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I don't normally use f3 combos however recently I started using it after a roll combo and a njp. I just drop the combo on purpose and it leave mileena close enough to land it (if you condition them to block low). I was wondering if anybody else does something like this.


cr. HP Master
So, how do you guys feel about Kung Lao and his ex spin being able to punish a important string of Mileena's? lol. Both 21 and 21U4 are unsafe against him. What I find odd is that even if you cancel 21 into EX roll his armor will beat yours, however, if you cancel b21 or b12 into EX roll your armor will beat his. I find that kind of odd since those strings do not leave you +.


You picked a bad time to get lost friend
What does Ethereal have going for it? Ever since the variation stream I wondered why a teleport variation would be in a game with a block button so I havent even tried it.
Not a lot I'm afraid, I use it for keep away or cancel strings for a gimmick.


This dream has a sad ending
I'm the kind of person that has the "make do with what you have" mentality. So I wouldn't say no to any buffs given to my characters but I personally wouldn't ask for them. Everyone else can go nuts though :)
As much as i love the variation, i dont feel like its viable in the longer run. I really like stressing my opponents who cant zone just teleport all across the screen or just reappear and do armored roll to just mess with them.

If they make the recovery a frame or two shorter you can create instances to easily punish whiffs and that would leave it on par with the other variations though. I dont really think im asking for anything huge lol.


The anticipation is killing me
As much as i love the variation, i dont feel like its viable in the longer run. I really like stressing my opponents who cant zone just teleport all across the screen or just reappear and do armored roll to just mess with them.

If they make the recovery a frame or two shorter you can create instances to easily punish whiffs and that would leave it on par with the other variations though. I dont really think im asking for anything huge lol.
I agree, I do love Ethereal but it seems to be a struggle. I can see it being useful in some matchups like Grandmaster Zero (only theory thinking) but in the long run it will probably leave a lot to be desired.

What you stated is fine and would help. Maybe MB Teleport having a hit of armour, that would be nice


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I agree, I do love Ethereal but it seems to be a struggle. I can see it being useful in some matchups like Grandmaster Zero (only theory thinking) but in the long run it will probably leave a lot to be desired.

What you stated is fine and would help. Maybe MB Teleport having a hit of armour, that would be nice
if ex ethereal teleport had armor and you couldnt be thrown out of a held tele, id prop switch from piercing to it as my go to.


Dojo Trainee
Her ex teleport doesn't even need armor, according to the frame data it's a 1 frame startup move and should be invincible right away. They can keep it throwable for all I care.

I'm not requesting buffs for her ethereal variation but I will state that's it's not working as designed.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Her ex teleport doesn't even need armor, according to the frame data it's a 1 frame startup move and should be invincible right away. They can keep it throwable for all I care.

I'm not requesting buffs for her ethereal variation but I will state that's it's not working as designed.
thats a frame data error, few moves in the game that say 1 or 0 frame that 100% are not


Dojo Trainee
thats a frame data error, few moves in the game that say 1 or 0 frame that 100% are not
Yeah, but that tells me they intended this move to be active immediately, which makes sense. Now you meter burn her teleport and you get (as fas as I can tell) the regular one.


The anticipation is killing me
Her ex teleport doesn't even need armor, according to the frame data it's a 1 frame startup move and should be invincible right away. They can keep it throwable for all I care.

I'm not requesting buffs for her ethereal variation but I will state that's it's not working as designed.
If that was true and the move behaved exactly what the frame data stated it to be then I would agree, Fade Away would be a decent run away tool (in theory).


cr. HP Master
@1man3letters and others. Have you had any MU exp against Cyber Kano? I'm easily getting out zoned by his knives and a non EX knife toss shuts down Mileena's EX tele. Playing against a Kano that can block is proving difficult. He also out footsies here. How are you guys handling this MU?


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
@1man3letters and others. Have you had any MU exp against Cyber Kano? I'm easily getting out zoned by his knives and a non EX knife toss shuts down Mileena's EX tele. Playing against a Kano that can block is proving difficult. He also out footsies here. How are you guys handling this MU?
cant really say to be honest, played it twice vs a mate who was fucking around seeing what the hype about the cyber knives


Jade Mod. Poison Ivy
Thanks a lot.

Honestly if even one player gets something out of the info I bring to the table then I'm glad, my knowledge is mostly pieced together with a mixture of way too much time in practice mode and stuff integrated from players here so it's kind of a group effort already.

Nice catch on the b12, 1+3, dd2 vs b21, 2+4 by the way, I have been meaning to make an off-hand comment about this at some stage but I never got around to it. The long story short is that for a while I was testing on a mix of patched and un-patched machines. When playing an un-patched MKX the hit scaling on the b12, 1+3, dd2 is really strong, similar to how the b21, 2+4 combo is behaving in the current patch.

I go over this a little in my Piercing video but mostly I only find myself using b12, 1+3, dd2 if I am dealing with meterless bnb combos started from common strings - in which I sometimes do not mind trading the extra distance it leaves me from the opponent for an extra 3-4% damage. In any combo of a decent length it is exactly as you say: b21, 2+4 starts doing crazy work.

As I am completely working with up-to-date games now I've pretty much 100% changed my combos accordingly, though I was a bit sad at the Ravenous b12, 1+3, uu2 combo damage scaling nerf because while hard to land in longer combos - that thing used to bring some wicked damage.

Also, you're the meterless Piercing corner combo vid fellow aren't you?

I have to say nice work on those two vids - those two combos altered how I was approaching meterless combos from launching starters in the corner when I was 90% convinced there was nowhere else to go from what I had, kudos.

EDIT: I was having a quick think about OH NJP mid-screen.

On adding the b3 after the NJP mid-screen, this is actually pretty funny. The reason I ommit the b3 so often is basically muscle memory. Since adding the b3 before the TK causes the xxAS to miss when you're opponent is either in or super-close to the corner I find myself omitting the b3 mid-screen as well.

On OH NJP as a useful tool mid-screen?

Honestly I feel that jiP and NJP are quite useful tools for Mileena in particular.

Because her meterless mix-up is so weak I find it's useful to throw some jump-ins on opponents who like to perma-crouch to force them to stand up every now and then.

NJP not only leads to better meterless damage than your standard jiP (unless you jiP to b3 but that is impossible to hit confirm) but I find it tends to for want of a better description "bop" more wake-ups than other characters NJPs.

I have a sneaking suspicion this is because Mileena does her fancy-pants mid-air splits and actually lifts her character model ABOVE where her arms swing - but that's just a theory for now.

D.3/4 into Early NJ.P hits on the way up for Mileena. and is really good.

Also, is your name from Jet Set Radio? If so, Respect. ( One of my favorite game series')
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Winning feels better when you take a little damage
So I wanna jump into mileena, what are some basics i should know before playing a real game? Most practical normals, general game plan etc.


Wake-Up Rolls, bitch.
So I wanna jump into mileena, what are some basics i should know before playing a real game? Most practical normals, general game plan etc.
Here are my initial notes so far. Someone else may elaborate a bit more. But it should give you a general rundown of her footsies. Also, I make no promises on how correct or incorrect some of the points may be. I keep these in a word doc that I edit constantly.

Safe advancing normals and an 8f armored punish let Mileena “cheat” a bit at footsies. Zoning is very strong with the low projectile of Piercing, but she can be punished. She also boasts some of the highest damage meterless punishes in the game, and gets a full combo off of EN Teleport Drop from literally anywhere on the screen. I feel like her ideal footsie range is about a step back from sweep distance so she can go into a zoning game or advance into pressure with her safe normals.

B12 - Leads into 10f punish combo. Leads to the largest combos. Also safe on block and hits from sweep distance.

F44 - F4 is the low starter, but when canceled into Roll is obviously unsafe. F44 is -8 on block. So punishable, but only by a set amount of things. Use this for mix-up. It’s listed under Footsies because it also reaches from sweep distance.

F12B4 - Covers the largest amount of space and leads to high damage combos. Has some mix-up potential with EN Ball Roll as well. It also sort of OTGs after a combo ending with B21 2+4. Still gets blown up by armored wake-ups; but decent to know for pressure. Meaty, ftw.

D4 - +21 is legit. Dash, throw, B12, F4; a good deal of options for follow-up. Range is pretty mediocre.

BD4 - Quick, full (half?) combo punish. EN gets armor and hits overhead.

Throw - Throw has good positioning for Mileena. Close enough for her advancing strings, far enough away to allow zoning. Puts her back in that ideal zone of control.


Plus on block.
Geez I wanted to learn Mileena but you guys are in here shitting up a storm for some reason.

So she's bad or something?


Dojo Trainee
I was beginning to think she was OP because I can't seem to lose online, haha. She's unsafe on everything but she also has answers to (almost) everything.

A lot of characters feel bad to me. I think this may be NRS approach to creating a balanced game; Instead of making characters initially strong and nerf them later, they make them initially weak and buff them down the line. No-one has ever complained because their character was buffed.
She's not bad, but requires a lot of thought and good play to max her potential and win due to her high risk moves. But because of that every win feels quite rewarding.
Well said Gab. With that being said, what ever happened to people just playing the character you enjoy or like? If you are playing competitively or for monetary reasons i understand about playing a strong character, but i feel like most aren't. Not to mention we have guys on here like Gabstandard, Arkayne and Histrionik among others who are very active in sharing insightful tech. If you think Mileena sucks i know the Scorpion, Kung Jin and Quan Chi armies are accepting new members :).