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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread

What are Ermac's safest combo starters? The safest string I could find (so far) is 2,2,2, but that only hits high. I find myself trying to jip, if it's blocked, continue the 2,2,2 string and then cancel into wowwow. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn.t I find it very hard to not be punished when trying to go for strings in general though.


Let's fighting love
What are Ermac's safest combo starters? The safest string I could find (so far) is 2,2,2, but that only hits high. I find myself trying to jip, if it's blocked, continue the 2,2,2 string and then cancel into wowwow. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn.t I find it very hard to not be punished when trying to go for strings in general though.
F21D2 is great. It does a lot of damage, easiest hitconfirm in the game and you can do whatever you want. Framewise it's even on block, but it's not a true blockstring so opponent can use an armored move between 1 and D2. You can confirm it though by doing F21 and do D2 on hit or 2 on block. F212 is a true blockstring that's also even on block but doesn't combo after.

222 is not safe on block, you can get punished by a lot of characters. The only thing Ermac can cancel into on block that's safe is EX blast and that shit costs meter.
What are Ermac's safest combo starters? The safest string I could find (so far) is 2,2,2, but that only hits high. I find myself trying to jip, if it's blocked, continue the 2,2,2 string and then cancel into wowwow. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn.t I find it very hard to not be punished when trying to go for strings in general though.

The 222 string I find hard for people to punish. And you can use the threat of a soul ball to make people hesitate to punish it

If they punish the 222 consitently start linking a soul ball. It's slightly delayed when u link it, and if they try to punish the 222 it will catch them and you get a full combo.

Once they respect the soul ball option then you can just do 222.
Reactions: zaf
The 222 string I find hard for people to punish. And you can use the threat of a soul ball to make people hesitate to punish it

If they punish the 222 consitently start linking a soul ball. It's slightly delayed when u link it, and if they try to punish the 222 it will catch them and you get a full combo.

Once they respect the soul ball option then you can just do 222.
Kung Lao does not care about any of what you have said.
Updated my Mystic BnB combo vid reflecting the nerf to Tele-Hang fall damage:

What are Ermac's safest combo starters? The safest string I could find (so far) is 2,2,2, but that only hits high. I find myself trying to jip, if it's blocked, continue the 2,2,2 string and then cancel into wowwow. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn.t I find it very hard to not be punished when trying to go for strings in general though.
Other than the ever-popular f2,1,d2, hitconfirmable strings (in Mystic at least) are 1,1; b1,2; and 3,4. They put you at 0, -3, and -2 respectively.


F21D2 is great. It does a lot of damage, easiest hitconfirm in the game and you can do whatever you want. Framewise it's even on block, but it's not a true blockstring so opponent can use an armored move between 1 and D2. You can confirm it though by doing F21 and do D2 on hit or 2 on block. F212 is a true blockstring that's also even on block but doesn't combo after.

222 is not safe on block, you can get punished by a lot of characters. The only thing Ermac can cancel into on block that's safe is EX blast and that shit costs meter.

I also think you should be able to backdash his F21D2.
A lot of the strings in this game with holes, can be backdashed as well as armored.
I suspect this is no different.


Let's fighting love
34 ain't a bad combo starter. You can also start combos with F3. On block, just block afterwards, you'll be in -1. On hit, confirm into D1 xx soul ball / lift.
34 is ass, 3 is a high and has a really bad hitbox. Also I was practicing avoiding/punishing Kung Jin, and I noticed when he does his overhead flip kick thing, if you backdash the hit (goes through you with invincibility) and try to punish, he doesn't seem to have a hitbox at all. F4 doesn't hit him, but D4 does, but D1 doesnt. It's very strange.


34 is ass, 3 is a high and has a really bad hitbox. Also I was practicing avoiding/punishing Kung Jin, and I noticed when he does his overhead flip kick thing, if you backdash the hit (goes through you with invincibility) and try to punish, he doesn't seem to have a hitbox at all. F4 doesn't hit him, but D4 does, but D1 doesnt. It's very strange.
Thanks for this. I will be looking into this tonight.


Retired Noob
Anyone have an updated list of combos, MoS specifically?
It seems there's been some progress since the first pages.
Also whats peoples opinions of including the jump in punch? I think it's just inflating the %. I say leave it out and at discretion add it if the situation allows.
Ive had some combos that do the same damage with or without.

Some ermac combos i did today master of souls
Just a suggestion for that first combo, I've had some decent success with a simple jump in punch, uppercut after the EX Slam. Online lag though sometimes they will land first on me :(.
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S in front of anything usually means standing. This can also just mean neutral. So no directional input.
TP will generally mean teleport or even tele push if it is regarding the mystic variation.
I'm surprised I haven't seen this string in this thread. This was one of the first ones I discovered. It's also quite easy.

222 soul ball (ex) - dash (if midscreen) - b321 [At least has 25-27% damage and can go up to 32%; without meter burn is still impressive in damage)


I'm surprised I haven't seen this string in this thread. This was one of the first ones I discovered. It's also quite easy.

222 soul ball (ex) - dash (if midscreen) - b321 [At least has 25-27% damage and can go up to 32%; without meter burn is still impressive in damage)
Thats because you waste damage if you do it this way. Jip f21d2 should always give you a more damaging combo after 222 Soulball.
Even dash bf1, njp combos should.


Retired Noob
Some ermac combos i did today master of souls
So it's a matter of what's the optimal string?
Almost always. If you get an opening, you want to capitalize on it.
If I land a 222, Im going Soul Ball, Jump in punch, F21D2, Jump in kick, teleport punch, F4, 3. Thats 37% if I recall. You can replace the last 3 with an EX slam, then jump in punch, uppercut, for about 41%.
Or if Im online and crazy laggy, then I'll do the F21D2 into run cancel, uppercut. 35% but online for reasons unknown I have problems landing that F4 after teleport.
Thats just what I've come up with on my own, and i know theres a few more optimal ones, hence I'm about to go through threads and write some down since the original post seems outdated.


So it's a matter of what's the optimal string?
Yea - why wouldnt you want to do the optimal? Or use a string that gives you 10% more damage and is not much harder to pull of?

here some combos for 222 SoulBall:
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12 f4 burst (39% ;40% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift (38%; 39% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 burst (37%; 39% with jip)

I wouldnt go with SoulRelease after SoulBall, from what i have tested its less damaging and has weirder timings (for me at least)


Anyone have an updated list of combos, MoS specifically?
It seems there's been some progress since the first pages.
Also whats peoples opinions of including the jump in punch? I think it's just inflating the %. I say leave it out and at discretion add it if the situation allows.
Ive had some combos that do the same damage with or without.

Just a suggestion for that first combo, I've had some decent success with a simple jump in punch, uppercut after the EX Slam. Online lag though sometimes they will land first on me :(.
Dude most of the combos I upload I never use them online cause online cause I know how fucking hard it is to do them lmao I know ur pain
F21D2 is great. It does a lot of damage, easiest hitconfirm in the game and you can do whatever you want. Framewise it's even on block, but it's not a true blockstring so opponent can use an armored move between 1 and D2. You can confirm it though by doing F21 and do D2 on hit or 2 on block. F212 is a true blockstring that's also even on block but doesn't combo after.

222 is not safe on block, you can get punished by a lot of characters. The only thing Ermac can cancel into on block that's safe is EX blast and that shit costs meter.
Thanks. I generally use F21D2 mid-combo, but I guess I should try to use it at the beginning more.

I know about the "hole" between 1 and d2, which is why I never thought to start combos with it, as opposed to 222


Anyone have an updated list of combos, MoS specifically?
It seems there's been some progress since the first pages.
Also whats peoples opinions of including the jump in punch? I think it's just inflating the %. I say leave it out and at discretion add it if the situation allows.
Ive had some combos that do the same damage with or without.

Just a suggestion for that first combo, I've had some decent success with a simple jump in punch, uppercut after the EX Slam. Online lag though sometimes they will land first on me :(.
Here some meterless combos
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, jip b321 (40%); 41% with jip)
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, uppercut (40%; 41% with jip)
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, runcancel SoulRelease, njp, b1d2 (38% hard knockdown; 40% with jip)
f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (36% for Vortex; 37% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 soulball, bf1, uppercut (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease uppercut (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, jik, teleport, f4 SoulBall, jip b321 (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, f3 SoulBall, jip b321 (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, 4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip b321 (39%; 40% with jip)
f21d2, 4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease, njp, run cancel uppercut (39%; 40% with jip)
f21d2, 4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, jik, teleport, f4 burst (38%; 40% with jip)
f21d2, 4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, jik, teleport, b1d2 (38% - hard knockdown; 39% with jip)

222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12 f4 burst (39% ;40% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift (38%; 39% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 burst (37%; 39% with jip)
222 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f12d2, b12, f4 Burst (37%; 39% with jip)

f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik, tp, b12, f4 burst (40%; 41% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 burst(40%; 41% with jip)
f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12 b12 f4 burst (40%; 41% with jip)

b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik, tp, b12, f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)
b3 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12 b12 f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)

114, f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 burst (36%; 38% with jip)
114, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 Burst (36%; 38% with jip)

34 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 Burst (36%; 37% with jip)

Corner: f21d2, b12, b12, s4 SoulBall, SoulRelease, uppercut, uppercut (42%; 42% with jip)
Corner: f4, SoulBall, jip 114, f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (43%; 43% with jip)
Corner: f4, SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp b12 b12 b1d2 (39% hard knockdown; 40% with jip)
Corner: b3, SoulBall, jip 114, f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (41%; 42% with jip)
Corner: b3, SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp b12 b12 b1d2 (37% hard knockdown; 38% with jip)
Corner: 222, SoulBlast up, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, uppercut, uppercut (43%; 43% without jip)
Corner: jip, 222, SoulBlast up ,222, bf2, jip, f21d2, njp, 22 lift. 43%
Corner: jip, 222, SoulBlast up, 222, bf2, jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut, d1 lift. 46%

A few meter combos

f4, SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f4 burst (44%; 45% with jip)
b3, SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f4 burst (42%, 43% with jip)
222, SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut (42%; 43% with jip)
Corner: f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut, uppercut (47%; 47% with jip)
Corner: b3 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut, uppercut (45%; 45% with jip)
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