So I've been contemplating, I'm Jason Relentless and play an adaptive semi-defensive play style, like on an unsafe on block or whiffs by an opponent u punish them with full combo, but your regular stance is a crouching block, when opponent tries to jump in command grab anti-air cause it hits like 16%, my offense will be command grabs cause I dont have to worry about blocks, still mastering but I believe I always get it but not an instant input yet, my choice of command grabs are DBF1 or DBF2, preferably DBF1 cause its higher damage, but each has their pros cons, I've tested all his tick throws but F2 seems the fastest and safest or 24 If I feel like it.
not sure if I should follow this playstyle, I just don't like to take into account on if they block and if it's high or low, something about blocks just annoys me, I'm a pretty simple minded player, if I want to take into offense atleast make it decent damage, that's why unblockables really piqued my interest, so far Jason is the closest that has the tools that I need like gap-closer and anti-air and of course some high damaging command-grabs(unblockable ofcourse),
one thing that makes me sad is the Brutality requisite of Relentless, u have to have Pursuit on to be able to do his unique brutality, why not something that is not easily ruined by the other player? like jump 10 times or press these buttons in sequence while doing the grab cause no one can ruin it except yourself. Pursuit should just be removed and to compensate make Lake Mist do a hit even 1% or way faster recovery is fine too!
I don't like f2 since it's a high and off a blocked jump in it can be interrupted and armored through. B2 is very good though, nice forward moving and hits jumpers. I usually go for d1 tick grab or b2, still gotta learn b1 grab, on the left side I can do it pretty well, I have a bad habit of not rotating my stick all the way to back during the tick grabs on the right side so I gotta keep practicing that. I've never used 24, isn't the first hit high? Regardless from what I remember it was just really slow, which is why I like the b2 and b1 so much, they are both used in good ranges and scenarios where the opponent should be respecting your pressure so they're more likely to eat a grab.
As for what armor grab to use as AA, I've been doing either choke or dbf2. I haven't thought of doing dbf1 but if you say it's higher damage I might try it out. My logic is, if I'm reacting to a air normal, choke is my go to, since the grab needs them to land and choke doesn't, which means they'll be less likely to break your armor. Otherwise I just backdash ex dbf2 or uppercut. Still trying to make s1 work for crossups, its just so difficult to do on reaction and win out.
Also I haven't looked at his brutalities but theres one for hitting the close line, got that a few times accidentally. Pretty funny and easy to do.
On an unrelated note, certain moves can make Jason's EX command grab whiff, I think it'd be important for us to compile a list of all these moves so we can now how much of a risk we're taking when we command grab in certain matchups. For instance, b2, b4, f4, f3, s3, d3, f2, s4 and d4 on Jason can dodge his ex command grab. They all have specific timings but any move that changes the characters hitbox might be a problem for him.
What this is telling me is, we need to condition them to respect choke and b122 even more now before commiting to a command grab, especially if they have moves that move them low or somehow affect their hitbox. This is also pretty huge because it makes his command grab much worse if it can so easily be avoided. I'll keep messing around with this. Seems pretty fucking important.
So if I made a list of this, I guess we can start with Jason first just as an example.
Specials and Normals that avoid Jason's EX dbf2(Crippler):
Note: Armor moves are not listed because most(if not all) will eat the hit and avoid the grab.
Jason Notes: Nothing he does exclusively in Slasher other than armor moves can make Crippler whiff
Back 1(Needs to be timed at latest possible instance to make it whiff)
Back 2
Forward 2
Standing 2
Standing 3
Back 3(tight timing)
Down 3
Forward 3
Standing 4
Back 4
Forward 4
Down 4
Special Moves:
Relent/Unstoppable) - Down Forward 1
Tight Squeeze(
Relent/Unstoppable) - Down Back Forward 2
Back 1(tight timing)
Forward 1
Back 2
Down 2(tight timing)
Down 2(
Down 3
Back 3
Standing 3
Down 4
Back 4
Special Moves:
Slide - bf4
Ice Clone - db2
Frost Hammer(
Cryomancer) - db2
Barrier of Frost(
Unbreakable) - db2
I think things like this could go well in the OP or perhaps a separate thread dedicated to the ex command grab(crippler) in general. If you guys think it's important enough I don't mind going through normals and specials from time to time to test. I hope that this is a bug and is fixed at some point. If the person is standing on the ground and I do an EX COMMAND GRAB w/ armor on it I should not be whiffing if I'm in range, that is awful game design for a grappler and I hope that it was an oversight and not intentional.