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General/Other - Commando Commando Variation Discussion Thread


Nightwolf Mourner
I'm having a lot of trouble with the inputs for Rib Breaker and Power Slam, Rib Breaker keeps giving me f4, and Power Slam just doesn't come out. (Using PDP MXK Fight Pad, and have controller options off.)
For Rib Breaker try fdbf+4, and with Power slam try bdfb+4, see if this helps.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
Well, I'm tragically shit at Kano and I've given up trying to play him primarily, but I do want to keep on him as a sub. You know it's bad when a 5 minute Sub-Zero outperforms against every opponent versus the Kano I've been doggedly working on for days. I'll get those BnBs in the OP soon.

Rager Da Prince

I can't help my Fiction addiction.
He can't counter any of Lackey Torr special moves. He can however grab almost every non ex.wakeup. You can't grab torr charge because of armor. I will be testing what specials we can and cannot counter this week and post my results later.


Meta saltmine
I've put in a couple of days of trying, on and off as patience will allow... I cannot seem to get the ex ball (cancel) into dash jn1 to connect. It seems like no matter how feverishly I try, I can't cancel the ball soon enough. The doubletap down has to come after the first hit of the ball in the combo:

112, kano cancel, dash, jn1, run cancel, 32, 112, command grab.

I can get the second half pretty reliably, or at least reliably enough that I feel I'm making progress with muscle memory over time. I just hit the brick wall of the ball cancel into dash jn1 and it's getting frustrating... is there anything special to the timing?
Can maybe running instead help? Dashing almost never works in combos in MKX.


I like to play bad characters
Well, I'm tragically shit at Kano and I've given up trying to play him primarily, but I do want to keep on him as a sub. You know it's bad when a 5 minute Sub-Zero outperforms against every opponent versus the Kano I've been doggedly working on for days. I'll get those BnBs in the OP soon.
Commando is IMO legit hard to perform well with compared to some of the easy mode shit available. I concur though, a lot of times taking a small break really helps. Just don't give up. I personally don't think this is his best variation for that MU though. But its still way early.

He can't counter any of Lackey Torr special moves. He can however grab almost every non ex.wakeup. You can't grab torr charge because of armor. I will be testing what specials we can and cannot counter this week and post my results later.
I haven't tested Torr, and tbh much of my testing has been really short/limited. But it seems that he also can not counter/parry Katana very well either.


how do you guys maintain pressure midscreen? kano has good pokes but short strings. does he have a ranged overhead? b1 sux


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Man people be thinkin' a command grab character needs to just have a free long range overhead? I mean I would love it too, but gotta be reasonable lol.

Edit: His Forward Jump 4 is actually an insanely good move in my experience as well. The hitbox on it is massive.
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I like to play bad characters
Man people be thinkin' a command grab character needs to just have a free long range overhead? I mean I would love it too, but gotta be reasonable lol.

Edit: His Forward Jump 4 is actually an insanely good move in my experience as well. The hitbox on it is massive.

We don't have one and I accept it and believe success can be achieved without it. But seriously, be reasonable and take a look at some of the kit other chars have, cmb grab included. Doesn't seem so unreasonable now does it?
What's the best way, if possible, to combo into his command grab? I would really like to do his brutality to people online but I can never seem to grab as the last hit because my strings that I use to set it up usually kill.

Also what's the best thing to do after a successful choke or grab. It pushes them a decent distance where they can have enough time to wake up. I would like to hit them before wake up. Do you run or throw knives?


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
We don't have one and I accept it and believe success can be achieved without it. But seriously, be reasonable and take a look at some of the kit other chars have, cmb grab included. Doesn't seem so unreasonable now does it?
Yeah you're completely right, I was thinkin' about that after I posted. At least we got a pretty good projectile on a grappler so that's nice.


What do the rest of you like to hit-confirm a string into? A lot of his strings leave the opponent in grab range on hit with Kano at a little under +10, so I often like to stagger the string on hit with a cmd throw. They cab only jump or armor out and only have a couple of frames to do so, and it sets up the guessing game between whether Kano will cmd throw or do another string.
How do you deal with Scorpion Inferno? His zoning mixup is very irritating. I can't figure out how to get close to him or punish him. I use knives against him, but even on a trade that ground demon grab nonsense still catches me and gives him a free combo. If I jump in he has the demon jump kick "projectile" to counter.

Anyone else had issues with this?


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
How do you deal with Scorpion Inferno? His zoning mixup is very irritating. I can't figure out how to get close to him or punish him. I use knives against him, but even on a trade that ground demon grab nonsense still catches me and gives him a free combo. If I jump in he has the demon jump kick "projectile" to counter.

Anyone else had issues with this?
you can react to his low and block it, it has a pretty long startup animation. Creep forward with dashes or run/stops and block his Chains and teleport since scorpions will throw those out or trip when they're panicked. Air kano ball is a good way to close in if you see him goin for ground hands full screen or somethin.


Meta saltmine
How does 112 knife look on block? Can you get punished harder or easier than 112 choke?
Pretty sure you're supposed to hit confirm that. It's not good on block.

Air kano ball is a good way to close in if you see him goin for ground hands full screen or somethin.
It looks like it's somewhat hard to see. Air demon animation looks like ground animation up until he rises his hand and then waves his hand at the last moment. So if you see him starting to do low demon, chances are it's air one.


Nightwolf Mourner
How do you deal with Scorpion Inferno? His zoning mixup is very irritating. I can't figure out how to get close to him or punish him. I use knives against him, but even on a trade that ground demon grab nonsense still catches me and gives him a free combo. If I jump in he has the demon jump kick "projectile" to counter.

Anyone else had issues with this?
Throw knives to stop Scorpion from doing air demons, and when he wants to try and catch you with a ground one, do a preemptive Kano ball or just dash/run at him (Kano's knife recovery outside of Cybernetic is one of the fastest in the game IIRC). Kano can literally transverse the screen in like 3 dashes. Be sure to practice looking at Scorpion's hands for this. If his hand goes up it's an air demon (which gives you a few frames to react) if it goes down it's an air demon and if his arm goes forward to back it's a side (ho) demon.


I like to play bad characters
What's the best way, if possible, to combo into his command grab? I would really like to do his brutality to people online but I can never seem to grab as the last hit because my strings that I use to set it up usually kill.

Also what's the best thing to do after a successful choke or grab. It pushes them a decent distance where they can have enough time to wake up. I would like to hit them before wake up. Do you run or throw knives?
Only way I've found to combo into cmb grab is on a juggle in the corner. It may also be possible off an anti-air but I would have to test it. Other way is to just do a simple string and not link a special to be at advantage, wait a second and then use an armored grab. Last is the ex ball cancel, but I'd save my meter for armor or a breaker.

I don't really use choke anymore at all. The advantage is pathetic at I believe -5 and allows you to set up nothing. So use knife or ball to end your combo's. Both have their advantages.
So lets talk about command throws and the ps4 pad...Are they possible? for me they are not and is what has made me land on cutthroat and cyber over commando.
They are very possible and easy once you practice. I mained shazam in injustice and he had the same command throw input so I'm very use to it.

I use choke a lot in my punishes like if I block a teleport. I just 112 choke 20% or 112 ex choke 27% if I have meter. I wish I knew a more damaging punish but I can't get that neutral j1 after ball cancel to get that 35% in training. Let alone online matches.


I actually like commando. I play him the same way I would zangief in the SF, use the command grab and use the fear of command grabs to punish everything else. Plus he still have knives so you can play defensive with him as well. This variation is all about pokes and setups and making reads. I'll go more into detail after my ranbats tonight.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
112xxBall does like 22% I think and carries them farther as well as giving more advantage.

As for the command grabs, they are definitely tricky, but I've been practicing the hell out of them. People who have been having trouble have been recommended to try doing a Half circle backwards and then a forward input, instead of doing a strict DBF.

I do however like to use choke as an AA and a whiff punish sometimes as the range is pretty good. I also like to poke low with D1 and stagger inputs so that they try to attack and then catch them out of it with Choke... Otherwise you're completely right, but it's sad because I think choke is pretty badass and I definitely feel better when I land it then ball haha.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
They are very possible and easy once you practice. I mained shazam in injustice and he had the same command throw input so I'm very use to it.

I use choke a lot in my punishes like if I block a teleport. I just 112 choke 20% or 112 ex choke 27% if I have meter. I wish I knew a more damaging punish but I can't get that neutral j1 after ball cancel to get that 35% in training. Let alone online matches.
I have been practicing on various ps4 pads with minimal success. I almost always get a f4 or a jump rather than a command throw. I think this variation is very good but the execution requirements might be too high for some pads. On my xbox its fine and I can command grab all day.

I might go kotal if I want an easy to use command grab.


Nightwolf Mourner
I actually like commando. I play him the same way I would zangief in the SF, use the command grab and use the fear of command grabs to punish everything else. Plus he still have knives so you can play defensive with him as well. This variation is all about pokes and setups and making reads. I'll go more into detail after my ranbats tonight.
This. This is basically Command Kano in a nutshell, Zangief with a projectile and godlike parries.