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Strategy - Kitana Kitana General Discussion/Strategies

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Not knowing one matchup does not mean you are a scrub. EVERYONE is getting away with murder right now, its week 3.
Word usage aside the dude wasn't wrong, we've only seen people that really don't know anything about Kitana getting blown up by her due to lack of knowledge, not really anything that's gonna make people think the character is good. I am a notorius upplayer & traditionally a believe that not many characters are bad but Kitana is just yeesh.


Word usage aside the dude wasn't wrong, we've only seen people that really don't know anything about Kitana getting blown up by her due to lack of knowledge, not really anything that's gonna make people think the character is good. I am a notorius upplayer & traditionally a believe that not many characters are bad but Kitana is just yeesh.
I admit that some people get blown up by b14 alot lol


Princess of the Sisterhood
I dnt agree with this at all lol, 3 weeks is not enough for any fighting game. Ppl thought they knew about quan and we saw what happened at NWM. There is a lot of good stuff for characters in this game and if ppl think they have broken down someone in 3 weeks they are jumping the gun.
It doesn't take a genius and years of time to look at kitanas tools to know she sucks or d'vorahs to know she's top tier. Maybe there is something unknown about Kitana that makes her insanely broken. But I haven't seen it and no one else has. So look at her tool set and please tell me why she isn't a shitter? KhaoTik already explained pretty much why she sucks and your response was "what if you had this buff?" That to me, says you think she sucks too. Otherwise you would've at least tried arguing against his points.


I admit that some people get blown up by b14 alot lol
B14 & the String to Float are the big come ons for me lol. I'll admit her punishment damage is fucking bonkers & Mournful seems at least mid tier to me even without the infinite but God she's a footsies/zoning character with no really good footsies string & no real reason to make you wanna jump.

It doesn't take a genius and years of time to look at kitanas tools to know she sucks or d'vorahs to know she's top tier. Maybe there is something unknown about Kitana that makes her insanely broken. But I haven't seen it and no one else has. So look at her tool set and please tell me why she isn't a shitter? KhaoTik already explained pretty much why she sucks and your response was "what if you had this buff?" That to me, says you think she sucks too. Otherwise you would've at least tried arguing against his points.
Yeah, I'm a big fan of waiting before making a judgment on things USUALLY but their is some stuff int he game that is just blantantly obvious.


This dream has a sad ending
Word usage aside the dude wasn't wrong
no, i'm gonna be honest my word usage was wrong because i thought he was blowing up people online but as a i said before since i understand this character 1+1 is not 2 atm. But honestly, If you're in a scene with someone you learn the characters these people play also because i'm sure. Unless he has godlike reactions/knows when the precise minute to counter poke and basically has amazing reads then yes kitana is viable.

I can't show you tech but I can show you solid play.
My fundamentals are fine, thank you as you stated that people were getting hit with b+1,4 a lot and usually the players i face don't give me that luxury so at best i get b+1,4 throw just to return to neutral where i get crouch blocked and then i have to be cheeky and do kitana's run in stab or Run in b+2/b+4 in assassin which can backfire horribly

When your scene realizes what she does, you're going to change your tune
It doesn't take a genius and years of time to look at kitanas tools to know she sucks or d'vorahs to know she's top tier. Maybe there is something unknown about Kitana that makes her insanely broken. But I haven't seen it and no one else has. So look at her tool set and please tell me why she isn't a shitter? KhaoTik already explained pretty much why she sucks and your response was "what if you had this buff?" That to me, says you think she sucks too. Otherwise you would've at least tried arguing against his points.
I was just asking what buff would suffice (not saying she deserves one or needs one). Also it does take time to really break down what a character is supposed to do in each matchup. You do realize there are 75 matchups per variation which adds up to 225 if u use all the variants? Lmao do the math and it is clear to see. We are not even on the surface with this game yet and that is obvious when ppl are getting away with murder in a multitude of ways. Our community needs to stop with the mindset (well derp 3 weeks we know everything), that mentality is sooooooo bad


Beware my power.
How many times does this need to be said? You cannot just extend the time frame on this as an excuse. 3 weeks is enough time to know a character, plain and simple. you may find new tech, but you know the characters ins and outs by 3 weeks in.
Enough time to know a character and all their matchups with their 3 variations. You realize that's potentially 78 matchups you would have to figure out with Kitanna just in 1 variation. Wow, you work fast and you jump to conclusions even faster.

You ready to make a complete MU chart and tier list too?


"My kunai will find it's mark."
My question is, if her ground fans did hit mid, would she be then suddenly overpowered? I could see maybe 3-4 ticks of chip before you are right on top of her. Which would force Kitana to jump back if she instant air fans she will go no where, and you'll be basically in any string/throw range. F22 strings is not safe though it can catch people, probably even less now that they will be blocking up close due to fan now being a mid. All the while Kitana will be pushing herself to the corner.

If she does her epic signature booty move. Run after her and punish her, or if you are scorpion teleport and bash her. Hit her with your own projectile, just don't let her get away with it.


This dream has a sad ending
I personally don't want her fans to be mid that would be too strong imo, i want bf+3 to be an overhead and a faster start up to b+2 so my grandmother has trouble reacting to it.
And it goes the other way as well. Also many exaggerate how bad their character actually is as well.
This is true too can't deny that but I still feel 3 weeks is plenty of time to get general understanding of a character.

You are truly lost if that is what you think.
Please please PLEASE tell me how you feel fans are so good, besides their speed. They are -10 on block, high, and have horrible recovery from the air version. She has no tools to force them to jump and can't open good players up. Please help me see the light.


"My kunai will find it's mark."
I should make a video...dedicated to how bad Kitana is. l0l So far I got a full combo punish for strings 21/212, f22, U24, 3D4, F33, F332, F43. f22u3 canceled into air float gives me a fast forward moving special punish, if cancelled into fan full combo punish. D1 is -10. Only strings that seem to not be punishable is the entire string for F112 if you stop mid way it's full combo punishable also starts up in 15 frames with a mediocre hit box. Strings from her 16 frame mid B+1 that has a small hitbox are safe unless you use B143. her 111 string is thankfully safe, though it's a 8 frame starting high that only leaves her -5 so the opponent can mix her up afterwards. She's got a good down 4 though, it's 11 frame start up thats -5 on block, but +20 on hit allowing her to maybe throw out a B+2....well no it pushes them too far away. But they at least get off of you for a sec.
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I should make a video...dedicated to how bad Kitana is. l0l So far I got a full combo punish for strings 21/212, f22, U24, 3D4, F33, F332, F43. f22u3 canceled into air lift gives me a fast forward moving special punish, if cancelled into fan full combo punish. D1 is -10. Only strings that seem to not be punishable is the entire string for F112 if you stop mid way it's full combo punishable also starts up in 15 frames with a mediocre hit box. Strings from her 16 frame mid B+1 that has a small hitbox are safe unless you use B143. her 111 string is thankfully safe, though it's a 8 frame starting high that only leaves her -5 so the opponent can mix her up afterwards. She's got a good down 4 though, it's 11 frame start up thats -5 on block, but +20 on hit allowing her to maybe throw out a B+2....well no it pushes them too far away. But they at least get off of you for a sec.
I was gonna make a video tonight actually showing all her... uh... weak spots in her gameplay


What a day. What a lovely day.
This is always how it plays out, doesn't it? Week two into the game and people say, "It's only been two weeks. Give it time." Next week, know what they'll be saying? It's only been three weeks. After that? Oh, it's only been a month, give it time.

Exactly when is the cutoff to determine when a character may or may not be lacking? Then you have people who don't even play the character, and are simply making assumptions about her strings and safety telling Kitana MAINS how they should be playing their character and what her strengths are based on streams where people clearly don't know the MU well. I'm sorry that people on streams haven't figured out how to not jump yet and are punishing her unsafe attacks with D1, but that doesn't make her a great character simply because people don't know the MU yet.

Meanwhile, some people feel the need to spout off about how good Kitana is while picking up Sonya on the side. Like please, lol, take a seat.
Please please PLEASE tell me how you feel fans are so good, besides their speed. They are -10 on block, high, and have horrible recovery from the air version. She has no tools to force them to jump and can't open good players up. Please help me see the light.
she isnt braindead IA spam into d1d1d1d1 mk9 kitana, you now need to use skill to play as her. you want her fans to be as good as they were in mk9, but they shouldnt have been that cheap to begin with.


walk and crouch
ex sun disc wins in trades because you can run up
f4 has a really good hitbox and can stuff things if she's going to try to counter poke at a bit over a sweep range after a fan tosswhiff and it's -2

go learn shit about your character
EX sun disc has 30 frames of startup
f4 is 20 frames and what are you going to poke with outside of sweep range to make it worth using over f1 which has the same range, is faster and leads to a full combo

don't tell me about my character


This dream has a sad ending
EX sun disc has 30 frames of startup
f4 is 20 frames and what are you going to poke with outside of sweep range to make it worth using over f1 which has the same range, is faster and leads to a full combo

don't tell me about my character
Ex sun disc is 25, that's more then enough time for a trade in your favor, guess what according to that trade even if a fan hits you're still at +37 and if i block you're at +15.and if f+1 is better go use it, i don't know kotal i gave you valid options to beat kitana in neutral.

The fact you're coming in here telling me how stupidly good my characters "neutral options" are is a joke.
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