I Got Guiled
I like the LS-40 because I like short throw and engage distances on my stick. I also do not like them to feel loose. This is my main problem with the JLF. The JLF stick feels to loose, and because of its large throw and engage distance, it has a large wobble zone (Area in which movement of the stick does not activate any of the micro-switches that lead to movement of character on screen.) You can fix looseness by swapping out the springs and change the engage distance by using larger actuators but none of those mods make it feel as good as a stock LS-40.This was very informative, @chemist4hire. Thank you for your knowledge, however, I still have some question regarding the fight sticks. You mentioned that the Seimitsu LS-40 stick part surpasses the JLF and Hayabusa. Why is that? You also didn't mention anything about the new Kuro VLX aside from the fact you own one. How is it? I know its length exceeds that of a normal fight stick stretching out to about 22" and it weights in at about 12 lbs. Is it that much of a burden to carry a VLX on ones person for competitive play? Again, I appreciate the information from your post. Thank you kindly.
In terms of the Kuro VLX, I have swapped the parts for my preferred stick and buttons. It is a great stick and its what I play with at home, but for travel its too much of a hassle and I would rather just carry my Kai around. They sell a special bag to carry the VLX in but is expensive at $100 dollars. Also when I go to tournaments I travel with a stick for some games and a hitbox for others so carrying a heavier stick when I dont need to is also a reason why I just leave it at home.