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EX Throws - 50/50s

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Someone mentioned it before a while ago that they did during one of those convention builds. I don't know if KP played it but it's been drifting in the wind.

And yes, you can do a mb throw during a juggle and "connect" it. Not out of string as far as I know. That has to be string specific throws like subs.


I want Kronika to step on my face
IIRC Tyler said you can.

i think it kinda does make sense to stop people from getting easy resets
I disagree that it makes sense. Think about using a regular throw as a combo ender. Being able to tech it would be dumb and it would actually make being able to link throws during combos in the first place useless.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
I disagree that it makes sense. Think about using a regular throw as a combo ender. Being able to tech it would be dumb and it would actually make being able to link throws during combos in the first place useless.
It could be a way to catch your opponent if he's trying to break instead of tech and you just throw him mid combo. and it's still a 50/50 for a tech right?


I want Kronika to step on my face
It could be a way to catch your opponent if he's trying to break instead of tech and you just throw him mid combo. and it's still a 50/50 for a tech right?
Well you can break throws in MK9 so I don't know if you can't break throws in MKX...


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I disagree that it makes sense. Think about using a regular throw as a combo ender. Being able to tech it would be dumb and it would actually make being able to link throws during combos in the first place useless.
Teching a MB throw makes them spend a bar and you get out but you aren't at advantage.
Teching a normal throw also doesn't give you any advantage but prevents them from getting advantage.

So if you tech and its not MB, you basically restood yourself for them for free, and its neutral.
If you tech and it is MB, you restood yourself and it cost them a bar but they got no benefit, and its neutral.

I can imagine that working out and making sense. If you think you have a stronger neutral game, then you can abuse it and say "fuck the meter", but some characters might abuse you for it and end every one with throw because they get the advantage in the neutral (think Reptile and his fast and long-reaching specials and normals).


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
I disagree that it makes sense. Think about using a regular throw as a combo ender. Being able to tech it would be dumb and it would actually make being able to link throws during combos in the first place useless.
Any sort of counter measures to Stop MKX go Meta Batgirl is fine by me lol


Lets be serious here. These meter burn grabs that will lead into 50/50 will benefit a lot of characters and being stuck in a 50/50 situation sucks. Specially for those who always guess wrong. Now, i do believe that some characters will benefit from this more than others, but these grab can lead into some real crazy mix ups, block strings and set ups if you have the correct character. And on top of that, you can MB grab during a juggle? whatttt lol.

Imagine if Ferra/Tor puts you in a juggle thats already 40+% and he MB grabs you mid combo, then you are standing right in front of him and he can go for a command grab or whatever mix up he has.

I for one do not like these MB throws. But if they are going to be in for sure, then I guess ill be MB throwing all day.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Lets be serious here. These meter burn grabs that will lead into 50/50 will benefit a lot of characters and being stuck in a 50/50 situation sucks. Specially for those who always guess wrong. Now, i do believe that some characters will benefit from this more than others, but these grab can lead into some real crazy mix ups, block strings and set ups if you have the correct character. And on top of that, you can MB grab during a juggle? whatttt lol.

Imagine if Ferra/Tor puts you in a juggle thats already 40+% and he MB grabs you mid combo, then you are standing right in front of him and he can go for a command grab or whatever mix up he has.

I for one do not like these MB throws. But if they are going to be in for sure, then I guess ill be MB throwing all day.
Covered both of those problems...

1) Its unlikely unless F/T gets a cut out that you'll be eating 40% into a MB regrab, and if you are, I could've probably gotten 18% more instead of risking you blocking and getting nothing.

2) If you don't like it, tech the throws. You'll restand yourself for free, but no one gets an advantage. Its a risk since you're achieving the same result, but it keeps you from getting MB tossed.

3) Being in a 50/50 might suck but if you know your opponents options you'll be fine since the timing between lows and overheads is usually pretty different. Likewise, being in a 50/50 won't benefit everyone because you're trading a 50/50 for abusing a weak wake-up game. Its great against people with good wake-ups, maybe, but you're also trading a bar meaning you can't breaker if you get caught. If you do a 50/50 and miss, and they punish you, then you're stuck taking all of that damage.

I don't think you need to worry.


I want Kronika to step on my face
Teching a MB throw makes them spend a bar and you get out but you aren't at advantage.
Teching a normal throw also doesn't give you any advantage but prevents them from getting advantage.

So if you tech and its not MB, you basically restood yourself for them for free, and its neutral.
If you tech and it is MB, you restood yourself and it cost them a bar but they got no benefit, and its neutral.

I can imagine that working out and making sense. If you think you have a stronger neutral game, then you can abuse it and say "fuck the meter", but some characters might abuse you for it and end every one with throw because they get the advantage in the neutral (think Reptile and his fast and long-reaching specials and normals).
OK bear with me, I don't see it making sense. I'm being juggled, I mash teching all day long.
They go for a throw, whatever it was MB or not. I just teched it for free. They lost both damage and frame advantage (whether on knockdown or restand).

So what's the point of being able to throw during the juggle?


Trust me, I'm a doctor
OK bear with me, I don't see it making sense. I'm being juggled, I mash teching all day long.
They go for a throw, whatever it was MB or not. I just teched it for free. They lost both damage and frame advantage (whether on knockdown or restand).

So what's the point of being able to throw during the juggle?
Because lets say you have a strong wake-up game, or I outclass you in the neutral up close (F/T, reptile, etc.)

Even if you get rid of my frame advantage, I still benefit greatly from you being in tech range because I still get a set-up or can keep pressure.
Likewise since you stood yourself up, you don't get the benefit of having a strong wake-up game.

Finally, you didn't cost me a bar so I still have breaker, X-ray, and all the rest. I benefit by being able to do my combo damage and restand you for free, removing pretty much any disadvantage that MBing the grab would put upon me. I simply lose the frame advantage for doing so.

However, if you guess right and don't tech the throw and I expect you to, you get out for free.
MB grab doesn't work like "oh I grab and then MB." Its pretty much you need to do it before the actual grab animation starts.
How do you put it, its like when you do a jump-in in Injustice you can't wait to see if they blocked and then decide to do something else.
You have to confirm your string into the jump and hope they didn't.
Reactions: SLy


I want Kronika to step on my face
Lets be serious here. These meter burn grabs that will lead into 50/50 will benefit a lot of characters and being stuck in a 50/50 situation sucks. Specially for those who always guess wrong. Now, i do believe that some characters will benefit from this more than others, but these grab can lead into some real crazy mix ups, block strings and set ups if you have the correct character. And on top of that, you can MB grab during a juggle? whatttt lol.

Imagine if Ferra/Tor puts you in a juggle thats already 40+% and he MB grabs you mid combo, then you are standing right in front of him and he can go for a command grab or whatever mix up he has.

I for one do not like these MB throws. But if they are going to be in for sure, then I guess ill be MB throwing all day.

MKX has only 3 bars. Not 4.

You have a little something called "BREAKERS".

You are F/T. You use one bar to start your combo and another to MB the throw. You just burned 2 bars. Did around 50% damage, I built enough meter to break and I did it. Now I have advantage and none of us have meter. But you did 50% damage.

A lot of characters in MK9 could do 45-50% damage combos for 2 bars, but did anyone ever do it? No, because we need the meter.

Say I didn't have enough meter to break. And you decided to burn all 3 bars to combo me and restand me and combo me again and did the round.

We start the next round, you have zero meter, I have a full stick of butter. Thank you very much.

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If you cant ech throws during combos they're legitmatley worthless, was looking forward to having the Melty Blood option of sacrificing damage for HKD.

Also people keep acting like ending in MB throw is ALWAYS going to be the ebst option but with how important meter game in MK is due to two meter cost breakers they will not be that big a deal.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
If you cant ech throws during combos they're legitmatley worthless, was looking forward to having the Melty Blood option of sacrificing damage for HKD.
I think it was confirmed you can tech throws during combos. Don't remember where, but I think they said Tyler said you could.
I can't imagine why you couldn't.


I want Kronika to step on my face
Because lets say you have a strong wake-up game, or I outclass you in the neutral up close (F/T, reptile, etc.)

Even if you get rid of my frame advantage, I still benefit greatly from you being in tech range because I still get a set-up or can keep pressure.
Likewise since you stood yourself up, you don't get the benefit of having a strong wake-up game.

Finally, you didn't cost me a bar so I still have breaker, X-ray, and all the rest. I benefit by being able to do my combo damage and restand you for free, removing pretty much any disadvantage that MBing the grab would put upon me. I simply lose the frame advantage for doing so.

However, if you guess right and don't tech the throw and I expect you to, you get out for free.
So the only advantage of being able to throw during the combo is the advantage you get when they tech your throw?! That doesn't make sense man.

I understand being able to tech a grounded throw after a string. But after a full juggle as a combo ender... just doesn't make sense.


I think it was confirmed you can tech throws during combos. Don't remember where, but I think they said Tyler said you could.
I can't imagine why you couldn't.
Because it's a throw in a combo, can't think of a single game that lets you end combos in a throw where you could tech them because that makes ending in that option useless.


I want Kronika to step on my face
To be fair, if MKX is to be similar to MK9 in regards to teching throws, there was still a legit guess between forward and back throw because the button to tech them was different. Fuudo for thought.
You could mash the two buttons. If you were to tech during a juggle, you don't have anything to lose if you mash. So why don't you just mash all the time...

Of course we don't know much about the game so there might be something we're missing here that changes there game. But from what I've seen so far, being able to tech a throw during a juggle doesn't make any sense.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Anyone else not fond of this? I was hoping they would get away from vortex setups, not make them more prominent. I'd just hate for this to be a game about getting the first hit and then ending every combo into a reset 50/50, rinse and repeat until dead or the other player guesses correctly. I know some character likely won't have an overhead and low option to make this happen, but the characters that do...

Maybe I'm alone?
To MB a throw you need meter. That means if you MB every throw, you won't have meter to break. If you are dominating you opponent to the point where you have enough meter to reset all you combs in to MB throw, I'd say you deserve to win.

That being, your opponent can tech your throw, thus negating you50/50 advantage, amounting in you wasting your bar.


A fat woman came into the shoe store today...
I don't get the argument. If you can tech a throw while being juggled, there's no reason not to mash it out 100% of the time. Worst case, they end with something else that you couldn't tech anyway? I can't imagine me teching a throw would ever be worse than eating it. Weird argument.

Now throw tech is constantly being mashed, which means throwing a juggled opponent is useless. I would be amazed if that's how they made it.