenhauer)


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I really don't care if I suck at the game or if I play a shitty character; in fact picking up shitters is always fun for goofing around. That doesn't change the fact that a luck-based rather than skill-based game is bullshit. Look at other competitive scenes: competitive Pokemon leagues outright ban luck-based moves and mechanics. Their reasoning? Word-for-word, "it prevents the development of the meta-game." Competitive Smash players ban luck-based elements like random stage events and items. It says a lot about our community when we're telling people to "level up" against coin flips when other more established communities eradicated this bullshit a long time ago.
That's just not true.

For a supposedly "random" game, the tournament results and the top 8 is remarkably consistent.

It's true that corner carry is huge in this game. It's also true that the game is much faster paced.

Look at YOMI. Watch DJT and MIT play. You will see anti-airing, you will see people using low profiling to make jump in whiffs, you will see poking and counterpoking.

The reality is that this game punishes mistakes harder than MK9 did. If you get jumped in on, if you're getting combo'd, you made a mistake. Period.

50/50's are in every game. If you can't handle it here, you'd hate it in anime games.

I would like better defensive options, but it is what it is.

There is a reason why players who accept the game do well and the ones that don't fail to succeed.


D3, D3, D3,
That's just not true.

For a supposedly "random" game, the tournament results and the top 8 is remarkably consistent.

It's true that corner carry is huge in this game. It's also true that the game is much faster paced.

Look at YOMI. Watch DJT and MIT play. You will see anti-airing, you will see people using low profiling to make jump in whiffs, you will see poking and counterpoking.

The reality is that this game punishes mistakes harder than MK9 did. If you get jumped in on, if you're getting combo'd, you made a mistake. Period.

50/50's are in every game. If you can't handle it here, you'd hate it in anime games.

I would like better defensive options, but it is what it is.

There is a reason why players who accept the game do well and the ones that don't fail to succeed.
Well said, and agree 100%.

Most who are in here have legit arguments, but I'll say again "adapt or quit." Just because changes are made or the game plays different, than say mk9, doesn't mean it's bad. If it did, MK9 would be considered bad.

That's what I like about NRS is that every game has different playstyles. Which also majority complain about which is weird and may be why this thread needed posting.