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Red Hot Sunday Tournament - Nov 9th 2014 7pm est - Free Trip to KIT - No TOP 8 PLACERS ONLY Tourney

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Mouth of the Illuminati
Update from the Void! Pig of the Hut Speaks!
Blake banned Pig this week for lashing out on a mod in a status update who resigned as a mod but secretly didn't resign as a mod due to "begging".

Anyway Pig has no way to communicate with the community with players for the Red Hot Sunday Tournament for KIT or this Sunday.

So here's how it is going to work:

If you're scheduled for this Sunday them be there at 9pm est in the chat room "pigsstream" you may not play till 10 or 11 but be there ready, if you're not your match is cancelled if you're called up and not ready.

DO NOT flood his phone. If you have any questions about the TOURNAMENT contact him with any pressing needs at @bambamguitar on Twitter.

Tournament will remain on, and this Sunday come watch @WoundCowboy vs @EMPR_MURK in a must see rematch!

Also due to TYM incompetence Red Hot Sundays may stop after the tournament to avoid any further mod over-stimulation hassles.

See you Sunday on twitch.tv/streamofthehut


LOL Pig was banned for flaming a mod who no one knew was a mod because they made a big deal about resigning as a mod. New staff plz.
OK, serious question here:

If someone flames a mod for non-mod related reasons, how is that any different to someone flaming any other user on TYM? I mean if Pig had went apeshit on a mod by calling them a shitty mod or something that would be one thing, but if it's for something completely unrelated, what's the big deal? And if that's forbidden, then why am I allowed to blow up Rally Jackson or someone? Because I'm pretty sure people get blown up by another poster on a daily basis here. I say, in the interest of fairness, we should all get banned. Either that or the staff should lighten up. Whatever seems more sensible.


Let's ask ourselves what hurts the scene more: Someone having an issue with a mod on TYM, or someone who does so much for the community and is a huge asset on TYM being banned? I mean, I'm not saying Pig should get preferential treatment or anything, but just look at what the guy has done in the past couple of weeks alone, from his Sunday stream (which is about the best thing going on in the community right now) to the online tournament to earn a trip to Kit, etc... Seriously, Pig might be outspoken but if his biggest "crime" at the moment is that he has a problem with MikeMetroid, who just a few weeks ago resigned from his position as a mod (what happened to that, by the way?), then maybe we should let that slide in the interest of the bigger picture? No? Oh well...

PS: Pig's "offense" http://tinypic.com/r/20622vk/8

No, not the nicest thing to say, but hoping for someone to be in your pool is hardly ban-worthy.


I think it's kinda funny that the NRS community plays some of the most brutal fighting games ever.. all about beating people with their own limbs, slicing faces in half, eyes melting out of skulls.. yet its got some of the softest people I've ever met in it; who expect us to all hold hands and have tea parties.
Oh, the irony lol
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Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
This stemed on Facebook with pig telling a lot of community members they would never amount to anything among other things. Its classless and pure assholian. Im sure he will be unbanned and ill push for him to be unbanned. But fuck that guy.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
This stemed on Facebook with pig telling a lot of community members they would never amount to anything among other things. Its classless and pure assholian. Im sure he will be unbanned and ill push for him to be unbanned. But fuck that guy.
did anyone video it?
that would be good reading.

edit: Didn't finish what I was gonna say

Banning him on here for something not done on here is probably one of the silliest things i've ever seen.

No reason for that to happen.
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