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Has NRS done a good job patching Mortal Kombat X so far?

Has NRS done a good job patching Mortal Kombat X so far?

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Mama's Little Bumgorf
On topic: I voted unsure, because Kitana still exists, and I'd like to see things play out more.

Off topic: I'm disappointed in this reasonable thread. I expected today's thread to be Dave preemptively calling out Tanya supporters for hypocrisy if Predator ends up being a powerful zoner that causes complaints.


Seems like NRS has been very careful about every change they made, it'd be cool to see them take more bold risks like with Kenshi changes. I think maybe have Spectral EX lift turn into meterless version and give EX armor? Give him an air grab or an angled air projectile? Idk. Then some risk taken away to match the reward with Mytic's force push on block.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
NRS has done a good job so far. I'm glad they pulled the trigger quick on Kung Jin and Raiden. They waited well after Evo to do anything about Superman and Black Adam in Injustice and it was a bad move. The game was a laughing stock at Evo and almost died. To this day, the typical fgc follower still thinks Superman, Black Adam and Scorpion are the best in that game. That's how hard the interest fell off because it looked so bad at Evo.

There is still work to be done though. I think D'Vorah and Raiden are on their own tier and need to be toned down. We haven't seen it in tournament yet, but I think it's coming. On the other side of the spectrum, Kitana and Goro are just...terrible and need re-works they are so bad lol. So still some imbalance issues that need addressing, but so far so good.


Administrator and Community Engineer
You seem to either have forgotten Injustice Scorpion or think the nerfs were pretty good. Please tell me it's the former.
So Scorpion being nerfed overly severely means that the rebalance patch which toned down Superman, revived the game/community and saved the second EVO somehow didn't happen?

People are crying incessantly that a Mortal Kombat guest character ended up being lower tier, even though plenty of other characters received desperately needed nerfs or buffs.

I don't understand this logic at all. Mistakes happen (and they will in MKX) but continually harping on 1-2 characters out of a game of 30 makes no sense.
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Two men enter, one man leaves!
Vicious F/t needed an adjustment.
Why because of all the majors he was placing top 32 in? Or maybe you're referring to the locals he won in first month of the game. If you seriously think his damage was too high look at d'vorah, they really didn't need to make vicious the lowest damage character in the game.


"My kunai will find it's mark."
I think the games balance is pretty decent so far with how they patched it. But I will give my opinion on what I think should be changed or would be happy if it was changed. These are opinions, and as we all know opinions are like assholes we all have them and here is mine lol

Erron Black:

21122 - Make this string positive enough on block that command grab cannot connect at any point in this string.
Command Grab - Rebuffed to +10 on Hit


B2 - Loses it's ability to be canceled
EX Shocker - No longer hits behind the character


- Reduce standing hurtbox slightly.


EX Teleport - On block slow down her ascending animation allowing for an uppercut punish or AA for reading correctly to give this some sort of risk reward situation.


Ground Fan - Hit's mid
B2 - 15 frame start up.
EX DB1 - Has Armor on Wake up Only
Royal Storm EX DB1 - Tornado blows through projectiles
Royal Storm DB4 - Faster start up
Royal Storm DB3 on ground and air - Less recovery on whiff, like 25 frames of recovery instead of over a second.
Assassin DB3 - Armor through out the entirety of the special.
Assassin DB4 - Faster Start Up
Assassin Sharpen - Half the recovery time, and make it hit based.
Assassin B14 - Same damage as Royal Storm Variation in combos
Mournful NJP and jumping 1 - Uses Staff
Mournful - New Strings Using Staff.

Jason Vorheez:

D1 - 6 frame start up
D4 - 9 frame start up
Relentless, and Unstoppable - B122 should always hit crouching players.
Unstoppable - Holding down will prevent resurrection during the last hit, allowing you to save meter for the next round.


D1 - 6 frame start up
Faster Start up on all projectiles

Block Breaker:

Now only costs 1 bar of meter, and 1 bar of stamina. Doesn't knock the opponent down and places them around mid screen away from the defender.

These are just some changes that I'd like done, but that's just me :p feel free to blow me up.
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I'll go with no. The changes that they have made have been good, but there haven't been enough of them.

There are certain things that are obviously poor for the games balance that haven't been touched.


i love how everyone automatically assumes that ermac doesnt exist in this game.
please by all means.
also by patching did you mean 15 gigabyte update that complete wipes our 90% unlocked save data/krypt? (pc issue)

on a side note, can anyone explain to me how this hotfixes work on a console? from what i understand microsoft allows these kind of small patches to be implemented costless. And if this is the case then i don't understand why game is not being patched, like, every week? it's not like a hard job to do, with a company of 1k people and major publishing conglomerate with a personal and stuff about small whole state?
the reason im saying this is because there is stuff that needs to be addressed, there are characters that need to be buffed, and are that needs to be nerfed. And if this update will let's just say will make someone OP, then can nerf him back. What, you think it's weird and non-practical? well tell that blizzard. they've been doing it since 1998 starcraft, 2002 warcraft 3, 2004 World of Warcraft. Blizzard be like: "Hey mages are too weak, lets buff them", month later: "Omg mages are totally doing solo raids we should nerf them back" - for 17 years.


@General M2Dave Can you be more specific with your nerf request for D'Vorah?

- significantly reduce block frame advantage of f+1,1,2 xx WGC"

In case you're unaware, she's currently +16 after a perfectly executed F112 Bug cancel on block BUT everyone has the option to take the last hit of the string which only deals about 4% damage and let's them get out of the situation entirely since the 2 portion of F112 sends you full screen. The best thing D'Vorah can do to beat this option is by ending the string in ovi which would give her a total of 10% damage on a read that the opponent will let go of block, but punished if the read is wrong. She could also stagger F11 but then she no longer has guaranteed frame traps and she can be poked out of, armored through, back dashed, etc etc.
Well to be fair we must admit that F112 xx WGC is really strong: F1 is a mid starting at 12 frames with a huge range, after a blocked F112 xx WGC we have a guaranteed safe mixup that leads to +30% damage with either B1 & F22 or a throw. After two blocked F112 xx WGC we can still mixup them with a safe OH (F224) an usafe low (B12 xx air grab) or the throw. We can still do a third F11 (2 xx ovi) which is neutral on block (2 xx ovi is unsafe) or use a string like 113 (can be interrupted tho) that will leave us at advantage. In the process we build a ton of meter obviusly.
That being said I'd rather not see her nerfed because she's my lovely main :p
i love how everyone automatically assumes that ermac doesnt exist in this game.
please by all means.
also by patching did you mean 15 gigabyte update that complete wipes our 90% unlocked save data/krypt? (pc issue)

on a side note, can anyone explain to me how this hotfixes work on a console? from what i understand microsoft allows these kind of small patches to be implemented costless. And if this is the case then i don't understand why game is not being patched, like, every week? it's not like a hard job to do, with a company of 1k people and major publishing conglomerate with a personal and stuff about small whole state?
the reason im saying this is because there is stuff that needs to be addressed, there are characters that need to be buffed, and are that needs to be nerfed. And if this update will let's just say will make someone OP, then can nerf him back. What, you think it's weird and non-practical? well tell that blizzard. they've been doing it since 1998 starcraft, 2002 warcraft 3, 2004 World of Warcraft. Blizzard be like: "Hey mages are too weak, lets buff them", month later: "Omg mages are totally doing solo raids we should nerf them back" - for 17 years.
While MS makes the patches free, they still have to go thru a separate certification process. Sony either doesn't have this, or the process doesn't take as long


Zoning Master
@General M2Dave Can you be more specific with your nerf request for D'Vorah?

- significantly reduce block frame advantage of f+1,1,2 xx WGC"

In case you're unaware, she's currently +16 after a perfectly executed F112 Bug cancel on block BUT everyone has the option to take the last hit of the string which only deals about 4% damage and let's them get out of the situation entirely since the 2 portion of F112 sends you full screen. The best thing D'Vorah can do to beat this option is by ending the string in ovi which would give her a total of 10% damage on a read that the opponent will let go of block, but punished if the read is wrong. She could also stagger F11 but then she no longer has guaranteed frame traps and she can be poked out of, armored through, back dashed, etc etc.
The "simply get hit by this to avoid that" argument is usually a sign that something is overpowered. LOL.

f+1,1,2 xx WGC creates a 50/50 mix up scenario in which neither f+2 nor b+1 can be backdashed or armored through. Given D'Vorah's versatility, she is not in need of such a powerful option.

f+1,1 is an advancing mid attack that is 0 block, but unlike f+1,1,2 xx WGC, it does not lead to uninterruptible 50/50 mix ups, so apparently it must be mediocre

I'm only going to comment on Scorpion because I play him. I don't think the FBC advantage needs to be nerfed, people will probably call me out on it but I don't think it's really a big problem. There's ways around it like eating the 4 and getting hit full screen away. The only way you get around 15% chip is if you have flame aura active and end with a MB FB, otherwise you get 8.25% chip. If anything Scorpions flame aura is more powerful than his FBC pressure imo.

Don't get me wrong, I think scorpion is a monster in this game. I just don't think his FBC pressure makes him over powered. If they nerf the FBC pressure then it is what it is but I just don't think it needs to be done.

Honestly I would like to see the game stay unchanged for a good while before making any drastic decisions. That goes for all characters unless it's something totally game breaking.
Again, another "simply get hit by this to avoid that" argument.

The 2,1,4 xx FBC pressure may still be advantageous on block. I have no problem with the advantage. But why does the advantage have to be so tremendous that you can neither backdash nor interrupt the next 2,1,4 xx FBC loop until the Scorpion player runs out of stamina meter, which, by the way, recharges automatically?

Was Liu Kang's EX bicycle kick not normalized severely based on the argument that f+1 could neither be backdashed nor interrupted afterwards? Yet Scorpion can do the same damn trap without wasting any super meter.

This difference is called a double standard and is the opposite of trying to create a balanced fighting game. I am very convinced that Hellfire Scorpion would remain a top tier character if you could at least backdash the next 2,1,4 xx FBC sequence.


Administrator and Community Engineer
on a side note, can anyone explain to me how this hotfixes work on a console? from what i understand microsoft allows these kind of small patches to be implemented costless. And if this is the case then i don't understand why game is not being patched, like, every week? it's not like a hard job to do, with a company of 1k people and major publishing conglomerate with a personal and stuff about small whole state?
the reason im saying this is because there is stuff that needs to be addressed, there are characters that need to be buffed, and are that needs to be nerfed. And if this update will let's just say will make someone OP, then can nerf him back. What, you think it's weird and non-practical? well tell that blizzard. they've been doing it since 1998 starcraft, 2002 warcraft 3, 2004 World of Warcraft. Blizzard be like: "Hey mages are too weak, lets buff them", month later: "Omg mages are totally doing solo raids we should nerf them back" - for 17 years.
To a certain extent, they actually have been making hotfixes every week or two. Lots of little changes and fixes are frequently being made. But you're exactly right -- a lot of games (including SF4) end up applying corrective patching if they're gone too far in one direction.

I think the issue is that companies like RioT games or Blizzard (and Capcom as well) are committed to support their games for the long haul and continue to make tweaks, whereas NRS is in a situation where their support ends permanently after a year and a half as they move to the next title.
The "simply get hit by this to avoid that" argument is usually a sign that something is overpowered. LOL.

f+1,1,2 xx WGC creates a 50/50 mix up scenario in which neither f+2 nor b+1 can be backdashed or armored through. Given D'Vorah's versatility, she is not in need of such a powerful option.

f+1,1 is an advancing mid attack that is 0 block, but unlike f+1,1,2 xx WGC, it does not lead to uninterruptible 50/50 mix ups, so apparently it must be mediocre

Again, another "simply get hit by this to avoid that" argument.

The 2,1,4 xx FBC pressure may still be advantageous on block. I have no problem with the advantage. But why does the advantage have to be so tremendous that you can neither backdash nor interrupt the next 2,1,4 xx FBC loop until the Scorpion player runs out of stamina meter, which, by the way, recharges automatically?

Was Liu Kang's EX bicycle kick not normalized severely based on the argument that f+1 could neither be backdashed nor interrupted afterwards? Yet Scorpion can do the same damn trap without wasting any super meter.

This difference is called a double standard and is the opposite of trying to create a balanced fighting game. I am very convinced that Hellfire Scorpion would remain a top tier character if you could at least backdash the next 2,1,4 xx FBC sequence.
By this logic we would have to do the same to Liu Kang though who also has uniterruptible cancel pressure in DF and Dualist Not to mention many charaters get free pressure meaning no stamina and no meter so I am really finding it hard to understand your logic. You'd be creating a witch hunt.


Bug of tater's
They've done a nice job patching so far. So agree. Patch option selects out and strongly agree because that stuff is game breaking


Zoning Master
By this logic we would have to do the same to Liu Kang though who also has uniterruptible cancel pressure in DF and Dualist Not to mention many charaters get free pressure meaning no stamina and no meter so I am really finding it hard to understand your logic. You'd be creating a which hunt.
My issue is not with advantage and pressure. This run-canceled pressure has a well-deserved place in this game. But some of these cancels are basically block infinite combos (masquerading as "advance offense") that can be looped three times until you run out of stamina meter, which recharges automatically.

Furthermore, the entire stamina bar is replenished after most connected throws. So players can loop run-canceled strings, throw you, run up, and attempt okizeme, which may include the run-canceled strings again.


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
In all seriousness, this community needs to come up with EVERY example possible of a mid oddly whiffing and put it in one thread. I've seen it all over the character forums. This is a big deal guys and needs to be fixed more than character balancing.
I definitely agree with this. Shinnok has like three strings that have this issue. 1,1,2,3 3,1,2 and occasionally F2,2,4


Why because of all the majors he was placing top 32 in? Or maybe you're referring to the locals he won in first month of the game. If you seriously think his damage was too high look at d'vorah, they really didn't need to make vicious the lowest damage character in the game.
I said he needed an adjustment, i didn't say he got the correct one. Also just because a character/variation is underutilized that doesn't make him/it balanced.


My blades will find your heart
They have done a great job so far.

Although I have to say the Dvorah nerfs were pretty laughable. I also dont ever agree with the notion that f112 is suddenly useless because you can take the 2 hit, since all it takes is one good EX wasp to catch them and full combo leading to the corner. Makes them not want to do that as often lol. F11 is a great tool as it is neutral anyway and if they are sitting there waiting to let go of block on the 2 they tend to not punish F11 WGC as consistently.