it leaves them at 0Does 22 end your opponent in negative frames for pressure? That'd be great if it did for resets
it leaves them at 0Does 22 end your opponent in negative frames for pressure? That'd be great if it did for resets
Yeah i've noticed that but for some odd reason i can't get this consistently (link after 22).With 22 you can immediately do a special move, so reverse the input and it will come out and combo. Try hitting 22 into exdb4b with possessed kenshi, there's plenty potential
Good job Sherlock!I may not know much, but in terms of offense, I like to use b32, as it hits low and you can follow up with a combo.
Did u get pressured? Then we need to figure out escape options, fast noramls, pokes and Ex moves with armor.Help. Went online and got blown up. Couldn't land a hit,need help/tips. Also,which variation should I main and why?
There's a post earlier in the thread with notations.hi, can someone tell me how to read the combos ;-; im a noob ;-;
thank youThere's a post earlier in the thread with notations.
Here it is again, compliments of @FrothyOmen
Number = Xbox = Playstation
1 = X = Square
2 = Y = Triangle
3 = A = X
4 = B = Circle
f = forward
b = back
u = up
d = down
jip = jump in punch
jik = jump in kick
njp = neutral jump punch
njk = neutral jump kick
xx or ~ = cancel (i.e. f32 xx db1, which could also be written f32 xx rising karma)
EN or EX = Enhanced move (i.e. db1+block, also could be written db1+blk, db1 EX, EX db1, EX rising karma, EX rk, etc.)
That should be pretty much everything i think
Yea he has twoPretty sure I figured out the possessed vortex @Pig Of The Hut was talking about. End a combo into 22 xx teleport (have to reverse the inputs on the teleport). Pressure with nj2 on the way down, which they will block, but frametrap themselves into the followups. Since Kenshi has overhead and low starter strings (can't remember inputs, at work) that can be cancelled and combo'd off of, you can terminate in the 22 xx teleport again and keep them in the blender. Thoughts?
They gave WAYYYYY too much advantage on some of these pokes hahaha. Gonna need to start experimenting with them on some of the other characters I'm feeling out. Thanks dude.Yea he has two
B1 ex db4 nj2 f32 ex db4 22 into vortex options
1. Reverse input db2 tele mix up
2. Reverse input ex db4 launcher
3. B3
Kenjitsu vortex example
F2 ex df1 b1 ex db4 ji2 d1 <----+16 on hit
Guarantees vortex options which are
1. F2 ex df1 combo
2. Ex df1
3. B3 df1
4. B3 ex df1
5. 311
6. 31 ex df1
^^^^ this shit is B-A-N-A-N-A-S
It's working so well
Lol see my status update of all recent vortexs confirmedAh, there we go. That's the missing piece to the puzzle that I needed. I should've known after I saw the Quan Vortex vid. I wonder how many characters in this game have some fruity stuff like this.
Played around with this online just now and got my first piece of MKX hate mail after taking someone's life bar with it.Lol see my status update of all recent vortexs confirmed
There's at lead more I didn't list
I'm telling u that Kenjutsu vortex is so bad assPlayed around with this online just now and got my first piece of MKX hate mail after taking someone's life bar with it.
I had a feeling 22 was gonna lead to something dirty. Just took masterminds such as yourself to flush it out.