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General/Other - Mileena The Mileena General Discussion Thread (All Variations)

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
You do realize in a game like this you're supposed to be keeping your opponent in a constant situation of block to bait their reaction.
Trust me, Use it more and you'll understand. They are good strings to use after pokes, and they are SAFE. they have the best DAMAGE OUTPUT for COMBO STARTING strings and good for pressure. So why not use them? ESPECIALLY 1,2,3.
Well, I don't use them because the first hit starts at 11 frames and is high. The only situation I use them is after a deep JIP which I don't do often. I see they're purpose there. Outside of that, I'd rather use other strings mixed in with her grabs.


Resident Mileena Researcher
I'll make this post since I've talked to a lot of players and it's not like I don't understand the MK engine and fighting games in general really well. I was one of the more notable Jade players along with Birdsongs who helped dissect and discover the character. ( Hence why they made/asked me to be Jade Mod.). Not to mention, I used to play a lot with a lot of higher level players and have in fighting games for a very long time. I'll be back to playing with them pretty soon as well. I'll also be competing at Combo Breaker as well so I'll keep all my discoveries in until then. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

Anyways, Ravenous is her BEST Variation. I'm going to elaborate on why in a quick little post.

-Better Damage Output
-Better Oki
-Better Options
-Better Mixup
Think of it like this...

Ravenous - Options/Damage
Piercing - Practical
Ethereal - Troll

I'd take Options over any of the other two any day of the week. Just because something is practical does not mean it's good, it's just Neutral. It falls short in comparison to Ravenous, at the end of the day in piercing TOO many things blow up the use of sais the more you use it and the opponent gets accustomed to it. For EXAMPLE Sai's will lose/trade to Jacqui Full Auto, Kung Lao, Quan Chi, Scorpion, Grandmaster Sub, Kitana and a couple others.

Where in this case RAVENOUS is the better choice because early and late game you STILL have many options and situations to choose from. Because conditioning opponents to crouch,stand up, block. You have tools that control them for what they do and how they do things.

@Johnny San You do realize in a game like this you're supposed to be keeping your opponent in a constant situation of block to bait their reaction.
Trust me, Use it more and you'll understand. They are good strings to use after pokes, and they are SAFE. they have the best DAMAGE OUTPUT for COMBO STARTING strings and good for pressure. So why not use them? ESPECIALLY 1,2,3.

Ravenous is best Variation - B 1,2/1,2,3 are her best strings. - D+4 Is probably her best Poke - Her Uppercut is also Phenomenal.
While everyone is entitled to an opinion and I agree that Ravenous has some key strengths that help define it when compared with Piercing I would caution saying that one or the other is straight better than the other right now.

I'd say rather than damage Ravenous has CONSISTENCY. The Pounce BnB combos are really consistent damage and connect off of basically any combo starter - choosing which side to end up on is also nice in lots of situations.

I would disagree with your statement that Ravenous has more "tools" though. At best I will grant you that Ravenous has an extra pseudo overhead in the form of Low Pounce that really helps Mileena's meterless mix-up game.

Piercing has a superior b12 string, an improved f1 utility string, its NJP has more range and to top it all off it includes a Low Projectile for shits and giggles. If anything Piercing has the "options" while Ravenous has the "damage" but even then - outside of standard meterless BnB combos Piercing starts hitting just as hard if not harder than Ravenous.

I get that you like Ravenous a whole bunch but I think you should probably tone it back just a tad - it may be the best in your opinion but both Ravenous and Piercing have their strengths and are honestly pretty similar when you break them down.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Speaking of similar, ever since her debut on the Kombat Kast, I've been kind of sad that she's one of those characters that plays nearly the same in every variation. Was really hoping that one variation would play drastically different like Ancestral/Bojutsu or Grandmaster/Cryomancer. Looking at the variation-specific moves in Ravenous only makes me think that they could have been combined with Piercing to make a slightly more complete variation.

I feel that Ethereal had an opportunity to kind of be different, but was dead on arrival because she doesn't change enough to make proper use of it. Just lower combo damage (as well as weaknesses to grabbing, etc.) and rather ineffective mind games. As far as which is better between Ravenous and Piercing, I think the one you're more comfortable with is the better one right now.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
I feel that Ethereal had an opportunity to kind of be different, but was dead on arrival because she doesn't change enough to make proper use of it.
I feel that exclusive HDK normals or strings would've complimented the Sai Teleport. As it stands now, trying to set up a mix-up with that teleport mid-combo leaves you geussing your opponent's actions rather than the other way around. She needs an attack that would make them stay grounded while giving her some good frame advantage. The vulnerability of her teleport leaves me dumbfounded as well.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I feel that exclusive HDK normals or strings would've complimented the Sai Teleport. As it stands now, trying to set up a mix-up with that teleport mid-combo leaves you geussing your opponent's actions rather than the other way around. She needs an attack that would make them stay grounded while giving her some good frame advantage. The vulnerability of her teleport leaves me dumbfounded as well.
I played a long set with a friend of mine who plays Liu Kang today, and got punished for landing a successful telekick on him. Maybe I hit him at an odd height or something, but I ate an uppercut to the face for making a good read. He just laughed at how ridiculous it was. I don't get why she's not at frame advantage for making a correct read with a move that's easily launched on block, and I REALLY don't get why it's so negative even on hit.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
I played a long set with a friend of mine who plays Liu Kang today, and got punished for landing a successful telekick on him. Maybe I hit him at an odd height or something, but I ate an uppercut to the face for making a good read. He just laughed at how ridiculous it was. I don't get why she's not at frame advantage for making a correct read with a move that's easily launched on block, and I REALLY don't get why it's so negative even on hit.
I meant the vulnerability of her Sai Teleport. But regular Teleport is laughable as well. Minus 8. You HIT Kung Lao and get comboed.


Jade Mod. Poison Ivy
While everyone is entitled to an opinion and I agree that Ravenous has some key strengths that help define it when compared with Piercing I would caution saying that one or the other is straight better than the other right now.

I'd say rather than damage Ravenous has CONSISTENCY. The Pounce BnB combos are really consistent damage and connect off of basically any combo starter - choosing which side to end up on is also nice in lots of situations.

I would disagree with your statement that Ravenous has more "tools" though. At best I will grant you that Ravenous has an extra pseudo overhead in the form of Low Pounce that really helps Mileena's meterless mix-up game.

Piercing has a superior b12 string, an improved f1 utility string, its NJP has more range and to top it all off it includes a Low Projectile for shits and giggles. If anything Piercing has the "options" while Ravenous has the "damage" but even then - outside of standard meterless BnB combos Piercing starts hitting just as hard if not harder than Ravenous.

I get that you like Ravenous a whole bunch but I think you should probably tone it back just a tad - it may be the best in your opinion but both Ravenous and Piercing have their strengths and are honestly pretty similar when you break them down.

So what you're saying is you'd rather use a more predictable variation over one that is hard to predict.
: P

Also, Both B 1,2's are the same. They both hit from the same distance and have the same hit box. Match start they both have the same range and hit the same distance. I can record and show you proof if you like.
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Resident Mileena Researcher
So what you're saying is you'd rather use a more predictable variation over one that is hard to predict.
: P

Also, Both B 1,2's are the same. They both hit from the same distance and have the same hit box. Match start they both have the same range and hit the same distance. I can record and show you proof if you like.
No. I am saying that both variations have their strengths and that in my opinion Piercings improved strings (b12 and f1 in particular) and addition of a low projectile is at least equal in power/utility to the addition of Low/High Pounce.

EDIT: Here is a short video showcasing the improved speed and range on Piercing's b12 string.

Don't get me wrong Arkayne.

I like Ravenous as much as the next guy and think it has it's place when playing Mileena and honestly her variations play so similarly to one-another it would be a shame to discount either Piercing or Ravenous when playing against certain characters.

If you know how to play Ravenous already then there's no reason not to use Piercing in a situation where its improved strings and access to a low projectile would prove more useful than Ravenous's tools.
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TYM White Knight
So, have you guys experimented with meter burn grabs?

Seeing as we end a lot of her combos in b12 1+2 or B21 3+4 would a meter burned grab gives us that clutch 50/50 between F4 and Ex Roll?

I mean it would be a two bar setup, but seeing as she can quickly shave off 27-30+ relatively quickly, I'm thinking a ex grab setup would be REALLY scary considering the advantage it leaves you at.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
So, have you guys experimented with meter burn grabs?

Seeing as we end a lot of her combos in b12 1+2 or B21 3+4 would a meter burned grab gives us that clutch 50/50 between F4 and Ex Roll?

I mean it would be a two bar setup, but seeing as she can quickly shave off 27-30+ relatively quickly, I'm thinking a ex grab setup would be REALLY scary considering the advantage it leaves you at.
I've been tempted at the end of rounds, but I think saving the two bars of meter for a breaker or EX telekick/BR is better use of it.

I mean, you're spending two bars for a 50/50 you can't hitconfirm and if you guess wrong, you'll eat a full combo; additionally, the comb won't be as damaging as possible because of how you're starting it and you're sacrificing damage on your previous combo to end it early. If she had a 50/50 that didn't cost meter after the Burned Grab, I think it'd be great, but as it stands, I'd just take the damage and save the meter for an emergency or hard read.
F4 stuffs subs slide.
In ethereal, 12 fade toward lands right in his clone if he puts it out trying to escape your pressure. 123 fade toward, you end up behind him, his clone doesnt come out and you can apply more pressure, you need to be close to him. F23 fade toward has the same effect


Dojo Trainee
Meter burn throws are definitely not worth for us. We sacrifice damage for 1) 50/50 throw(forward or backwards), and 2) another 50/50 with both options punishable (one of them with meter). Maybe in some extreme situations only.
So, have you guys experimented with meter burn grabs?

Seeing as we end a lot of her combos in b12 1+2 or B21 3+4 would a meter burned grab gives us that clutch 50/50 between F4 and Ex Roll?

I mean it would be a two bar setup, but seeing as she can quickly shave off 27-30+ relatively quickly, I'm thinking a ex grab setup would be REALLY scary considering the advantage it leaves you at.
Yeah I gotta say this seems like a last resort more than anything else. Like, it's a viable option but the fact that one of the routes cost a bar neither is hit confirmable and she's gonna get heavily punished if they block correctly makes it too much of a gamble to just throw out whenever. I can see using it during the final round when you need to hit the opponent with two combos, they don't have breaker and you have the meter. Even then I would probably save it for when I have three meters so that I have the option to go low and still have two bars for a breaker.

Speaking of mixups tho, (not directed at you) I cant see why we would ever need to end combos with B12 1+2 instead of B21 3+4 unless it's a combo where B2 is too slow. Even when you land B12 1+2 (DD2 extender is -1 on hit while the standard grab is +10) near the corner she still has to at least step forward before any of her moves will hit and that allows the opponent to simply jump out of the mixup. B21 3+4 on the other hand does more damage in combos (I guess it scales better than the DD2 combo?) and ends with a hard knockdown that can't be rolled out of. It honestly like Throat Piercing (DD2 combo) should be used for when you want to create distance from the opponent while Sadistic Ways (3+4) should be used for damage and staying on the opponent.

Mileena Oddities:
- As stated, B12 (in Piercing at least) is wrongly stated as -20 on block.
- Throat Piercing Extend is stated as 100% damage on hit and block. At first I thought it meant the move always does 100% of it's damage but every single other move has an actual damage value.
- When done on an air juggled opponent, EX Teleport Kick will sometimes crossup mid-animation and send the opponent flying in the opposite direction. May just be a problem when it hits at a certain height.

Any others?
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Jade Mod. Poison Ivy
Low Sai, is just much too easy reacted to from a lot of the cast. I spent sometime playing with some locals.

( Jacqui ) (Jax) (Kitana) (Quan Chi) (Kung Lao) (Scorpion) (Kung Jin) ( Mileena ) The all could react to low sai in any given situation and punish me for it. I lost the trade or the stand off everytime.

There is only a few charcaters that it seems to be ok against Reptile, Raiden Ermac. ( But even then Raiden can react to it and hurt you really bad too.)

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Low Sai is useless outside fullscreen as a counter-zoning tool, but it has it's uses in winning trades.

EXLow Sai is absolutely worthless in the neutral, as even on hit we can't do much with the +3. Not sure if it has
potential as combo filler.

Imho meter should only be used for EXRoll and breakers. Even when read correctly, 21~EXRoll is hard to block.

How is everybody fairing with Roll as an AA? I can't seem to do it consistently, but I might just need practice.
I haven't played against anyone besides my friend who plays Sonya and her dive kick has way too much priority to try and AA. However the times that I have expected a jump I found raw uppercut or forward jump punch xx Sai into ball as the better option or even block and punish with B12 piercing. Don't get me wrong, ball is probably a great AA but against Sonya's dive kick, you have to respect it and block or risk stuffing the kick and ball almost never worked. It's a nice option if you want to escape before she comes down tho.

Also, as cool as B3 xx Telekick -> combo looks, again I felt it was too much of a risk in this matchup.Even if you get lucky and it trades, I think she gets more damage. I may be wrong


You picked a bad time to get lost friend
Just messing around with 33 to stuff wake ups, got some mixed results.

What do you guys think? It does hit twice, but the timing seems strict.
I don't think D2's that useful as an anti air. Roll been kind of iffy. U3 works well if it's a perfect jump in, other wise it misses.
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"Elder Gods Damn You!!"
Something I kind of tries during a match was using F1 as anti air? It worked the one time I used it very well... Two hits dropped him right in front of me... Then I just hit him with a wake up string and combo... Someone fool around with it and see if it's viable AA


i prefer having 11f big b1 over 15f slightly less big b1, as i like having superior footsie options, so piercing is the variation for me!


Speaking of similar, ever since her debut on the Kombat Kast, I've been kind of sad that she's one of those characters that plays nearly the same in every variation. Was really hoping that one variation would play drastically different like Ancestral/Bojutsu or Grandmaster/Cryomancer. Looking at the variation-specific moves in Ravenous only makes me think that they could have been combined with Piercing to make a slightly more complete variation.

I feel that Ethereal had an opportunity to kind of be different, but was dead on arrival because she doesn't change enough to make proper use of it.
I hear ya. Since the variation system was introduced I was really excited coz I was sure Mileena would get a stun special for a free hit (kinda like Scorpion's demon). I always thought they'd give her a move where she'd throw her sais on the opponent's feet to stab them on the ground (ala MK9 2nd fatality) and the variations would be a perfect excuse to do that. It'd make so much sense and it would benefit her Ethereal soooo much! What a shame