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Has NRS done a good job patching Mortal Kombat X so far?

Has NRS done a good job patching Mortal Kombat X so far?

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My blades will find your heart
I think you are missing the point, 90% of people agreed it shouldn't go through, yet it did, making it a. A bad change according to 90% of people and b. Almost guaranteed to not have happened if there wasn't a 29 page thread in the first place, and people bitching about it in about a million others. If you can't see that yourself, then I don't envy your naivity. It doesn't matter what all sensible people agreed on, if it was non stop being bitched about, given the nature of practically every other change you are just being contrary if you think that it didn't have a major hand in it. People with SZ avatars were getting blown up just for talking in unrelated threads, don't understate how salty bads were about the clone my man.

You literally quoted a 3 sentence post with a single profane word in it (final statement to conclude my point: "I think NRS is doing a pretty shitty job") and your reasoning is that it's "a profanity ridden wall of text"? That's your justification for your original statement? C'mon son, your done. You were clearly just one of the salty members who who disagreed with my statements about the SZ nerf, otherwise there was literally no reason to make your post, putting you in the 10% of people who couldn't level up. Just call it a day bro.
You calling me naive is hilarious.

A majority of people didnt want sub nerfed. That is a fact. Most of the people after the patch said it was overkill, also fact.

The truth is that the nerfs would have happened with the thread or without it, patches that early are decided in the first few weeks of the game's life. Hell, I wouldnt care if they buffed it back. There, I said it. But there is no point in bringing it up in EVERY.SINGLE.THREAD. That is what is pissing people off, we are all fucking tired of hearing the sub community bitching.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I think they're doing a good job overall EXCEPT for the fact that Kenshi got buff SO hard SO quickly. It's the usual listening the voices crying the loudest instead of those making the best points. I think most of the changes being made are good and for the best, but the prioritization is... suspicious.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
You calling me naive is hilarious.

A majority of people didnt want sub nerfed. That is a fact. Most of the people after the patch said it was overkill, also fact.

The truth is that the nerfs would have happened with the thread or without it, patches that early are decided in the first few weeks of the game's life. Hell, I wouldnt care if they buffed it back. There, I said it. But there is no point in bringing it up in EVERY.SINGLE.THREAD. That is what is pissing people off, we are all fucking tired of hearing the sub community bitching.
I don't bring it up in every single thread. I'm bringing it up in a thread where it is literally one of the most relevant possible things. A patch change 90% disagreed on, being brought up in a thread asking whether we think NRS did a good job on the patches and why? What's your problem dude?

On top of that - maybe naive is unfair, but just misguided, if you think that such a heavy volume of complaints (however misplaced and scrub tier they may have been) didn't have a heavy hand in NRS's decision. C'mon dude it was everywhere. And look at the effect that has had on other characters. You seriously think it's all a coincidence? I know it's an easy argument to make in response to posts you don't like, but the facts don't fit the narrative
I think they have done a good job with patching so far, I am hoping with the Tremor release a lot of the lesser used characters and variations are bug fixed and buffed. I would like to see the lesser used characters and variations brought more in line with the characters that we are seeing in top 8's at majors (there are a lot of them).

I hope there aren't any knee-jerk nerfs as I have been seeing a lot of misinformation on here as of late.
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my sweet god how im tired of reading sub zero mains whining, seeing every other day sub zero players opening 3 threads in a day, how their ice freaking clone does not work properly.

there are more serious issues in this game and more broken or completely unusable variations.
it is amazing how vocal sub zero community is at the moment.
You think I haven't seen that thread? You are completely missing the point, 90% of people agreed it shouldn't go through, yet it did, making it a. A bad change according to 90% of people and b. Almost guaranteed to not have happened if there wasn't a 29 page thread in the first place, and people bitching about it in about a million others. If you can't see that yourself, then I don't envy your naivity. It doesn't matter what all sensible people agreed on, if it was non stop being bitched about, given the nature of practically every other change, you are just being contrary if you think that all this whinging that most definitely did happen, didn't have a major hand in I, even if the majority of people knew the changes were dumbt. People with SZ avatars were getting blown up just for talking in unrelated threads, don't understate how salty these bads were about the clone my man.

You literally quoted a 3 sentence post with a single profane word in it (final statement to conclude my point: "I think NRS is doing a pretty shitty job") and your reasoning is that it's "a profanity ridden wall of text"? That's your justification for your original statement? C'mon son, your done. You were clearly just one of the salty members who who disagreed with my statements about the SZ nerf, otherwise there was literally no reason to make your post, putting you in the 10% of people who couldn't level up. Just call it a day bro.

Yawn. I actually have never had any issues with Sub-Zero. You're clearly too sensitive to have this conversation with. GG


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
They gave unnecessary nerfs to a high mid tier Sub Zero to stop people whinging and have more planned now that this character is only mid tier, while they buffed a low mid tier Kenshi to top 5 to stop people whinging...

Then when they touch up Raiden he is changed so minimally that he still keeps his #1 position hands down, and Kitana is changed so poorly that she still keeps her very bottom position.

I think they are doing a pretty shitty job, but it's what I've come to expect from NRS
You have literally NO EVIDENCE that Sub Zero was nerfed based on player complaints.

If that's how it worked, Jacqui's gun would have been nerfed as the outcry among casuals was vastly worse.

Go look back at m2dave's Sub Zero should NOT be normalized thread. The majority was in support of keeping clone as is. If NRS listened to the complainers, Jacqui's guns would have been nerfed into mincemeat.

But they didn't. Sub Zero didn't get nerfed because the "majority" whined about it. That's revisionist history.

Paulo nerfed clone because he felt it needed doing. Dry your tears and step into reality, where the sane people live.

Or, bettet yet, PROVE with hard evidence that complaints were why Sub was nerfed.

This narrative needs to die.


My blades will find your heart
I don't bring it up in every single thread. I'm bringing it up in a thread where it is literally one of the most relevant possible things. A patch change 90% disagreed on, being brought up in a thread asking whether we think NRS did a good job on the patches and why? What's your problem dude?

On top of that - maybe naive is unfair, but just misguided, if you think that such a heavy volume of complaints (however misplaced and scrub tier they may have been) didn't have a heavy hand in NRS's decision. C'mon dude it was everywhere. And look at the effect that has had on other characters. You seriously think it's all a coincidence? I know it's an easy argument to make in response to posts you don't like, but the facts don't fit the narrative
You know what was the most complained about? Jacqui's guns. AND THEY WERE NEVER TOUCHED.

You are the misguided one here my friend.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
So be it

Finally the game gets interesting.
Agreed, a unique playstyle / tools and people are trying to get them nerfed in the first couple of weeks before even trying to level up or learning to play against the match-up. I don't play Tanya, but I would laugh my ass off if NRS gave these whingers a massive kick in the teeth and buffed her

my sweet god how im tired of reading sub zero mains whining, seeing every other day sub zero players opening 3 threads in a day, how their ice freaking clone does not work properly.

there are more serious issues in this game and more broken or completely unusable variations.
it is amazing how vocal sub zero community is at the moment.
Yeah, I think you've completely missed the point, go back and re-read. This is nothing to do with SZ's current issues, this is me talking about a past patch that affected SZ in a poor way for balancing, at the same time mentioning Kitana, Raiden and Kenshi as equal examples in a thread made to discuss past patches. You are the one who got fixated on SZ because of my avatar. In a couple of TB's threads I even spoke out against him, so you can throw me in the barrel all you want, just shows your lack of understanding of what I'm saying here.

Comprehension. It's a difficult thing and I understand English isn't your first language. But for the sake of everyone, please do try.
my sweet god how im tired of reading sub zero mains whining, seeing every other day sub zero players opening 3 threads in a day, how their ice freaking clone does not work properly.

there are more serious issues in this game and more broken or completely unusable variations.
it is amazing how vocal sub zero community is at the moment.
Ya, dumbass SZ players--what are they thinking posting bug-reports in their segregated SZ forum.



klone enthusiast
I don't bring it up in every single thread. I'm bringing it up in a thread where it is literally one of the most relevant possible things. A patch change 90% disagreed on, being brought up in a thread asking whether we think NRS did a good job on the patches and why? What's your problem dude?

On top of that - maybe naive is unfair, but just misguided, if you think that such a heavy volume of complaints (however misplaced and scrub tier they may have been) didn't have a heavy hand in NRS's decision. C'mon dude it was everywhere. And look at the effect that has had on other characters. You seriously think it's all a coincidence? I know it's an easy argument to make in response to posts you don't like, but the facts don't fit the narrative
don't forget people misplaced hatred for sub due to the fact that tom's maining him,,


My blades will find your heart
don't forget people misplaced hatred for sub due to the fact that tom's maining him,,
People hate sub because he stops(or at least did before) a majority of the cast from playing their game. Before you say anything I dont consider that to be a bad thing, he was pretty unique in that regard. I dont care if they buff him, I just want to stop reading about him in every thread.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
You have literally NO EVIDENCE that Sub Zero was nerfed based on player complaints.

If that's how it worked, Jacqui's gun would have been nerfed asbthe outcry among casuals was vastly worse.

Go look back at m2dave's Sub Zero should NOT be normalized thread. The majority was in support of keeping clone as is.

This narrative needs to die.
You know what was the most complained about? Jacqui's guns. AND THEY WERE NEVER TOUCHED.

You are the misguided one here my friend.
These are two arguments I can see the strength in, and can't really argue. I admit, I have no hard evidence, can't argue otherwise. It is pure speculation, and me sharing my opinion that I've based strongly on the correlation between volume of complaints, and the effect it has had on patches. I feel Jacqui's guns, practically the only outlier to this pattern, were untouched because NRS knew as well as everyone else that her guns were not OP and zoning is the typical scrub thing to complain about. The Clone however is less straightforward, and there was more justification to nerf it, SZ's clone is definitely stronger than Jacqui's guns we can all agree on that right? Doesn't mean he was OP, the character is balanced around it, just means that responding to this whinging was much more justified, nerfing Jacqui's guns would be new levels of bad. I guess bringing this up is a fair counter, I just feel otherwise. Speculation I admit, but neither you nor I have any way of knowing either way, so you can't tell me that saying this isn't where it stems from is any more valid than saying that is where it stems from.

Regardless, pure speculation as to why they did it, I think the fact that 90% of people agreed that it didn't need to happen, strongly supports the claim that WAS a bad change and I'm not happy with NRS's changes in response to a lot of characters so far, I even less like were I suspect these changes may be coming from


klone enthusiast
People hate sub because he stops(or at least did before) a majority of the cast from playing their game. Before you say anything I dont consider that to be a bad thing, he was pretty unique in that regard. I dont care if they buff him, I just want to stop reading about him in every thread.
and now people can poke his ice clone with a standing normal or d1:D so far I just see people come to sub's thread and complaining about how they need the klone to not working properly, but yeah I got your point


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Overall, I've been very pleased with the patch things that needed slight adjustments were changed, characters with bad pokes had their frames shaved off, i think a lot of good has been done.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
These are two arguments I can see the strength in, and can't really argue. I admit, I have no hard evidence, can't argue otherwise. It is pure speculation, and me sharing my opinion that I've based strongly on the correlation between volume of complaints, and the effect it has had on patches. I feel Jacqui's guns, practically the only outlier to this pattern, were untouched because NRS knew as well as everyone else that her guns were not OP and zoning is the typical scrub thing to complain about. The Clone however is less straightforward, and there was more justification to nerf it, SZ's clone is definitely stronger than Jacqui's guns we can all agree on that right? Doesn't mean he was OP, the character is balanced around it, just means that responding to this whinging was much more justified, nerfing Jacqui's guns would be new levels of bad. I don't think this is a fair counter.

Regardless, pure speculation as to why they did it, I think the fact that 90% of people agreed that it didn't need to happen, strongly supports the claim that WAS a bad change and I'm not happy with NRS's changes in response to a lot of characters so far, I even less like were I suspect these changes may be coming from
You need to see the game less through the eyes of your character.

Characters like Takeda were given adjustments and buffs that they needed. Shinnok and Kenshi soared up the tier list.

Erron Black was made less powerful, but still a huge threat in the nuetral.

There have been a lot of good changes that have nothing to do with Sub Zero.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
You need to see the game less through the eyes of your character.

Characters like Takeda were given adjustments and buffs that they needed. Shinnok and Kenshi soared up the tier list.

Erron Black was made less powerful, but still a huge threat in the nuetral.

There have been a lot of good changes that have nothing to do with Sub Zero.
That's true, but the statement I was making was never about just SZ, I mentioned about 4 characters who I strongly think were influenced by volumes of complaints on TYM (both high volume and low volume), and I could probably name a few more changes on top of that. While some good changes have been brought on by the complaing and drawing it to NRS's attention, I feel plenty of bad ones have been brought upon by player influence as well, hence why I'm not happy with NRS's approach to it so far, this isn't just a SZ thing. I saw the argument made before, "well, give it time". And at the time when they do implement such changes, I may feel differently. As it stands, this thread is about how well they've currently patched the game, and I don't think they are doing anywhere near as good a job of it as they should be. Maybe they know much better than me, and that's why they are the dev's, and I'm just a player. But I'm just sharing my response to the changes like the thread title asks.