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General/Other - Jason Voorhees Jason Voorhees Pre-Release General Discussion

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Salt Proprietor of TYM
I am kind of confused because I have heard differemt things, but Jason is a day 1 download right, and comes with the samurai pack?


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I don't think he is day one dlc. He is still a work in progress, but I am sure he will have his release date announced with his gameplay trailer.
Yeah I wasn't sure after tyler mentioned he wasn't done on the stream. I had h3ard he was before that so I just thought I'd get myself cleared up on it lol. I'd hate to be hype waiting for it and be disappointed.
I can see 4 different variations that NRS team could use but only 3 are allowed, I list them below.

1 Varation: Psychopath - Based on his Appearances from Part 2,3,4,Remake so Human Jason. He can be a rush down melee character since as a human he could run, he could use things like a bow & arrow for projectiles and a harpoon gun and such, Also since he didn't use the machete that much in those films maybe he can use an Axe instead since in Part 3 he used this for most of the final act.

2 Varation: Undead - Based on his Appearances from Part 6,7,8,10 & FvJ so Zombie Jason. Since he is a Zombie he won't run but would make up for this by having his basic attacks do massive damage to the opponent and also have some grab>stab>slam like grapple moves and since he is a zombie can have a mode he can enter where he can regenerate a bit of health while fighting since in this form it was stated that he can regenerate tissue, And instead of shooting arrows & harpoon guns he can throw daggers that he has on him like he has done in part 6 & 7

3 Varation: Hellbound - Based on his Appearance from Part 9 (I know Jason Goes To Hell Sucks! But what the hell) Since this is Demon Jason he can be similar to Zombie Jason with his high power damage but have it toned down a bit and also his walk speed can be faster than Undead but slower than Psychopath so somewhere in the middle. It's also possible that he can have a summon attack where he sticks the magic dagger used to send him to hell in the film and summon those giant hands to attack the opponent for a range move, He can also have a life absorbing move as a grab since in that film he can posses your body if he can get his demonic worm form inside you, Speaking of which that worm demon can be used as a floor projectile too like a Power Wave Move(Terry Bogard), And finally the orange glowing orbs that exit his body at the end of the film which also are the ones used to posses the coroner in the beginning of the film can be used as fireball projectiles too idk. So all in all a Sorcerer based Jason as wired as that sounds lol

4 Varation: Upgrade - Based on his Mecha Armored Appearance from Jason X. Since this Jason is covered in Armor he can have a Super Armor property to his character, Think of Hulk in the 2d MVC games where you had to hit him 2 or 3 times to break the animation he was doing, or heck think of Doomsday's Button trait in Injustice. This Jason could have more Knockdown like moves that should knock you down and off your feet with one hit, Whether it be a shoulder tackle or a straight charge punch. Since in this form he has android like parts in him he won't be slow like Undead or Hellbound Jason would be, So this can be the 2nd fastest Jason of the 4 I have. That's all I have for this Jason, Basically Armor Brick base like defense with Heavy Attack and some speed to him.

So out of the F13 series I though of these 4 variations they could do but the problem is, They can only include 3!? Question is which 3 would you want!?


Ive seen the leprechaun
I see jason being super slow but having armor.

And i think the difference in the variations will be his masks. A burlap sack for classic jason, a hockey mask for iconic JasonJason, and a jason x mask.

I hope one of his variations is called mothers boy


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
Im guessing it will be slasher, grappler and mamas boy. Ranged normals, command grabs and buffs. Will have armor in all forms, maybe more in grappler.



In seriousness I think he's actually going to be quite hard to come up with unique mechanics for. Personally a few things i'd like to see-

"armored walk"- The hallmark of these horror characters is their relentless appraoch. Probably would need to be a "power up" move, but the idea that he can just eat anything and keep going should probably be a variation.

Some slasher variant- i'd really like him to not have a projectile or a teleport(or at least a non standard one) because I think it'd really challenge NRS to do something creative, but if they're going to having him put out shit for them to trip over, which then automatically teleports him next to them, would be a pretty genre savy way of doing it.

TJ combo like revive- For those that don't play KI, if TJ dies (hp to 0 in the second round, dual lifebar system like injustice) and has full instinct (Their quasi X factor meets ultra meter), he gets up, does a ground punch which is unblockable and clears the opponent, and then regens a little HP, or just think phoenix from MvC3 minus the absurd powerup.

It seems like a perfect fit for jason that he could have an "unkillable" variation where he just tanks though things and then when you think you've finally killed him he suddenly pops back for one last burst.

Mostly though I just want him to "feel" right. Freddy as a zoner worked out surprisingly well, but I wouldn't want to see jason as a combo maniac or anything. My ideal is kinda like a grappler in that he uses awkward tools to slowly close the distance, gets in, and then just lands a few VERY powerful hits, so maybe a slower Doomsday feel.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Since we do not know much about his variations and gameplay just yet. What do you guys think his variations will be like? My guess are that he will have one variation that will make him more of a grappler type of character, the other will enhance the use of his machete and the last one will probably be a damage increased variation. What do you guys think? I also feel like he will be a armored based character with a good rushdown.
My guess is that, like others of said, his different variations will revolve around different weapons he has used (the machete, the harpoon gun, etc...). But I will say that I think that they MUST include his mother in the game somehow. It could be something like using her head to power up Jason, but there needs to at least be a reference. Jason's mom is a huge part of the series.


My guess is that, like others of said, his different variations will revolve around different weapons he has used (the machete, the harpoon gun, etc...). But I will say that I think that they MUST include his mother in the game somehow. It could be something like using her head to power up Jason, but there needs to at least be a reference. Jason's mom is a huge part of the series.
NRS also could do some easter egg for Freddy vs. Jason. For instance Jason's intro - Jason will come from lake with Freddy's head (little bit like Quan Chi with Moloch's head in hand) in hand and Freddy will say something funny.. something like that :D Also victory pose could be connected to his mother Pamela :p
I want him to be able to walk off screen backwards, and either walk back, or slowly appear behind the opponent. The xray should be you have a sex scene and he busts in and stabs you
Ahh so you want him to have the Anakaris off screen to other side of the screen teleportation? If you ever played Darkstalkers you know what I'm talking about.


never played but yea i guess, i know theres a lot of teles already but it could be instant to replicate how he appears behind people


Don't run, you're gonna trip...
Ohh okay I see, So then do you think my idea for variations(Psychopath, Undead, Hellbound) are good besides Upgrade(Jason X)?


BOUNS F13 Question: Which do you like or hate more Mecha Jason or Demon Jason lol?
Undead is the most interesting one. Psychopath is cool too.

Mecha Jason doesn't exist. Demon Jason made a grown ass black man eat his heart, as weird as that worm shit was, it was way cooler than "LOL NANOMASHEENZ"


Jason is from a Slasher movie! His variants have to be gimmicks because slasher films are comprised of overused gimmicks! Maybe even if the opponent doesn't perform a fatality quick enough. So you have to kill Jason with a brutality or a quick fatality in order to kill him!

Sequel - Since he never dies it would be cool if he had a resurrection variant maybe if he dies with full meter or maybe fulfills the requirement of a command grab (something like Kotal Kahn's variant) he could come back to life with a little bit of health. A final battle after "FINISH HIM" would be amazing!

Immortal - Variant were you can't see his life bar would also make sense. Would be an interesting dynamic. I can image people feeling how the camp consolers feel in the movies " Why is he not daed?!"

Mama's Boy - A mode where every 10 seconds Jason will switch from receive double damage to deal double damage. So when Jason's mom is on screen he deals double damage and when Jason's mom is off screen he receives double damage. She'll just come and go as she pleases. I think this would fit perfectly with the "horror" aspect of his character. I imagine someone rushing him down to hurt him when he's weak. If they don't open him up quick they better get out of there! It will make for a real cat and mouse game. It creates the "Oh Crap" moments his movies and horror movies in general are know for.


Don't run, you're gonna trip...
Jason is from a Slasher movie! His variants have to be gimmicks because slasher films are comprised of overused gimmicks! Maybe even if the opponent doesn't perform a fatality quick enough. So you have to kill Jason with a brutality or a quick fatality in order to kill him!

Sequel - Since he never dies it would be cool if he had a resurrection variant maybe if he dies with full meter or maybe fulfills the requirement of a command grab (something like Kotal Kahn's variant) he could come back to life with a little bit of health. A final battle after "FINISH HIM" would be amazing!

Immortal - Variant were you can't see his life bar would also make sense. Would be an interesting dynamic. I can image people feeling how the camp consolers feel in the movies " Why is he not daed?!"

Mama's Boy - A mode where every 10 seconds Jason will switch from receive double damage to deal double damage. So when Jason's mom is on screen he deals double damage and when Jason's mom is off screen he receives double damage. She'll just come and go as she pleases. I think this would fit perfectly with the "horror" aspect of his character. I imagine someone rushing him down to hurt him when he's weak. If they don't open him up quick they better get out of there! It will make for a real cat and mouse game. It creates the "Oh Crap" moments his movies and horror movies in general are know for.
That Immortal one is just genius...


I would just like to point out it will be kind of weird seeing Jason having a jump animation, since Jason doesn't jump lol, I think he should have a command grab like Thunder in KI where he can grab the opponent and switch sides and be able to follow up with a combo.


as long as he doesn't have two machetes I don't give a fuck how he runs.


So...will he run like the rest of the cast or go from a walk to a slightly faster, more menacing walk?

I mean, me and my gf used last night to have a Friday the 13th marathon and my goal was to see if he ran once.

The answer is no.
He ran in Friday the 13th part 2...when she runs into the the closet and later in the barn
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