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The Ed Boon Twitter Watch Thread

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Ha he really said "just like when we killed Lui Kang"
So he is talking about the first time in DA ... But does that mean they don't even consider him dead now...or did he forget he is also thought to be dead now...

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Hmm Ed basically confirming 24 is the final size


i thought so in anyway, although it could mean 25 and not 24
I don't know man, the way it's worded is weird. The tweet between that guy and Boon don't state what the size of the roster is. Ed could be refering to the size of the planned roster then adding the DLC and this person could be refering to the beta build roster/select screen. However with three variations per character, I find it hard to believe there will be much more characters on the select screen. I mean, the MK9 beta build had the correct amount of characters so why wouldn't this? Tricky but I'm leaning towards this being the beta build.

God I changed my opinion DURING writing that reply :p


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
I don't know man, the way it's worded is weird. The tweet between that guy and Boon don't state what the size of the roster is. Ed could be refering to the size of the planned roster then adding the DLC and this person could be refering to the beta build roster/select screen. However with three variations per character, I find it hard to believe there will be much more characters on the select screen. I mean, the MK9 beta build had the correct amount of characters so why wouldn't this? Tricky but I'm leaning towards this being the beta build.

God I changed my opinion DURING writing that reply :p
Yeah i was wondering why i was feeling lost haha

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
They are horrible...
I have this special level of rage for people who talk definitively about things they obviously know little about...
You'd hate talking about FG's with people from my college. A person in my class was like "Yeah in Injustice Scorpions beast!" And I was like eh!?

THEN he went on to say he can't wait to play Cassie in MKX, the sister of Johnny Cage >.<

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
You'd hate talking about FG's with people from my college. A person in my class was like "Yeah in Injustice Scorpions beast!" And I was like eh!?

THEN he went on to say he can't wait to play Cassie in MKX, the sister of Johnny Cage >.<
Yeah makes you wanna slap people...
I had a friend that was so pissed at MK9 because they changed the story and Cyrax was no longer robot Scorpion... Smh

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Wish it was true honestly. I hope they do something like it at least. That was very interesting.

I love the idea of Shinnok - New Sub Boss - Liu Kang final boss for the ladder.
yeah all of it wont be fake there is to much known and very possible stuff...but some of it is so nuts...the Erron Black stuff is like a crazed fan fic...

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Kinda disappointed. Balor sounded like a cool idea.

It was obviously fake but i hope NRS goes a similar route for the story.
Yes it did...

Everyone is gonna have to accept that launch won't be some 30 man roster by now. Let reality sit in. I'm 100% sure that the launch roster, excluding Goro, will be 24-26 characters max.
24 +goro+random ...seems to be it...


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
Man the most annoying thing has to be when boon mentions Ketchup and mustard. People dont know who they are so everyone goes into this frenzy thinking hes sending out cryptic Cyrax/sektor hints. Makes me more mad than it should.

I saw that gamefaqs rumored roster leak thread, it was total BS from the start. Guy claimed it was a drunk conversation with a cousin or something. Yea a guy went on a casual rant and mentioned every single character including detailed backstory? ok. Would have been believable if he had just name dropped a few guys and a boss or something. Dummy.
Anyone think there may be a Cyber-Reptile. Ed has hinted it, but may be a troll from the troll king.
I dont personally think so but if there was to be a crazy character they have been keeping close to the chest, this wouldnt be the worst guess.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Man the most annoying thing has to be when boon mentions Ketchup and mustard. People dont know who they are so everyone goes into this frenzy thinking hes sending out cryptic Cyrax/sektor hints. Makes me more mad than it should.

I saw that gamefaqs rumored roster leak thread, it was total BS from the start. Guy claimed it was a drunk conversation with a cousin or something. Yea a guy went on a casual rant and mentioned every single character including detailed backstory? ok. Would have been believable if he had just name dropped a few guys and a boss or something. Dummy.

I dont personally think so but if there was to be a crazy character they have been keeping close to the chest, this wouldnt be the worst guess.
I know right it feels like herding cats sometimes....

The drunken convo was the best part....nobody does this shit...ok man let me break this shit down all list like for you...get a pen and pad...

Big Frog

Anyone think there may be a Cyber-Reptile. Ed has hinted it, but may be a troll from the troll king.
I thought there might be in the beginning because of that early screenshot of "Cyber" being one of Reptile's variations. But it was fake. So I don't think so.