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Has NRS done a good job patching Mortal Kombat X so far?

Has NRS done a good job patching Mortal Kombat X so far?

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Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
What besides the clone was nerfed?
Did I say my only complaint was about nerfs? I'm almost sure I didn't say that. I compel you to scroll back a couple of pages and actually attempt to respond to the statements I'm making, rather than just non-stop hating on me because I mentioned SZ in a list of multiple changes and characters that I used as SOME of the examples of changes that disagreed with the motivations behind.


Purse first, ass last.
don't forget people misplaced hatred for sub due to the fact that tom's maining him,,
These kind of statements always make me laugh. Not everybody fellates tourney players' cocks or gives a fuck about who plays what character and bases their "hatred" on that. I hated Ryu before I even knew about a tournament scene, or who Daigo was, and I always thought Scorpion/Sub-Zero were lame except when I was a kid because "OMG NINJAZ!! WIF ICE N FYAR!!".

Seriously, the Sub-Zero downplaying "whinge" (is this 'whining' outside of North America?) fest is super annoying now. WE GET IT. There might be something wrong with Klone, but I have a feeling it's fine. He's still a solid character. He still can make you play his game. He still wins every projectile trade. Take the fucking ice cape off already.
Did I say my only complaint was about nerfs? I'm almost sure I didn't say that. I compel you to scroll back a couple of pages and actually attempt to respond to the statements I'm making, rather than just non-stop hating on me because I mentioned SZ in a list of multiple changes that I disagreed with the motivations behind.
W T actual F!

It was a question

It was not directed at you

I did not quote your message purposely

It was very specific to the entire TYM community

too sensitive for your own good man. Relax. It's just a fighting game o.o


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
W T actual F!

It was a question

It was not directed at you

I did not quote your message purposely

It was very specific to the entire TYM community

too sensitive for your own good man. Relax. It's just a fighting game o.o
My bad dude the last non-quoted post was aimed at me and so has everything else before it, this one seemed pointedly directed at me so I responded to it


klone enthusiast
These kind of statements always make me laugh. Not everybody fellates tourney players' cocks or gives a fuck about who plays what character and bases their "hatred" on that. I hated Ryu before I even knew about a tournament scene, or who Daigo was, and I always thought Scorpion/Sub-Zero were lame except when I was a kid because "OMG NINJAZ!! WIF ICE N FYAR!!".

Seriously, the Sub-Zero downplaying "whinge" (is this 'whining' outside of North America?) fest is super annoying now. WE GET IT. There might be something wrong with Klone, but I have a feeling it's fine. He's still a solid character. He still can make you play his game. He still wins every projectile trade. Take the fucking ice cape off already.
come to sub's thread about klone habibi, and you'll be surprised:D


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Seriously, the Sub-Zero downplaying "whinge" (is this 'whining' outside of North America?) fest is super annoying now. WE GET IT. There might be something wrong with Klone, but I have a feeling it's fine. He's still a solid character. He still can make you play his game. He still wins every projectile trade. Take the fucking ice cape off already.
So then why are you in here mentioning Tom Brady's issues with the clone, when no-one else is? The only comments made so far about SZ were in relevance to a thread about patches, and how in my opinion he was one of many characters whose balance was affected negatively by patching brought on by whinging, a statement that apparently 90% of TYM agreed with, basically, one of the most relevant things possible to this very broad topic. Some people on this site have tunnel vision I swear. "There is a poster with a Sub-Zero avatar, mentioning a Sub-Zero change, amongst a post where he mentions multiple other characters changes, in a thread about discussing past changes to characters?!!! Oh the injustice of it all! Let's bitch about SZ-mains until the topic becomes nothing but SZ, then complain that people talk about SZ too much!" This is literally what has just happened.

And yes, in the English language, the word "whinging" is an equivalent to whining, remember it's not called speaking "American" for a very pointed reason.
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Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
This is officially another ice Klone thread.
Unfortunately, you are right. Would be nice if we could just discuss NRS's patch history, in a thread titled it, without a bunch of people making anything posted by a SZ main somehow related to Tom Brady's Ice Clone threads that most of us didn't even contribute in. I actually contested him in one of them.

And even though I mentioned about 4 different character examples in my post and did not say that the only issues were limited to these characters, I guess I shouldn't have used Sub-Zero as one of the multiple examples I used, because apparently just MENTIONING his name in a post will immediately derail an entire thread when a million people come through and start raging about other threads/posts about Ice Clones, and a bunch of other statements that were never even made here. I can't even talk past patches for no other reason than my avatar LOL the salt about TB is amazing when it spills over to affect every single player of the character.

P.S. I get that you are one of these people doing just that. That's the implication here.
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So much bias in this thread.

I play Hellfire Scorp. I know Hellfire Scorp is ridiculous and does things that are bad for game balance.

I see people touching clones. I know that's not right and should be fixed no matter how good or bad Sub is.



Unfortunately, you are right. Would be nice if we could just discuss NRS's patch history, in a thread titled it, without a bunch of people making anything posted by a SZ main somehow related to Tom Brady's Ice Clone threads that most of us didn't even contribute in. I actually contested him in one of them.

And even though I mentioned about 4 different character examples in my post and did not say that the only issues were limited to these characters, I guess I shouldn't have used Sub-Zero as one of the multiple examples I used, because apparently just MENTIONING his name in a post will immediately derail an entire thread when a million people come through and start raging about other threads/posts about Ice Clones, and a bunch of other statements that were never even made here. I can't even talk past patches for no other reason than my avatar LOL the salt about TB is amazing when it spills over to affect every single player of the character.

P.S. I get that you are one of these people doing just that. That's the implication here.
I actually rather like TB I just really think this has become a sub-zero thread.
So much bias in this thread.

I play Hellfire Scorp. I know Hellfire Scorp is ridiculous and does things that are bad for game balance.

I see people touching clones. I know that's not right and should be fixed no matter how good or bad Sub is.

I just flat out can't see it this way but I guess first I have to ask what in particular is ridiculous about HF Scorpion.


They have done a good job so far, taking out broken stuff like raidens wall block infinite making hes f1 a high, toning sub zero down, making the network way better thatn the first 3 weeks, making kenshi and shinnok viable, plenti of stuff still needs to be done. Im sure in the next few patches with Predator and Tremor comming out, maybe Kitana, Goro, Kano, Reptile might get some fixes to make them better or more viable.
You calling me naive is hilarious.

A majority of people didnt want sub nerfed. That is a fact. Most of the people after the patch said it was overkill, also fact.

The truth is that the nerfs would have happened with the thread or without it, patches that early are decided in the first few weeks of the game's life. Hell, I wouldnt care if they buffed it back. There, I said it. But there is no point in bringing it up in EVERY.SINGLE.THREAD. That is what is pissing people off, we are all fucking tired of hearing the sub community bitching.
The funny thing about NRS patches is that I don't ever recall them reverting an over nerfed character back to how they were. But I do know of several characters they over buffed and then nerfed. (Kano MK9, Flash) They know sub zero nerf was rushed and they wont change him back. Theyll just let him stay at mid tier with one viable variation. Same exact thing happened in mk9


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
The funny thing about NRS patches is that I don't ever recall them reverting an over nerfed character back to how they were. But I do know of several characters they over buffed and then nerfed. (Kano MK9, Flash) They know sub zero nerf was rushed and they wont change him back. theyll just let him stay at mid tier with one viable variation. Same exact thing happened in mk9
To buff GM in many manner from now on would be to admit that they made a mistake and rushed judgement due to volume of bads whining even though unbiased majority was telling them to shut up, they just refused to level up and eventually the whining was enough for NRS to cave in. They aren't going to admit they made a big mistake here so GM sub will likely remain unchanged.


Full Combo Punishable
Wait, it's a Sub klone thread? Wasn't this a Kitana thread? Too slow! Where the [edit]REPTILE[/edit] mains at?
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"My kunai will find it's mark."
To buff GM in many manner from now on would be to admit that they made a mistake and rushed judgement due to volume of bads whining even though unbiased majority was telling them to shut up, they just refused to level up and eventually the whining was enough for NRS to cave in. They aren't going to admit they made a big mistake here so GM sub will likely remain unchanged.
The biggest problem with Grand Master Sub-Zero no matter how good or bad he currently is. Very few people actually enjoy the way they have to fight against him. Clone is always making him go backwards and putting up a wall in front of the opponents face, and they just may have been trying to hit him during it and got frozen, into a knock down into more ice walls into mix ups into bleh. It's incredibly frustrating to get killed by someone doing that through out the match.

Now don't count me as whining I'm not, but put your mindset of that into a "Filthy" Casual. You suck at the game, and every time you try to get in to hit the Sub's you run into a clone. They will rage, they will complain, they will be pissed off. They are not interested in leveling up, they just want to have a fun time.

If their experience with the game is constantly run away Grandmaster Sub-Zero, then their mind set on Mortal Kombat as a Franchise is darkened. Now you are someone from NRS, Millions of people play your game, and are excited about each and every new game. If the casuals just remember getting pissed off in the last game, they may not want to buy the next. And only I'd say about 25-30% of MK's fanbase are tournament players, or are part of the FGC. You'd want to cater to the 70% no matter what. This is the biggest reason GM Sub was nerfed. That's all.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
You need to see the game less through the eyes of your character.

Characters like Takeda were given adjustments and buffs that they needed. Shinnok and Kenshi soared up the tier list.

Erron Black was made less powerful, but still a huge threat in the nuetral.

There have been a lot of good changes that have nothing to do with Sub Zero.
Takeda's buffs were fine.

Kenshi moved up for sure, but Shinnok barely went up at all...it didn't address his other issues at all.

Erron's nerfs didn't even do anything to null his game. Still a top 3 character IMO.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
You need to see the game less through the eyes of your character.

Characters like Takeda were given adjustments and buffs that they needed. Shinnok and Kenshi soared up the tier list.

Erron Black was made less powerful, but still a huge threat in the nuetral.

There have been a lot of good changes that have nothing to do with Sub Zero.
Takeda's buffs were fine.

Kenshi moved up for sure, but Shinnok barely went up at all...it didn't address his other issues at all.

Erron's nerfs didn't even do anything to null his game. Still a top 3 character IMO.
To buff GM in many manner from now on would be to admit that they made a mistake and rushed judgement due to volume of bads whining even though unbiased majority was telling them to shut up, they just refused to level up and eventually the whining was enough for NRS to cave in. They aren't going to admit they made a big mistake here so GM sub will likely remain unchanged.
Sadly I think that's true. But maybe their goal is for their characters to all be mid tier. Then once they achieve that they don't want them high tier again.
So be it

Finally the game gets interesting.
i don't think one character changing the game is interesting. That's just a pure advantage over the whole cast in a game with weak anti airs. Let's say tremor can combo off of down pokes. Is that interesting?
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I just flat out can't see it this way but I guess first I have to ask what in particular is ridiculous about HF Scorpion.
Mostly it's the meter gain on the fbc strings. Then his damage is a touch high.

The issues by themselves aren't ridiculous, but combined it's a bit much.

35% meterless into 12% guaranteed chip while building enough bar to stay safe and possibly get another 7% guaranteed chip depending on positioning. Also has the option to go into a mix up instead of dealing the chip. It's crazy.


There it is...
Not sure how you can say scorpions not needing a nerf he effectively get like 40-50% and a bar from a combo, has top 3 air control and great footsies.

The FBC is just too much, he gets free JIP's all game because of the fear of his j3 hitting you. That leads to like 12% chip and he can finish with a HKD or full combo or grab.

The worst part, its BY FAR the easiest cancel!

Makes me wonder why i play JC, scorpions pressure is 10x better
Mostly it's the meter gain on the fbc strings. Then his damage is a touch high.

The issues by themselves aren't ridiculous, but combined it's a bit much.

35% meterless into 12% guaranteed chip while building enough bar to stay safe and possibly get another 7% guaranteed chip depending on positioning. Also has the option to go into a mix up instead of dealing the chip. It's crazy.
I wouldn't mind a damage nerf as long ad they leave my tools alone. Granted his real damage comes from super strictt timing.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
All 4 topics. Which lingered with them crying for 6 pages.

Never has there been a more whiney community.
Hey I like your posts (and I'm getting around to responding to that PM btw, haven't had time lately :p ) but Tom Brady doesn't speak for all of us. Pretty sure the majority of us thought it could have all been just fine in one thread, and I actually disagreed with some of his crap. I wouldn't say it was 6 pages of crying either, people were arguing on either side it wasn't just a circlejerk

The biggest problem with Grand Master Sub-Zero no matter how good or bad he currently is. Very few people actually enjoy the way they have to fight against him. Clone is always making him go backwards and putting up a wall in front of the opponents face, and they just may have been trying to hit him during it and got frozen, into a knock down into more ice walls into mix ups into bleh. It's incredibly frustrating to get killed by someone doing that through out the match.

Now don't count me as whining I'm not, but put your mindset of that into a "Filthy" Casual. You suck at the game, and every time you try to get in to hit the Sub's you run into a clone. They will rage, they will complain, they will be pissed off. They are not interested in leveling up, they just want to have a fun time.

If their experience with the game is constantly run away Grandmaster Sub-Zero, then their mind set on Mortal Kombat as a Franchise is darkened. Now you are someone from NRS, Millions of people play your game, and are excited about each and every new game. If the casuals just remember getting pissed off in the last game, they may not want to buy the next. And only I'd say about 25-30% of MK's fanbase are tournament players, or are part of the FGC. You'd want to cater to the 70% no matter what. This is the biggest reason GM Sub was nerfed. That's all.
I 100% agree, the changes werent put through because they were the needed balance changes, much stronger characters were untouched. SZ was balanced with the Clone in mind, people don't like having to adapt to a playstyle though.