Noobde didn't said she is out, he said her chances are slim.
I totally understand that her design was conceived as a high execution character, she also required a high strategy planning and good reaction in order to work, but that is what it makes her fun, and challenging, people didn't stuck to Skarlet trough the MK9 life span because she came out later as DLC, and her learning curve wasn't that easy, top tiers here on TYM asked me for advice, and then gave up after a few days after not because of the learning curve, but because at that time, everyone who stuck to their chars from the beggining were playing on a very different level and picking Skarlet to start from zero was like walking several steps backwards. Besides why would anyone main Skarlet when you could just pick Kabal which was more easy and more rewarding?
I kept changing characters in MK9 because i wasn't feeling like i could find one to stick, challenge factor was lacking.
I Started with Kitana due her combo potential, then switched to Lao, Scorpion, Kabal in that order... only later on when i picked Skarlet i found my challenge and it stuck.
From someone what went trough all cast for more than 3 weeks before start playing, i know what i felt when i picked that char, it was the very first time in my MK life that i found a character i would keep researching without bothering, everything about her design was amazing, the years passed and i think she was one of the most fleshed out characters ever, she had few representatives, tough luck but she was badass.
My point is, its a common thing to me playing high execution characters in any game, my archtype of character is the one that plays stupid fast and can start comboing from anything, generally these characters have overhead and low mixups and a strong situational offense, but have a weak defense.
So far in MKX, i haven't found this archtype yet, the closest one is Scorpion, but its not HER.
I know, of course man. I won't mind if she gets in I just think given Boon's answer it seems slim but who knows man, one of the other QC girls can get in you never know. Personally, I'd rather see either Kia, Sareena or Jataaka over Skarlet because 2 of those 3 haven't been explored in a fighting game so many possibilities.
Yeah I mean different guys have different requirements, time put in to adapt etc you know? The higher learning curve as you said. I think the DLC was part of it but also partially due to that higher margin of working with her, look at Rain. He was big for a while and CDjr even won a tourney with him. Skarlet I believe was one of the few characters bigger online IMO than offline. From my experience at least. Oh I agree with you on the why run to KL, Kabal and easy win character. I used Ermac, Scorpion and Sektor mostly....all mid tier characters that as you probably know as a Skarlet player are a struggle to go up against KL, Kabal etc but more rewarding when you do win. Chances are those players who whore the shit out of those guys know they'll get wrecked with mids and lows, so as I've said many times before I will always give more kudos to a player using a mid or low be it in tourneys or online being the underdog than someone who relies on "owee top tier I'll use him to win easy" mentality.
But lastly concerning so far, that's also to be considered we don't know the full roster yet and the 3 variations per character helps increase those chances of offering something unique for everyone's playstyle. I'm a zoning and keep away kind of player so I've already found an idea of who I'll use definitely Scorpion, Raiden and possibly try out Quan Chi but not sure yet. I'm still waiting for Fujin and Ermac or at least one of them...maybe Sektor if he's in but if he gets in I'll be surprised, I just think Cyrax's chances are greater for some reason.
All of your agruments always come down to "you aren't a true MK fan". As a fan I have the right to criticize on the roster. You just don't get it and no there is no "just use a male option" for most people. I don't care what those past games had back in the 90s. Stop trying to count Ferra that's like counting Blanch. Also 3 is not a few, I don't care about DLC nor do I care about the roster not being fully revealed. We as femme players would like to see them now as to see who we would like to play.
And what is your argument exactly? Cause sounds like it comes down to "No girl, NO buy fuck you NRS"
Not at all, I just call it how I see something. I've been playing MK since the first game, and like you I have opinions too. I wouldn't mind as much if someone was ripping the game for broken or greedy reasons(cough capcom cough) but because they don't put a female that pleases you per-se? Come on...Yes you have a right to an opinion, but I'm just saying there are those "fans" who say shit like "no Kitana, no buy" to me that's NOT A true fan. I know you didn't say that but to me that annoys me and those people come off as "posers" rather than fans, as I said dude if there were no females at all I'd totally agree with you and be like "ok no girls, that's" But we have 4 female characters, 3 of which playable and probably more since the roster isn't even done yet....the latter point you seem to be ignoring for whatever reason. I get it perfectly well, what you seem to be ignoring is what others who agree with me brought up like James, you do the math you HAVE options. How is Blanch like Ferra when Blanch doesn't fight? Ferra is used as an assist consistently where as Blanch is a oneshot deal...
I also brought up the Ferra point mind you cause I'm sick and tired of hearing people say "omg no girls wahh" 4 girls in a roster of 12 so far, that's a forth last time I checked and again roster isn't fully done...a few is really just a few as in 2 can even be considered a few. Well if you don't care about DLC or full roster why are you judging off NOW? That's silly...'re a chick? Opps sorry thought you were a guy that's a big Harley fan

but honestly just be patient. I just feel that some of you guys and girls, are acting as if there's no females what so ever....these games are hard work too, MK 1 had 4-5 guys now MK games have over 100....working on them.