Hello folks. You probably noticed I just carved up this thread relating to a conversation that will NOT be allowed to continue. This thread is a good idea, and I am keeping it up instead of nuking it outright due to the kind of conversation that took place. I just wanted to issue a statement though.
Race, Color, Sexuality, Creed...these are very VERY serious things in people's lives. We do not insult other members about this, nor do we talk ill of things related to these as if they might be negative even if it relates to something as trivial as character design in a game. These statements hit HARD when we do. Generalize, but don't start saying "they look like ____ and thats why its bad" if the thing that fills in that blank is a part of a group that is a minority. Say you prefer them more muscular, or aggressive looking, but stating a slur of anykind even if its a minority you represent is not proper behavior.
Also we do not rise to bait to flame people who are circling the offensive regarding these things...you flag a mod and stop talking till its cleaned. Jumping in and trying to fight the fight leads to heated arguments that go Toxic VERY fast and no one wants to witness these sorts of arguments of "who said what and how it was meant to be taken".
Also I will say this...just being a part of something doesn't make it fair to use terms others can't say. If your black you still can't post the "N" word and the same goes for anything that would be a slur if said by someone regardless of context. We all have to play by the same rules and realize even if you are a part of some minority it still makes others uncomfortable to refer to it in slurs...especially online where no one may know whether you are a part of that Race, Creed, Color, or sexuality etc.
I'm leaving this thread up. Folks were warned for various behavior. I don't care who started it, how it snowballed downhill and who anyone feels is at fault...know ALL parties who said anything that went beyond a rule got warnings for each individual rule broken by that person. Don't try to argue about it, defend your side here or anything. That conversation and all things related to it aside from this notice will continue being removed to keep our boards clean and respectable. Some fights everyone ends up a loser in...take this for what it is. Me trying to be fair and in doing so having to hit EVERYONE who stepped out of line per rule broken. Be thankful I didn't go per instance.