Update from the Void! Pig of the Hut Speaks!
Blake banned Pig this week for lashing out on a mod in a status update who resigned as a mod but secretly didn't resign as a mod due to "begging".
Anyway Pig has no way to communicate with the community with players for the Red Hot Sunday Tournament for KIT or this Sunday.
So here's how it is going to work:
If you're scheduled for this Sunday them be there at 9pm est in the chat room "pigsstream" you may not play till 10 or 11 but be there ready, if you're not your match is cancelled if you're called up and not ready.
DO NOT flood his phone. If you have any questions about the TOURNAMENT contact him with any pressing needs at @bambamguitar on Twitter.
Tournament will remain on, and this Sunday come watch @
WoundCowboy vs @
EMPR_MURK in a must see rematch!
Also due to TYM incompetence Red Hot Sundays may stop after the tournament to avoid any further mod over-stimulation hassles.
See you Sunday on twitch.tv/streamofthehut