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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


In Zoning We Trust
Looking to discuss Cutthroat Kano's extra knife strings, high damage setups, and ways to get off his 50/50? You've found the right thread.


Mix-Up CJ

I'm really liking the Cutthroat variation because of the combo possibilities and the knife string looks really cool.


'The Cage Mage'
Protip: Don't have buff active? Use the buff as a replacement for the end special in your combos. Always. Never be not-buffed.

Personally, I don't think using a bar of meter for the EX buff is necessary, especially since getting hit knocks you out of buff.


In Zoning We Trust
Personally, I don't think using a bar of meter for the EX buff is necessary, especially since getting hit knocks you out of buff.
Yea I thinks that some real bs. The regular buff I understand, you take DoT anyways. But EX? You should keep it for the duration. It makes little sense to burn a bar due to the fact that if you're hit while approaching you just blew a bar for nothing.


Stream addict
So far really loving cutthroat like I thought I would lol. I got all middle screen combos down, now to work on corner stuff.
How are you guys setting up your 50/50's? Give me some ideas, going to lab it up all Saturday.


Lin Kuei Grandmaster
I just went into the lab today with Kano, and although I don't know his 50/50 game yet, I can give you the corner combo I've been using.

F212, NJP, B121~MB Blade Slice, ji2 B12~Kano Ball. I think it was in the vicinity of 37%? You can end the combo in 2F4 for HKD.

I'm mainly a SZ player, but I've really been liking all 3 of Kano's variations so far. Just another character to add to my list.


gotta stay sharp!
I use mostly cyber kano, and i get his game plan and all. I seem to have trouble up close, even though my string are safe and I can usually bait things with a back dash. I get over whelmed. So I want to pick up this variation for that damage/in your face style. What's some good ways to start? (besides bnbs).


'The Cage Mage'
So far really loving cutthroat like I thought I would lol. I got all middle screen combos down, now to work on corner stuff.
How are you guys setting up your 50/50's? Give me some ideas, going to lab it up all Saturday.
It works pretty much flawlessly in the corner, especially if you finish a combo with your buff. The timing on it is perfect to start your 50/50, but if they have meter, watch for the wake up.


In Zoning We Trust
Give me some ideas, going to lab it up all Saturday.
D3 and D4. Land it and then either walk forward slightly or quickly run cancel into it depending on move and position and go for the 50/50.

If I'm buffed I pressure them into it. If the block I EX Knives to end the string which is +10 and go for it.

I mainly use Cyber but when I use Cutt those are the main two ways I consistently pull it off.


Stream addict
Everyone probably already knows this, but just in case: Be careful when pressuring with 112 string, it has a gap before the last hit so smart opponents can armor through it. Sucks to eat an EX spin or even X-ray because of that lol.

EDIT: Also commando Kano and Sun god Kotal can also blow that up with EX high parry. Everyone else's parries are too slow, even Sonya's EX parry.
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Stream addict
One possible middle screen setup to 50/50 is to confirm any button or string into blade slice (non ex), then do a quick run cancel d1 to as they stumble backwards. Seems like if you manage to do run cancel d1 correctly, it stuffs a lot of stuff (except armor moves of course) and it leaves you really close so you can 50/50 them. Need to test this more.

Really hard to do 50/50's at mid screen because of backdash though, seems like get out of jail for free move lol. Does anyone have any anti-backdash tech?

KH Royale

The truth is out..
Just a few corner combos for u guys

overhead starter
b12, bladeslice mb, njp, jumpinkick, 1, 11, 112 kanostraight ball 38% (credit kh royale )

Low starter
b312, 11, 11, 112 bladeslice, njp, 112 upball 43% (credit dark55)
Reactions: GAV
I don't know what it is, but I'm just bad. I sat in practice for a good bit yesterday, then went to try some online play. Went 1-10 in public and just felt awful. Should I just sit in practice mode more? Just feels really really disheartening. I was barely able to pull off the F212 kano ball. I guess a start is a start but idk...

PSN: Freakology-


First of all, I'm new, and I'm not sure how strongly the TYM community feel about these things, but as your question isn't character specific, you might get asked to post it in the Noob Passage forum as it would appear that you're new to playing fighting games online. That said, I'll answer your question as I believe I can help.

If you are new to playing fighting games online, you have to come to terms with the fact that you will lose. A lot. Tens, maybe hundreds of times in a row. What you need to learn to do in the beginning is not play to win, but play to get better. Take a goal, I.e, anti air every jump in, and only focus on that and blocking (so that you don't waste your health too quickly). When you're happy with your progress, set another goal and move on. In a short time you'll be bodying fools left and and right.

When I started with SF4, these videos really helped. I'm new to MK too, so I'm suffering the same losses. The truth is, the game is new and I suck at it, but I know the more practice I put in, the more that'll change.

Start with this video 'Losing sucks'. The examples used are SF, but the points being made apply to all fighting games.

Hope this helps (and that I've not broken any forum rules with my first post!).



I like to play bad characters
I don't know what it is, but I'm just bad. I sat in practice for a good bit yesterday, then went to try some online play. Went 1-10 in public and just felt awful. Should I just sit in practice mode more? Just feels really really disheartening. I was barely able to pull off the F212 kano ball. I guess a start is a start but idk...

PSN: Freakology-
Dude above gave solid advice. To add to it. Like all things, in doing it you will improve. Just keep at it. Next. Do not get hung up on records! Some of the hardest guys I've faught have losing records, and the reverse have been some of the easiest. It means nothing. Plus tryhards get much angrier losing to a negative record guy who had had it click and become a dangerous opponent.
First of all, I'm new, and I'm not sure how strongly the TYM community feel about these things, but as your question isn't character specific, you might get asked to post it in the Noob Passage forum as it would appear that you're new to playing fighting games online. That said, I'll answer your question as I believe I can help.

If you are new to playing fighting games online, you have to come to terms with the fact that you will lose. A lot. Tens, maybe hundreds of times in a row. What you need to learn to do in the beginning is not play to win, but play to get better. Take a goal, I.e, anti air every jump in, and only focus on that and blocking (so that you don't waste your health too quickly). When you're happy with your progress, set another goal and move on. In a short time you'll be bodying fools left and and right.

When I started with SF4, these videos really helped. I'm new to MK too, so I'm suffering the same losses. The truth is, the game is new and I suck at it, but I know the more practice I put in, the more that'll change.

Start with this video 'Losing sucks'. The examples used are SF, but the points being made apply to all fighting games.

Hope this helps (and that I've not broken any forum rules with my first post!).

I understand the losing, I guess I wasn't expecting it as much since I am familiar with SF and Injustice for example. I trained pretty quickly and was pretty decent rather quickly in those games. MK just seems so much more involved. I understand the need to just play and keep learning. Thanks for the info! I will definitely keep grinding.


PG Coach Steve
So I won my first MKX tournament with Cutthroat Kano. Most of the players I played werent that good but we're all still learning. I like cutthroat overall more than the other variations because of the high low mix ups and he carries to the corner pretty well. Archives are here

Reactions: GAV


I'm curious as to how beneficial the buff truly is.

I just activated it and counted how much damage it did. 0.5% was taken off 30 times, so 15%.

Then I looked at some easy to land combos (because strict timing corner juggles are less likely to work online with lag, etc). The typical difference looked like this;

-f212-(juggle)212-f4 (23% unbuffed/ 30% buffed)

So about 7% extra damage to your opponent, in exchange for 15% damage to yourself. And you could be hit before you even land a combo, so the damage you take could be for nothing.

Ex Buff doesn't hurt, but is it worth burning meter for the buff and an EX Blade juggle (such as 121-db1-mb-212) for only about 7% extra damage, when that bar could be saved for a wake up reversal or ex-k-balling through a close range Sub Zero hiding behind an ice clone (or similar scenario).

Without a major life lead, the buff seems to encourage reckless play on our parts, desperate to get in before too much damage is done. If I'm missing something and the buff is actually really useful, please tell me. Right now the risk doesn't appear worth the award.


PG Coach Steve
I'm curious as to how beneficial the buff truly is.

I just activated it and counted how much damage it did. 0.5% was taken off 30 times, so 15%.

Then I looked at some easy to land combos (because strict timing corner juggles are less likely to work online with lag, etc). The typical difference looked like this;

-f212-(juggle)212-f4 (23% unbuffed/ 30% buffed)

So about 7% extra damage to your opponent, in exchange for 15% damage to yourself. And you could be hit before you even land a combo, so the damage you take could be for nothing.

Ex Buff doesn't hurt, but is it worth burning meter for the buff and an EX Blade juggle (such as 121-db1-mb-212) for only about 7% extra damage, when that bar could be saved for a wake up reversal or ex-k-balling through a close range Sub Zero hiding behind an ice clone (or similar scenario).

Without a major life lead, the buff seems to encourage reckless play on our parts, desperate to get in before too much damage is done. If I'm missing something and the buff is actually really useful, please tell me. Right now the risk doesn't appear worth the award.
EX Buff is better to me. regular buff i can't see too much use for it. But EX while it does cost a bar, his meterless damage is already good and now will do more from either a high or low if they guess wrong. Typically I might do EX buff if i have too bars. End my combo with a string canceled into EX buff, and now they have to guess or burn a bar to wake up. and if i read that and block...well....they're dead
Reactions: GAV


I've noticed that EX Buff can turn an easy 8 hit string into a 40% combo, so I'll agree it's worth using, especially if you've got solid execution and can pull off juggles consistently during matches.

As for regular buff... EX Buff has got to be a better version of something I suppose...


In Zoning We Trust
So I won my first MKX tournament with Cutthroat Kano. Most of the players I played werent that good but we're all still learning. I like cutthroat overall more than the other variations because of the high low mix ups and he carries to the corner pretty well. Archives are here

This was this week? Damn I thought it was next week. When is the next one? If it is on the 30th I'll be there for sure.


Overhead: b1,2,1 ex db1 njp, run cancel, 112 up ball 33%
Low: b3,2 ex db1, njp, forward JP, run cancel, f3 up ball 31%
Punisher: f2,1,2 f2,1,2 11 ex db1 fjp air ball 33%


PG Coach Steve
This was this week? Damn I thought it was next week. When is the next one? If it is on the 30th I'll be there for sure.
Yea it will be on the 30th. If you need to, follow me on twitter or add me on Facebook (search for insaynne) I will put it on TYM this time around as well.


In Zoning We Trust
Yea it will be on the 30th. If you need to, follow me on twitter or add me on Facebook (search for insaynne) I will put it on TYM this time around as well.
I don't have any social networks, but I follow all the tourney info here. I posted about it in the Tournament Section in the New York MKX Thread but didn't realize it was this week.

Sounds good man, I'll be there on the 30th for sure.


Stream addict
Just played a 50 game set with a decent Sub-Zero. He used mostly Cryomancer but also some Grand Master.
How do you guys think Cutthroat Kano does against Subby?

I felt like Kano had the advantage in full screen. Knives were stuffing iceballs and breaking clones all day, and many times I had time to block iceball when he got hit. Perfectly timed EX iceball and slide got me eventually, but it looked like a serious struggle. This tells me if Kano has the life lead, Subby has to chase Kano which is good. If I wanted to get close I could air Kanoball over iceballs no problem. Sometimes I messed up the input and just neutral jumped like an idiot to iceball, so yeah make sure you get that air Kanoball every time lol.

Mid screen fight felt ok against Cryomancer, and tricky against Grand Master. I feel Cutthroat Kano has really nice footsie tools because of his normals that move him forward like f4 and f3 (and backwards too with b1). Ice clone is a pain for sure, but it can be stuffed if Sub player gets predictable. Can't really say how bad the ice clone ends up being, because my opponent started to panic everytime I got near to him and his clone. Remember, a blocked slide equals a dead Subby so practice that punish so you can hit that even online.

Fighting close seemed ok. My opponent clearly wasn't comfortable fighting up close, so he tried to back away any chance he got. f2, 1,2 full combo punishes backdash if you read it. Can't really say anything more about how the match up feels up close. Armor moves are great all around of course.

Matches were fun, need to play some expert Subbys to get better feel how this match-up goes. Especially need to experience a really lame Sub-Zero who has really good space control with ice clone.