I agree with what you're saying. Keep in mind that I never asked for a nerf. The kitana matchup is indeed difficult and certainly possible.
My complaint is not with Jacqui, it's with the people who are immediately dismissive of those who have problems with the matchup. If the projectile reflect was able to shut down the zoning in the same way it does Kano or Quan Chi it would be a dfferent story. I'm pretty sure that we're both misinterpreting eachother, so I'm just going to concede. As a Kitana player who has trouble with the matchup, it's annoying to be told "stfu, most other characters don't have that issue. Here is the REALLY issue...."
"Jacqui has nothing on x characters....". True, for your Kano matchup. Not in my Kitana matchup. I can reflect knives and green skulls, reflecting a machine gun grants me very little damage or hit stun.
Hmm, I see what you're saying to a certain extent as well. That MU itself isn't really that good. It's still early and all that jazz, but clearly that MU is going to be hella rough barring changes. You might be better off trying Mournful for that MU. I would think that toolset would be much better fit. The other two variations have it rough.
You're probably right though. The few people actually wanting to discuss them having trouble with the MU is being completely shadowed by the constant, "OMG JACQUI'S GUNS ARE OP. PLEASE NERF. MY MAINS SCORPION AND SUBZERO CAN'T DEAL WITH HER." Since I play Kano and Jacqui, I've been guilty of grouping everyone into one bunch myself because so many people keep calling for her head only because she shoots a gun. It's been bad over here defending a character that feels "middle of the pack" right now from the army of March and April 2015 TYM Members calling for her to be nerfed to Sheeva Tier. Having Reptile laugh at my guns for an hour straight, just to come on TYM and hear how overpowered they are, can be just as annoying as someone who is having real problems with the MU being grouped in with those who aren't even trying.
As for your MU, I haven't played a top flight Kitana yet (they are becoming scarce these days), but I've played one or two good ones. I've got ideas for Mournful to counter it fairly easy, but Royal seems tough and Assassin seems like death. For those two I'd say walk and duck without blocking when at full screen. Kitana can use her butt zoom in the air if you anticipate to close in. DO NOT JUMP UNLESS ON READ. I can't stress that enough. Use reflect as a read for advancement. When closer throw fans. The hit stun is long enough for you to run cancel within your preferred range. Be careful of EX guns being thrown in, block it but wait for the next round of bullets to go by before you maneuver again. Also be careful jumping in because a good Jacqui can anticipate this and UpRocket you for a combo. Also, very important, be careful rushing in after a whiffed UpRocket at range because that recovery speed is very real. At the same time, don't fight "too close" because your pressure can't match Jacqui's and her 50/50 can take a good amount of health.
Wow. This MU is ass lol. It's one of those "I really have to outplay my opponent" matches. My advice if you're staying with Kitana? Pick Mournful for this MU man lol.