when i heard there was a big surprise for jade, i thought they were going to make her overhead special faster. she has ZERO ways to condition a player to block that molasses-slow attack. subz's normal ground freeze should've been sped up too. how come nothing was done to sindel's flight? sheeva's single foot stomp lefted untouched as well(i can press block 3 times before that more is active). i HATE USELESS MOVES!! what the fuck's the point of making them if they're not going to be used? thank goodness for blazblue.
lichi faye-ling = what jade wants to be when she grows up.
all those moves have enough useless appeal that they're quite the opposite when used strategically, i.e. not moves that you can randomly throw out or activate just because they're cool.
sub zero can combo into his ground ice
sheeva's stomp isn't THAT slow + it's unblockable
jade's overhead isn't THAT slow - and if it is then it's not online
and i use sindel's levitate a lot
from what i've seen, jade is on her way to being as bad as mileena. even when people block her overhead she still continues her combo with, i think it's B2, dash, two punches, and a bunch of shadow kicks. so she can almost mash as much as mileena and still be relatively safe.