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The Gods of MK9 and the Gods of Injustice

Which answer in the poll best suits your opinion?

  • I agree with both of these lists

  • I agree with your MK9 list, not your Injustice list

  • I agree with your Injustice list, not your MK9 list

  • I agree with neither list

Results are only viewable after voting.


I think it's godlike you list yourself twice. That's some Vegeta levels of ego right there! Not a bad thing at all, Vegeta is my favorite DBZ character!
I mean, at least I gave logical explanations under each list and didn't just pull a top 5 out of nowhere :p Plus I listed Sonic twice two. I'm just being honest haha. And yeah Vegeta is badass

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
For injustice the list in my opinion should be:
Chris G

I feel like these 5 guys all are very accomplished and pushed the game to its limit when they were actively playing. SonicFox goes without saying, hes been dominating lately he found a very effective way to win that people have a hard time dealing with. There are very few players of any game that have dominated their game to the degree that KDZ did for the first year of injustice. There has been nobody that i know of that walked into Evo about to get DQ'd and literally just run through everyone. You can say all you want that it was because of the character but, no other superman player was anywhere near his level. Theo also had his period of dominance and pretty much everyone agrees with that. Jupiter was the only guy who really fully understood MMH at one point and showcased why he was the best character in the game. For a long time, people were saying MMH was the best character but nobody put up the results. Chris G won the Scorpion tournament with Green Arrow and randomly enters here and there and makes huge upsets with a whack character. He is also the only player to my knowledge

Not quite sure why people who have yet to win any majors/regionals are being put over people who have had a clear period of dominance. Close but no cigar aint dominance


See but i think we we are going to list gods of MK9, we should probably come up with a system. Something like, most tournaments won or more wins over a top player..whatever and not based on how that person is. For MK9 ill probably put REO, Tom Brady for all his knowledge of the game, CDJR, 16BIT and SONICFOX and maybe TYRANT? or NOOBE?

Injustice it seems like it varies. Many top players didnt played this game cause it was lame lol. But for this list I will go with REO, JUPITER, RICO SUAVE, KZD, SONICFOX, and CDJR. Maybe even THEO.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
Injustice it seems like it varies. Many top players didnt played this game cause it was lame lol. But for this list I will go with REO, JUPITER, RICO SUAVE, KZD, SONICFOX, and CDJR. Maybe even THEO.
how are you gonna put manny in there if the only thing he won was a local when the game first came out and got top 8 once when the game first came out lol. also not sure what you mean by not many top players didnt play injustice because if you're going to put it like that, a lot of top players didnt play mk9 either.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i'm sure you can spare some of your ego with all of us right king? Also its really not fair to have a "if we were to play these games literally right now top 5 list", not only are both games dead but it just discredits people's tournament placing overall through the game. there is no point in holding people accountable for MK9 placings after evo 2013. i would re work this top 5 list, make it so thats its INJ/MK9 gods without having it be today, because a lot of people stopped playing.

Sonic/Pig (not sure who to place here, sonic showed he was always good at MK9 just couldnt travel)
DJT would be my 5

King literally the top 5 from SRK, you cannot discredit what KDZ has done in INJ. still one of ht last people to beat Sonic in tournament.


Flash God Lord
There's a clear problem with how basically everyone is viewing the list and what their perception of being an MK9 or Injustice 'God' means.

@FOREVER KING is basing the Gods of each game similar to how Smash views their players based on their CURRENT dominance in the game. If any of you know anything about Smash, you would know Ken is the undisputed King of Smash. He literally dominated the game for the early years of Melee and was untouchable on a level far beyond that of even SonicFox, when comparing his dominance of Injustice. But he isn't seen as one of the 5 'Gods' because he isn't CURRENTLY at the level of players like Mango, HBox, etc.

That is what Forever King is making the thread as but MK9 and Injustice have such short lifespans compared to Smash (Melee) that people can easily look back a few years and say, "Oh, well KDZ won EVO not too long ago. Chris G won..." etc, etc, instead of looking at how likely players are to perform today.

On that note, I wouldn't list Theo as a current 'God' of Injustice because he clearly doesn't play the game anymore. But the sad truth is that few do.. so seeing Theo place top 8 in a tournament that occurred today wouldn't even be surprising.
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What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
There's a clear problem with how basically everyone is viewing the list and what their perception of being an MK9 or Injustice 'God' means.

@FOREVER KING is basing the Gods of each game similar to how Smash views their players based on their CURRENT dominance in the game. If any of you know anything about Smash, you would know Ken is the undisputed King of Smash but he isn't seen as one of the 5 'Gods' because he isn't CURRENTLY at the level of players like Mango, HBox, etc.

That is what Forever King is making the thread as but MK9 and Injustice have such short lifespans compared to Smash (Melee) that people can easily look back a few years and say, "Oh, well KDZ won EVO not too long ago. Chris G won..." etc, etc, instead of looking at how likely players are to perform today.

On that note, I wouldn't list Theo as a current 'God' of Injustice because he clearly doesn't play the game anymore. But the sad truth is that few do.. so seeing Theo place top 8 in a tournament that occurred today wouldn't even be surprising.
i know what you are saying, but again like you said NRS games have short life spans, if we made this list in the prime of the game it would look a lot like my list, the prime being from EVO 2013 until KIT 2015 IMO i wish we could make this list and have it be relevant for players currently, its just the sad nature of our games, maybe in a few years we'll have the NRS gods, basing performance on all the games not just mk or inj. we will probably get a better idea of who these people are by next years evo for MKX assuming it gets that far. i think the NRS gods concept would work more to how the smash community has it with there "gods".

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
There's a clear problem with how basically everyone is viewing the list and what their perception of being an MK9 or Injustice 'God' means.

@FOREVER KING is basing the Gods of each game similar to how Smash views their players based on their CURRENT dominance in the game. If any of you know anything about Smash, you would know Ken is the undisputed King of Smash but he isn't seen as one of the 5 'Gods' because he isn't CURRENTLY at the level of players like Mango, HBox, etc.

That is what Forever King is making the thread as but MK9 and Injustice have such short lifespans compared to Smash (Melee) that people can easily look back a few years and say, "Oh, well KDZ won EVO not too long ago. Chris G won..." etc, etc, instead of looking at how likely players are to perform today.

On that note, I wouldn't list Theo as a current 'God' of Injustice because he clearly doesn't play the game anymore. But the sad truth is that few do.. so seeing Theo place top 8 in a tournament that occurred today wouldn't even be surprising.

the way that injustice has been handled by NRS, if it wasn't for the people who dominated early on, the game would be much different than it is today. Regardless if injustice ever saw patches or not, they still would have played a huge role in the way the meta developed. on your comment on theo making top 8, i honestly wouldn't be surprised if he wins. The game isn't evolving anymore and at this point, it really doesn't matter if you play still or not as long as you remember how matchups in general go and if you remember the handful of setups for each character, because barely anyone has any new setups. Pretty sad because i feel like there is so much to find out about this game that will unfortunately never been seen in a tournament setting.


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
The thread title should be renamed, "I Foreverking, am a god at mk and inj, nanana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo." :tonyt


Flash God Lord
i know what you are saying, but again like you said NRS games have short life spans, if we made this list in the prime of the game it would look a lot like my list, the prime being from EVO 2013 until KIT 2015 IMO i wish we could make this list and have it be relevant for players currently, its just the sad nature of our games, maybe in a few years we'll have the NRS gods, basing performance on all the games not just mk or inj. we will probably get a better idea of who these people are by next years evo for MKX assuming it gets that far. i think the NRS gods concept would work more to how the smash community has it with there "gods".
Sure but my point is that everyone is looking at the concept in a completely different way than what the OP intended.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
You're right, Idk how I forgot about REO. I wouldn't say that nobody is at Reo's level though, he is amazing player and I definitely need to make 6 gods in order to add him. But he hasn't won 1st place in a long time, he still loses to people so saying other names are not on that level is pretty debatable.

SonicFox on the other hand, yes I agree nobody is on his level in Injustice. But as we seen at WinterBrawl, Honeybee almost took him down. So I think it is possible for one of the other 4 to cause an upset on SonicFox. Especially if Theo still participated.
ahh well

My assumption was based on peak game shape.

I see you added a stipulation.... so I say "fair enough" :)


I like Tekken 8
16 Bit
Sonic Fox

Sonic Fox
Pig of The hut

My MK list is only half serious. Doesn't make sense to do this for now when everyone is Rusty McRusty.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
Sure but my point is that everyone is looking at the concept in a completely different way than what the OP intended.
The way King is going about it is, If we played right now, they should be consider the Gods of MK. No. That like saying If John Elway, Michael Jordan, aren’t consider Gods of their sports if they were to play right now and not do well. Just because he still plays after the game is dead, and all the players who already accomplished everything they did to cement their legacy would be rusty playing right now, would take everything away they already accomplish in MK9? How is that fair. I mean besides Carl who already proved he still in top shape form in MK9, would that be fair to Reo who we know was a god in MK9 to just play all of a sudden, because King keeps playing he wants to and feel he could beat these guys rusty?

Fact of the matter is, when anyone ask who was the best players in MK9, two names come up. Reo and PL. There is no if and buts about it.

Why don't King ask the players I mention in MK9 to have time and practice again and then play to see who is God, instead of saying playing right now.


there is an MK9 "God" on your list who Im not sure won a Major or for sure didnt win more than 2 and that is much lower than the rest.. So does that make him a God? @FOREVER KING
Honestly the meta is higher now than it ever was in MK9. I can see it especially when I watch Perfect Legend and Sonicfox play, I think Perfect Legend now in MK9 is better than he ever was since it was released. If Perfect Legend went back in time and played his past Evo2011 or Evo2012 self, I think the current PL would body the shit out of him free. Same as Sonicfox
i dissagree from what i have watch a lot of players are off and some play like they do not care as much about winning.

on top of that player are not on point at punishing stuff

Take this without malice but you seem to be desperate for validation about how good you are. Nearly all the other names mentioned in this thread of "God Tier", they do not make threads asking the community how good they are. They already know how good they are.

Are you really as confident as you say because you seem to need people to tell you, "you're the best!"


The way King is going about it is, If we played right now, they should be consider the Gods of MK. No. That like saying If John Elway, Michael Jordan, aren’t consider Gods of their sports if they were to play right now and not do well. Just because he still plays after the game is dead, and all the players who already accomplished everything they did to cement their legacy would be rusty playing right now, would take everything away they already accomplish in MK9? How is that fair. I mean besides Carl who already proved he still in top shape form in MK9, would that be fair to Reo who we know was a god in MK9 to just play all of a sudden, because King keeps playing he wants to and feel he could beat these guys rusty?

Fact of the matter is, when anyone ask who was the best players in MK9, two names come up. Reo and PL. There is no if and buts about it.

Why don't King ask the players I mention in MK9 to have time and practice again and then play to see who is God, instead of saying playing right now.
I would agree to that. If everyone had a few months of practice in MK9 and Injustice and played in a tournament, I would still put money that my list stays correct



Take this without malice but you seem to be desperate for validation about how good you are. Nearly all the other names mentioned in this thread of "God Tier", they do not make threads asking the community how good they are. They already know how good they are.

Are you really as confident as you say because you seem to need people to tell you, "you're the best!"
I really don't care if people think I'm good or I suck, I literally just made this thread for fun lol. You guys can debate whoever you want