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Strategy - Kitana Kitana General Discussion/Strategies

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As far as Kotal goes, whatever the frames are- Ex sun disc gets stuffed pretty much everytime, but I dont need it, i just patiently duck walk in so i can beat dat ass (which is why saying fans should hit mid is insanity, there are chars that have no other option, its your job to intercept us on the way in)



"My kunai will find it's mark."
As far as Kotal goes, whatever the frames are- Ex sun disc gets stuffed pretty much everytime, but I dont need it, i just patiently duck walk in so i can beat dat ass (which is why saying fans should hit mid is insanity, there are chars that have no other option, its your job to intercept us on the way in)
There is probably like a handful of characters that don't have much options to get in without being patient and just ducking and walking forward. Granted I also play some Kotal all be it War God. But I think he barely struggles in the match up, it's not like you are getting hit by ducking and moving forward. It only takes a good F12 from a certain distance and she is in trouble, and because it's ground worst you will take is 6% not a life threatening amount of damage. That's if you miss. And if you need too, set a God ray on top of yourself and sit and wait. Especially if you get the life lead, no more running away and fanning other than to get meter. She will have to come to you and try to fight you up close, which she will lose horribly.
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"My kunai will find it's mark."
Characters that have options against Kitana's fans include...

Kung Lao, Jax, Sonya, Kenshi, Kitana herself, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Mileena, Takeda, Jaqcui, Kung Jin, Shinnok, Kano, Erron Black, Liu Kang, Ermac, Reptile, Ferra/Torr, Raiden, and Quan Chi. That's a ton of characters who have forward moving, teleports, specials that specifically say F you Kitana and your fans. If she doesn't respect them she's gonna get hit, and have to deal with the close range game, or some cases better zoning than her own.

I've already gone over her shitty strings and up close game.
i played a kitana on ps4 called vergil (some numbers and xes or something after) and he had his game so locked tight that i felt completely smothered, im a displacer raiden and I thought that was a bad matchup for royal kitanas, he wasnt even trying to zone me out he has this frame trap style where he conditioned me to think i can fight back in certain spots but the 2nd time when i go to punch dat bitch i eat a fan to the face and then he does a full combo into the next set up. It wasnt braindead though he was anticipating my actions, hit confirming and conditioning me
Threads like these will continue to pop up i suppose, nothing new about that tho lol. Key number to reiterate, 75 matchups PER variation. Let that sink in for a bit.


PSN: ImaGiveItToUBaby
And if you need to set a God ray on top of yourself and sit and wait. Especially if you get the life lead, no more running away and fanning other than to get meter. She will have to come to you and try to fight you up close, which she will lose horribly.
THIS. You effectively shut her down, and gain life to the point where you could possibly take the life lead, and force her to come in.


"My kunai will find it's mark."
Threads like these will continue to pop up i suppose, nothing new about that tho lol. Key number to reiterate, 75 matchups PER variation. Let that sink in for a bit.
That's true, but how do you feel about what I just posted before about all of her strings being so negative that you get full combo punishes? This works across all variations for Kitana. Though I will admit, I don't know the specials frame data on Kitana's mournful variation, as it felt like an even less viable character.


Threads like these will continue to pop up i suppose, nothing new about that tho lol. Key number to reiterate, 75 matchups PER variation. Let that sink in for a bit.
MUs have to be taken into account but it doesn't take a genius tos ee Kitana is bad. I'm generally on the side of wait but some things are really obvious, Kung Jin being really good & Kitana being really bad.
That's true, but how do you feel about what I just posted before about all of her strings being so negative that you get full combo punishes? This works across all variations for Kitana. Though I will admit, I don't know the specials frame data on Kitana's mournful variation, as it felt like an even less viable character.
i mean even with that, does she just get mopped up by the whole cast? probably not. If she is sprinkled with 5 5s and 4 6s then she may not be dominant but she can be used and hold her own against the cast.
MUs have to be taken into account but it doesn't take a genius tos ee Kitana is bad. I'm generally on the side of wait but some things are really obvious, Kung Jin being really good & Kitana being really bad.
"bad" or not, still 3 weeks in and there is SO much to be found. That is the point i want to iterate but ppl dnt want to hear that.
she isnt braindead IA spam into d1d1d1d1 mk9 kitana, you now need to use skill to play as her. you want her fans to be as good as they were in mk9, but they shouldnt have been that cheap to begin with.
I didn't play mk9 so I wouldn't know. What I do know however is for how she's meant to play she was horribly designed


Positive Poster!
This is always how it plays out, doesn't it? Week two into the game and people say, "It's only been two weeks. Give it time." Next week, know what they'll be saying? It's only been three weeks. After that? Oh, it's only been a month, give it time.

Exactly when is the cutoff to determine when a character may or may not be lacking? Then you have people who don't even play the character, and are simply making assumptions about her strings and safety telling Kitana MAINS how they should be playing their character and what her strengths are based on streams where people clearly don't know the MU well. I'm sorry that people on streams haven't figured out how to not jump yet and are punishing her unsafe attacks with D1, but that doesn't make her a great character simply because people don't know the MU yet.

Meanwhile, some people feel the need to spout off about how good Kitana is while picking up Sonya on the side. Like please, lol, take a seat.
^ Everything I've been saying in another thread where I got jumped for it. So, jump me here too. My anti air is this: I told you so before and I'm telling you so again. #completelykitanad
there isnt much to be found considering how bland and straightforward her skillset is.
she is no ethereal mileena or grenade/airship sonya
idk about that, this is a fighting game, there is always things to be found. Not everything will change, but many things will.
i played a kitana on ps4 called vergil (some numbers and xes or something after) and he had his game so locked tight that i felt completely smothered, im a displacer raiden and I thought that was a bad matchup for royal kitanas, he wasnt even trying to zone me out he has this frame trap style where he conditioned me to think i can fight back in certain spots but the 2nd time when i go to punch dat bitch i eat a fan to the face and then he does a full combo into the next set up. It wasnt braindead though he was anticipating my actions, hit confirming and conditioning me
Bruh... you doing it wrong. Kitana can't frame trap Raiden. Muhfucka is two frames faster than her fastest move and gets a full combo from it
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What a day. What a lovely day.
"bad" or not, still 3 weeks in and there is SO much to be found. That is the point i want to iterate but ppl dnt want to hear that.
I think the big issue here is that Kitana is a very cut and dry character in this game. Now in MK9 she was as well, but she had Godlike pokes and mobility to make up for it.

In MKX she has lost her mobility and her best spacing options in favor of making her a purely zoning and reactionary defensive character. That'd be fine, but as it stands it is WAY too easy to get in on her. I compare her to design to that of Raven's in INJ. They both get killed up close, but at least getting in on Raven was a literal Hell. This is why we'd like a buff on her zoning.

Her variations don't offer much in the way of tech or setups, and the only "dirt" we have is unbreakables and float. The latter of which would be great in a back to block game, but people can just hold the block button against Kitana and let her kill herself.

It's true that there's a lot more things to discover, but for Kitana players that more comes down to learning what and how we can punish things (which can be said for the entire cast), and not what dirt we can learn since she virtually has none.
maybe frame trap is the wrong term, im not a kitana player so its hard for me to describe what this guy was doing, im gonna hit him up cause i pmed him GGS and record him beating me again.


"My kunai will find it's mark."
i mean even with that, does she just get mopped up by the whole cast? probably not. If she is sprinkled with 5 5s and 4 6s then she may not be dominant but she can be used and hold her own against the cast.
She gets mopped pretty hard by any patient player. Who is actually smart. Her problems revolve around her terrible frame data, her jump ins herself being extremely lacking. Her come back factor being non existent. Her biggest game plan is to wait for the opponent to become impatient and make a mistake. To be honest I can't think of a worse character at the moment. As she relies so heavily on the opponent she is facing to make a mistake if they don't she has little going for her. You of all people should know how dangerous the games mix ups are playing as Scorpion. A character who can't chip the opponent out, who is extremely negative on block. Who's only overhead is a 24 frame starter, who relies on punishes as her main source of damage isn't a viable character. But you sure will make people salty tossing fans at them all day.


Positive Poster!
I don't even understand all the animosity about this, really. She's an iconic figure to mk and it's plain to see just looking at her frame data that she's struggling at the moment. She doesn't need much, just the decision in which way each variation should develop and then get her frame data brought up to par with the better moves in the game. All she needs is proper direction.
But she's sorely lacking in that department.

Please do make a video, breaking down Kitana's every variation and showing why she isn't fully viable at the moment.
I mean it's not hard to figure out. She's not a rushdown character, she doesn't have the frames for it. She's not a zoning character, she gets blown up for it and her only chance against faster and stronger, mid hitting projectiles than her high hitting fans, her reflect in Royal Storm, is a joke.
Pray tell, if she doesn't excel at range or in-the-face, where do you envision her winning a match? I mean you can literally neutral crouch at life lead against her, and if you so much as have some decent pokes she'll be fighting uphill.

My take on her variations per function:
Mournful: Proper rushdown forsaking her fans and fan moves entirely, focusing on mixups and frame traps after normalising her bugged infinite. An all new take on Kitana; the way Jade should have been.

Royal: Top zoning tools. This is the variation that doesn't need a lot of work, just a fix on move startups and recovery frames to make her more nimble and capitalise on her mobility. Fans should hit mid, but I wouldn't mind fans in Royal Storm being an overhead at the cost of losing her Neck Slice.

Assassin: Punish and footsies at the cost of losing her fan lift move and focusing on high damage with slice and dice moves and Sharpen. Bringing back her Fan Slice and making it a Mid with pushback on block would be an idea. Make assassin dash airborne, too.
Just my quick brain(royal)-storm.
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She gets mopped pretty hard by any patient player. Who is actually smart. Her problems revolve around her terrible frame data, her jump ins herself being extremely lacking. Her come back factor being non existent. Her biggest game plan is to wait for the opponent to become impatient and make a mistake. To be honest I can't think of a worse character at the moment. As she relies so heavily on the opponent she is facing to make a mistake if they don't she has little going for her. You of all people should know how dangerous the games mix ups are playing as Scorpion. A character who can't chip the opponent out, who is extremely negative on block. Who's only overhead is a 24 frame starter, who relies on punishes as her main source of damage isn't a viable character. But you sure will make people salty tossing fans at them all day.
so she is unsafe? I mean i was able to win vs top players with mk9 scorpion so even if she is supposed to be "bad" you can still beat others by playing smart and making good reads.
I think the big issue here is that Kitana is a very cut and dry character in this game. Now in MK9 she was as well, but she had Godlike pokes and mobility to make up for it.

In MKX she has lost her mobility and her best spacing options in favor of making her a purely zoning and reactionary defensive character. That'd be fine, but as it stands it is WAY too easy to get in on her. I compare her to design to that of Raven's in INJ. They both get killed up close, but at least getting in on Raven was a literal Hell. This is why we'd like a buff on her zoning.

Her variations don't offer much in the way of tech or setups, and the only "dirt" we have is unbreakables and float. The latter of which would be great in a back to block game, but people can just hold the block button against Kitana and let her kill herself.

It's true that there's a lot more things to discover, but for Kitana players that more comes down to learning what and how we can punish things (which can be said for the entire cast), and not what dirt we can learn since she virtually has none.
I say keep going at it with her, there is no way after 3 weeks y'all have figured out the best way to play kitana in all her matchups. She is no sheeva or jade haha, she is actually viable.


"My kunai will find it's mark."
so she is unsafe? I mean i was able to win vs top players with mk9 scorpion so even if she is supposed to be "bad" you can still beat others by playing smart and making good reads.

I say keep going at it with her, there is no way after 3 weeks y'all have figured out the best way to play kitana in all her matchups. She is no sheeva or jade haha, she is actually viable.
MK9 Scorpion was unsafe, but he also had a vortex, frame traps, fast normals that were actually safe. Kitana has unsafe strings and normal moves that are also bad. AKA slow, and no mix ups or frame traps to speak of, while if you are lucky to even get to use them due to the slowness are retarded negative. She can't mix up, she can barely poke. She has no move that needs to be feared except an anti-air fan. How can you compare the two? Also MK9 is a different game all together. I played Noob Saibot in that game along with most of the ninjas. Noob has a better come back factor than she has. lol


Positive Poster!
so she is unsafe? I mean i was able to win vs top players with mk9 scorpion so even if she is supposed to be "bad" you can still beat others by playing smart and making good reads.

I say keep going at it with her, there is no way after 3 weeks y'all have figured out the best way to play kitana in all her matchups. She is no sheeva or jade haha, she is actually viable.
We say BadFrameData you say ReadBetter.
We're talking about tools, your argument is player skill.
The character is not the player, bro.


its kinda hilarious that if you have any sort of reasonable life lead you can just crouch/crouch block and the absolute worst scenario for you is 14% dmg throw. while after ANY blocked string you can initiate your own offense
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