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Patch Changes


after b+4 no longer even poke d+1 (generally removed all the guarantees). Juggling that I did at 43% now takes up 42% :), and after 2,1,f+2 once out of ten got to get used b+4, and continue the combo


Did I say F33 was -2? Sorry, that was using the old, unreliable method, it is actually -4. 1,3 is neutral though. So is F33B3.
Is there any reason to use 1,3?

For that matter when starting a string with f33, is there any reason not to do b3 at the end if you don't intend to cancel into a special?


Is there any reason to use 1,3?

For that matter when starting a string with f33, is there any reason not to do b3 at the end if you don't intend to cancel into a special?
13 is good against crouching. the 1 whiffs but the 3 will hit mid and keep pressure going. and if it's neutral, that's always nice too.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
1 3 knocks them away a little bit, but not so far that you cant get a F3 or a D4 in there. In the corner 1 3 2 can be hitconfirmed into d1xxnutpunch too. It may be a little useful.


you can also link 13 into nut punch. it works pretty well on hit and gives decent damage. i like it.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
If you look up that stream with REO's Johnny Cage, he uses 13 EX FBs on block. The string does have some use, it is very fast.


I got hit at the end of EX Shadow Kick animation 5 times this evening :/ It never happened before this patch.
I was about to post that it doesn't, that wasn't changed.

I would've looked like an ass. Me and TheChad_87 are playing online casuals atm and I just got knocked out by a mileena sai on wakeup EN shadowkick. you have no idea how pissed I am about this..

EDIT: IT JUST HAPPENED AGAIN. On wakeup against a kitana fan. EN-Shadow kick.


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I coulda swear it happened before the patch to me as well which is why I didn't mention it.

But yeah it seems to wear off around 3/4 screen.


I was under the impression that 1 3 2 was one of those strings that no one was supposed to use ever. Good advice then, thanks!

Wow, that means Cage has no bad normals. Is he the only one in the game?


I was under the impression that 1 3 2 was one of those strings that no one was supposed to use ever. Good advice then, thanks!

Wow, that means Cage has no bad normals. Is he the only one in the game?
No bad normals? F2 would like a word with you.


Bad Reputation
I was about to post that it doesn't, that wasn't changed.

I would've looked like an ass. Me and TheChad_87 are playing online casuals atm and I just got knocked out by a mileena sai on wakeup EN shadowkick. you have no idea how pissed I am about this..

EDIT: IT JUST HAPPENED AGAIN. On wakeup against a kitana fan. EN-Shadow kick.
Games in Question:

I called it a "bug", but I realize it may not be. Either way, know that it's not armored all the way through.


I've always felt wakeup EX shadow kick is a waste anyway, unless you're going to corner someone or retake life lead/significant momentum with it.

If they're at a range that you need to shadow kick them, they can easily bait it and aren't really a threat to you. If they're closer, you should be doing EX nut punch.

EX shadow kick's strength comes from when you're dancing around mid range waiting for the opponent to twitch, then hit them with it right as they try to poke or projectile. You can catch even good players out of their dash blocking with it if you make it random enough.