Guys, I was calculating cancel advantages and having trouble since some moves, according to the formula cancel+hit advantage = cancel advantage on hit, and cancel+block advantage = cancel advantage on block, were not consistent. Block strings were not block strings, and some combos that theoretically could not be cancelled into specials were in fact cancelable.
Add also the facto that some cancel numbers in game are higher than the recovery frames, which didn't make any sense to me. How can you have a 16 frame cancel advantage in a move that has 11 recovery frames? You would cancel into the active frames!! So, there is something wrong here.
Up to now, I was considering those inconsistencies were from erroneous in game frame data. But then I found this post from Myokymia, and he actually makes sense:
Basically, he says that the cancel data that the game shows is not the cancel advantage. Is actually the number of frames it takes, since the startup of the move, to make the special come out.
So, for example, let's pick Reptile's 1 (front punch) frame data:
startup: 10
active: 1
recover: 11
block adv: 2
hit adv: 11
cancel: 16
The math would be:
Total frames of the move, from startup up to the end of recovery: 10 (startup) + 1 (active) + 11 (recovery) = 22
Cancel = frames before the special comes out = 16
So, to calculate the real Cancel advantage, you have to do: 22 total frames - 16 cancel frames = 6 frames cancel advantage.
Cancel Advantage on hit = 11 (hit adv.) + 6 (calculated cancel adv.) = 17
Cancel Advantage on block = 2 (block adv.) + 6 (calculated cancel adv.) = 8
The old math would be :
Cancel Advantage on hit: 11+16 = 27
Cancel Advantage on block = 2+16 = 18
So, which one is correct? Let's pick the law pounce special, which has 24 startup frames
According to the old math, 1~klaw pounce should combo, since the cancel adv. on hit is 27.
According to the new method, 1~klaw pounce doesn't combo, since the cancel adv. on hit is only 17
Guess what? 1~klaw pounce doesn't combo.
So, that new method of reading the cancel frame data is very consistent with the game data and a lot of frame windows now make sense.
@Eddy Wang I think you should see this and perhaps change the OP!