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General/Other - Kenshi **Possessed & Kenjutsu Guides in OP** Pig's Home for all Kenshi

Here's that combo guide I was talking about last night. These are what I think are so far the most optimal meter-per-damage combos available for Possessed Kenshi at the moment. @Pig Of The Hut

Anything starting with f32 can obviously be replaced with b32 or b1, depending on how you are opening your opponent up of course. Enders can universally be traded out for a 22 standing reset, should you have balls of steel and think that's worth the risk with your zoner
Possessed is great but combo potential is very limited ...

Anyone found use for f4 or df4 ?
possessed has some of kenshi's highest damage combos, actually! Just look up one post for a combo vid about him :v

df4 is mainly only used as a mixup... and it's not a particularly good one. I'd mostly just use it to try to convince people to respect my overhead option, but even if they get hit with it 2-3 times I doubt it'd be damaging enough to convince them to not block low for me to hit my big damage lol. Just like Smoke's d4, sure you can let a bunch hit, it takes a lot to add up to what he could do if you let him hit you overhead even once.


Bug of tater's
Possessed is great but combo potential is very limited ...

Anyone found use for f4 or df4 ?
I think it has the highest combos? I'm getting 38% and more for 1 bar. This is one I been doing its a little hard on timing but it's easy. F32 exdb4 ji2 f32 bf3 or other ender. You could also do b3 or b1 exdb4 nj2 walk forward 1 1 f32 ender


Bug of tater's
Also in the corner. If you do exdb1(which ever throws the glave and keeps them in the air) then uppercut you can put them back in the corner with 22. It's a hard timing but I think this has potential if 22 is good


A spaceman
Thank you Based Pig. Thank you Based Frothy. Thank you Based NerdJosh. Thank you Based Fractured Shadow.


End Of Humanity
possessed has some of kenshi's highest damage combos, actually! Just look up one post for a combo vid about him :v

df4 is mainly only used as a mixup... and it's not a particularly good one. I'd mostly just use it to try to convince people to respect my overhead option, but even if they get hit with it 2-3 times I doubt it'd be damaging enough to convince them to not block low for me to hit my big damage lol. Just like Smoke's d4, sure you can let a bunch hit, it takes a lot to add up to what he could do if you let him hit you overhead even once.
I was trying to do a d1 into smth after a ex df4 but I dont think its possible :/
I was trying to do a d1 into smth after a ex df4 but I dont think its possible :/
it's not possible to combo after I don't think, which is a big part of why it's kind of a shitty mixup. Not sure what the purpose of the move is except maybe to end combos in a hard knockdown? idk. i feel like teleflurry already does that but i have never tested to be sure...


What's the point of Kenshi's 22 string? I'm talking about the one where he grabs you and turns you to the other side. Thanks.
I love kenshi and his combos. Typically I play more aggressive characters. Is kenshi capable of playing aggressive at all in balanced and going in? Or is he a sit back zoner and plays aggressive when being pushed. Also the possession variation I've heard can be used to play a aggressive style what are your thoughts on this? Does possession have any good combos like balanced without having to spend bar? I want to main him im just worried that he gets destroyed upclose because his faster normals and jabs are a few frames slower than most.


Blind justice....
I think so too. I'd be too good if it was plus frames lol. I'm sure we'll come up with a use other that putting them in the corner
It's neutral and since Kenshi has pretty slow normals this should be used very rarely to surprise your opponent. Most characters have faster normals, which means that after 22 you're at disadvantage.


Trying to find stuff for my friend who's playing possessed kenshi since he doesn't have the game yet. I've found that 3, 2 is only -5 so many characters can't punish it and it is easily hit confirmable into 3,2,2,1. Midscreen you can use 3,2,2, exdb4 for a combo.
It's neutral and since Kenshi has pretty slow normals this should be used very rarely to surprise your opponent. Most characters have faster normals, which means that after 22 you're at disadvantage.
With 22 you can immediately do a special move, so reverse the input and it will come out and combo. Try hitting 22 into exdb4b with possessed kenshi, there's plenty potential