Your Emporer
I'll look to add your notes soon.exPW gives you easy 29% combo: exPW-njp-f21~dbf3
exSG gives you ability to choose direction of the throw, just like Sheeva's exGrab&Punch.
Stomp - as I disscused with you, it's 50\50, unless in corner.
exLowFB close version is easy comboable, +8 on block. EXdb4-b2-walk-f3~dbf3 27%.
DB just as LowFB don't have safe blockstring cancels, only frametraps. It's range is ok. You can play footsies with it pretty well - just buffer d4~bf2 out of their range when you think they will throw normal, walk or run in, for a free +13\+18 advantage. You can do same thing with close LowFB.
4 is ok, plus have good cancel advantage, but it's High and as far as I remember correctly it have worse combo scaling than f3.
Im not sure about "if they were trying to attack they won't be able to block before the punchwalk (due to it being beyond human reaction speed)" part. If you hit them with d3 then they are at disadvantage, but opponent will be in blockable stun, so they will able to block PW if you cancel intro it. If they block d3 then you still have enough cancel advantage for PW to connect in time, but that will be just a frametrap, they will be able to armor through it.
3d3 just have better combo options in corner. Cancel it mid screen to something like exPW for a combo(3d3~EXbf4-f3~dbf3 30%). It's not cancelable on block!
21 is High, Overhead with 9f startup, 0f on block. Slightly more range than b12u2 string, no gaps, good cancel advantage. Probably best Goro's jip block string.
I looking forward for a full guide.
Some comments:
For EX lowfireball what I mean is that you can't reliably confirm that you will get a hit, and as such I find it's better to save EX for punchwalk.
For DB it might only be a frame trap but some are completely safe, and several are true combos if they were hit.
As for the low poke, while it's true that they can technically block it, this will only work if they were holding block during their attack. Otherwise by the time they realise their attack was countered and press block your punchwalk will already have connected.
I do find the stomp can be redirected on reaction in combos.
General note while fastest possible human reaction speed is around 8 frames, only a few people can do this and it will be sporadic and rare for them. A realistic fast reaction speed is around 14-16 frames with up to 20 frames still being quite normal (1 frame is around 16ms). People often don't realise how much of what they do is actually pre-emptive/predictive based on what's already occurred.
It's actually why I dislike streefighter as the game occurs entirely outside human reaction speed, in contrast to MK that occurs right on the cusp.